Post loads to comments.
compare to 4.29.09 (5×3)
Accessory Work
Front Levers 101
WU: 4 Rounds NFT
5 Forward Rolls
10 Kettlebell or Dumbbell Swings

Rebecca "SteinSquat"
Check out the Photo Set from our recent Level 1 Certification
Friend of the program, Rob Miller is featured today training at SBK on the Affiliate Blog
Statins and Rhabdomyolysis Robb Wolf
Dangers of Statin Drugs Weston Price Foundation
I hate having to do the blog in Safari! The spacing gets all messed up.
crossfit nicole did this yesterday:
800 meter run20 burpees40 1 pood kb swings60 35 lb overhead weighted lunges40 1 pood kb swings20 burpees800 meter run
27:03 – the weighted lunges killed me. swings were sets of 20 and burpees were 8 at a time.
you all should do that one, it sucked!
earlier i attempted to wake my sleepy ass up during baby nap time with 30 slow as molasses snatches at 65 lbs.
Nice lifting with malcolm.
95 105 115 125 135×2
125 was a struggle so i figured id do 135 my 1rm for 3. Came really close bit lost it by a wee bit at the top after 2. More focus and i would have been there.
See you all in 2 weeks.
False alarm on the lost wallet! Left it at home, phew.
ohs 65×5 75×5 80×5 90×5 100×0
Very stressful lift, felt like I finally have the flexibility to do it somewhat correctly, by the last set I was just pooped though. Thanks to Peter and Tushar for helping.
Congrats to Jonathan on the PR, and thanks to Jeremy for the pointers.
That was fun. I didn’t think I was going to get even one round of OHS and was pretty sure before I even stepped foot in the box I would be backsquatting. In previous attempts I couldn’t even manage my balance with the empty bar and my first shot at just the bar was more of the same. Then I started thinking more about the stuff I’ve been working on with Deb 🙂 and it just happened. Did 2 sets with just the 22# bar, another 2 at 32 and a final set at 37. Marshmellow weight, but I am really stoked to have not fallen over. YEA!!! 🙂 Thanks Deb!!
Off to DC this week and Marisa’s yoga retreat next weekend (still a few spaces for anyone that wants to get away to the farm and get flexible), so I’ll be back the week after that.
65×5,75×5,80×3,85×2,80×5. First time doing a wod w ohs. Worked with leo who gave me some great pointers. Thanks to shane and david for the help too. Look forward to doing ohs again.
Warm up:x310 kb swings, 1 pood5 forward rolls
Ground based mobility moves
OHS 5×5(45×5, 95×5, 115×3)135×5, 145×5, 150×5, 155×2, 155×2 or 3?I’ll get you next time, 155.
Saved the lever practice for in class demos. This is the first time I’ve ever worked out before a weekend class.
Great classes today, everyone!!!
This was fun and I learned a lot.
Warmed up at 45X5 and 65X5. Then 105×5, 115×5, 125×1, 125×2, 125x5pr.
I figured out on the last set that if I took a narrower grip I could support the weight long enough to squat. For someone like me where pressing strength is the limiting factor a narrow grip is great.
Warm up: 4 rounds,10 kb swings @12kg (tried out power swinging which was fun.)5 forward rolls.
Front lever practice was intense.
OHS: (45×5,45×3, 65×3)65×5,70×5,75×3,75×5,80×5
The 45lb warm-up felt heavy, but then the subsequent weight jumps didn’t seem much different. My first set at 75lbs was silly – I was in my fourth rep when I thought “am I spotting on something? oh, yes, that point there” and of course that was distraction enough for me to get a tiny bit out of alignment and bail. oh well.
Nice to see Jenna!
always good lifting with mcgrath. 95, 115, 125, 135×4, 135×3
I haven’t done OHS since I first started at cfsbk more than a year ago. I remember bailing w/95lbs wokring w/jacinto though
Hated to miss this one but had to be at work. Maybe Ill make it up tomorrow.
Have fun Sameer and everyone else taking the end of the summer vacations.
Everyone else Ill see you tomorrow.
OHS: been quite a while, but really like this movement and felt great to get below parallel again, it’s been too long.
good lifting with paul again. dan, thanks for the pointers it felt much better getting below parallel than just above, and margie, i think a tad wider stance will definitely help.
(bar, 65)95, 115, 125, 135×2 135×1 135
Bummed to have missed this because of a wedding that needed attending. Like Shawn, perhaps I can do some practice on it today when I come in.
Shoulder Prep:10 reps of each movements of the rotary cuff activation protocol @ an impressive 1 lb…5 reps each arm @ 12KG of turkish getups.PVC dislocates.Front and back lever work.
OHS:(45×8, 65×8)95×5, 115×5, 135×3, 125×5, 135×4
Need to continue to strengthen my shoulder; will get my 185×3’s back and beyond.
Chilled with Malcolm, Laurel, Ryan, and Jon at the park for a bit before heading to Lululemon and felt a little evangelical when discussing CrossFit…
Decided to run back home, alternating running every other block.
Worked on strengthening my shoulders when I got home.
3 rounds of 10 reps each (NFT):Ring push-upsRing rowsRing dipsKB Swings each arm
Not painful, but hardly what one would call comfortable. Shoulder felt much better. Will add pullups to the list, and eventually upgrade to muscle-ups.
Will plan on doing light, overhead KB walking lunges tomorrow and more turkish getups.
Also need to practice:PistolsWall-ballRowingThrustersSDHPHandstandsHandstand pushups
Learned a great deal about refining my deadlift, and Tabata squats are no joke. 7 was my minimum, I’m a little disappointed but it gives me an incentive to go harder next time.
Hello Crossfit South Brooklyn. This is my first post so here goes. We did a ridiculous amount of squats in Saturdays Foundation class, and my legs were a little sore, but a run on Monday took all the pain away, can’t wait for Wednesday’s class.
175lbs PR Thanks CFSB for my PR
Sat. August 15, 2009: Did Foundations class 2 wrapping up with Pushup ladder. Got up to 7 full pushups/minutes and minute 8 was on my knees.
Wednesday August 19: Foundations Class 3AMRAP for 7 minutes7 Burpees11 Box jumps
Got to 3 and change with modified burpees (stepping out and pushups on knees). I feel like a wuss but the warmup pushups had tuckered me out!