As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-Ups
15 Squats
Feel free to cut volume and do "mini Cindy" which is a 10 minute amrap.
Post rounds to comments.
compare to 12.1.08 and 9.10.08
Accessory Work
Foam Roll Love
Jeff Martin on Intensity CF Affiliate Blog
Dan Rx'd says
Damn, guessed the wrong girl. On the brightside, I think this is my third date with Cindy… Last time was with chest to bar pullups. If memory serves it was 12 completed rounds.
Standard for Games pullups keeps changing. What are we thinking here: keep C2B, or go with middle of the neck, or just chin over bar?
David McG says
red hook pool swim this morning
4 laps waiting for gabrus2x3 warm up1x24 each lap different, skill, sprint… leaders choice.
David says
It’s H.O.T. hot and humid today.. Please drink Plenty of Water before today’s WOD and bring some water to drink during.
Warm-up x312 Pull-ups12 Med ball Tosses w/bozLever practice
21-15-9MHPC @ 135K2E10: something
Did the snatch version of this last time at 95#, this felt heavier (obviously) but actually quite comparable and resulted in a similar time domain.
jack says
This is great- tonight it’s Cindy, then on the weekend it’s Mindy.Mindy: Eat as much as I like of the worst foods possible on the weekend, then come in on Monday and bitch about it.
annemal says
This is from the Intensity Article on the Affiliate blog…
Don’t be a big baby; it doesn’t help. We all hurt. Resolve to move forward without complaint. We have a large bottle in our box marked YBF. Spray some on and continue: You’ll Be Fine.
Hilarious. I think we should get a bottle of that.
Dan Rx'd says
Anne — I have chewable YBF tablets, yum!
David says
Today’s wod with adrian
Carry the keg around the block, you alternate between zercher and bearhug holds. Every time you put the keg down it’s 5 burpees for both of you.First lap 16:30
Carry the keg around the block anyhow, same penalty system.13:10
Zercher carry is phenomenally hard
paul says
20 rounds + 5 pullups + 5 pushups. my previous pr was 15 rounds so I’m really happy with this. 7.5 rounds in the first 5 minutes then kept it steady after that, except at the end when I totally gassed at around 18 minutes.
Anne Ishii says
13 rounds, 5 pullups, 5 pushups. With green band.(Invoking Charlton Heston) Damn you, Pushups! Damn you to helllll!
cloyde says
10 rounds. 5 rounds of pullups without band and 5 rounds with the white band. shoulder did not give out on the pushups which is surprising. during the jacinto storn after 45 p/u i had to go to the knees. we’ll see how they feel in the morning.
unfortunately i went to the scale to see of i gained any weight from these last few weeks of eating and the answer is NO. still 149.5 that .5 is killing me, i wouldn’t feel so bad if i saw a 150 but 149 is just unacceptable. ive been forcing myself to eat to no avail.
Erik K. says
17 rounds + 5 pull-ups + 7 push-ups
4 pull-ups and 7 push-ups more then last time, so a small improvement.
Push-ups quickly broke into sets of 5-3-2. If I’m going to get to an 18th round, it might be wise to try to break 6-4. Also, quicker squats.
I’m wrecked. I do love Cindy.
Margie says
12 plus 5 pullup, 5 pushups. Pretty much on par with my last Cindy. Was hoping to hit 13. So close!
Margie says
Oh and Cloyde – that scale is typically one pound light, so you are probably 150.5!
tal says
16 rounds, my first Cindy :)Push ups turned out to be the hardest part, gotta work on that.
David Mak says
My first Cindy as well, what a gal.13 rounds + 5 pull ups + 3 push upsI was hoping for a little better but the push ups KILLED me. First three rounds were easy then they degenerated into 3’s and 2’s. It’s added to the list.
Anne – Excellent Heston!
Dan Rx'd says
Cindy C2B: 15 rounds, 5 pullups, 4 pushups.
Pushups are my nemesis now, shoulder was only mildly unhappy when the chalk settled.
Squats used to be slow, they’ve improved substantially in cycle time — used my squats an opportunity to chalk up for the pullups.
Pullups were all C2B and felt like active recovery.
Chris Fox says
First Full Cindy!!!
16 rounds + 5 pulls + 10 pups
hands tore open, again apparently I’ve got sissy skin.
Great working next to Paul, who beat his previous Cindy PR.
Cheers, ‘yall
Jessica says
Those 20 minutes with Cindy were tough! I got 9 rounds, 3 pullups (green band). The pullups kill me. I just don’t have that strength. Pushups also suck, but it was easier for me to break those up. Thanks Shane for getting me in and out of that damn band. Nice job to all you bad asses!
gabrus says
i got 11 rounds5 pullups10 pushups9 squats
I could not get my squats fast enough. I was rested by the time i got to pullups and pushups, which were all unbroken.
stephanie says
just shy of 8 rounds. 7, 5 pull ups, 10 push ups, 12 squats
(last 2 pull ups w/ white band due to major hand skin issues, last 5 push ups on knees to try to get the full 8th round)
i said it right after the wod but i’ll say it again – its TOUGH getting back into it. i’m usually pretty hard on myself in terms of PRing but i’ve decided for the next 2 weeks to just come to class with no expectations and work my way back up. stupid swimming, biking and running! 🙂
Adam Pomata says
10 round – green band, modified P/Us at round 65 pull-ups2 push-up
Really concentrated on good form at the expense of speed.
Samir Chopra says
11 rounds – green band (in retrospect, I should have gone strict first and then switched to a blue later). Next time. Still, seeing how sore my right shoulder was afterwards, perhaps it wasn’t such a bad idea.
A big thanks to Shane for all the help and corrections.