30 Pull-ups
50 Thrusters, 45lbs
Row 1000m
Post time to comments.
Compare to "Jackie" 6.20.09
Accessory Work
Barbell Rows
More Ring Inversions!
Vincent is someone you want on your team.
Alec and Deb's Shoulder Seminar
This weekend's course will include some basic anatomy. Why not get a head start on the educational process and learn the three bones which comprise the shoulder girdle? This picture identifies the Clavicle, Scapula and Humerus of the right arm. Here you can see how those same three bones sit on the rib cage.
Try to locate these three bones on yourself:
Your Clavicles are the horizontal bones that sit just below your neck and reach across your chest
Your Humerus is simply your upper arm bone
Your Scapulas are the two "pizza" shaped bones on your upper back
This Seminar is SOLD OUT
Looking forward to seeing everyone that signed up this Sunday, August 2nd from 1:30-4:00pm
Our "SQUAT OFF" with CrossFit NorCal will be held this Saturday! Athletes will have three attempts to find a 1 rep max on the Barbell Squat. Both high bar and low bar squats are legal, the athlete must simply break parallel and return to full extension with the bar on their back. We'll be talking about 1RMs and practicing the movement all this week.
Margie goes Main Site CrossFit.com
And here I thought we were doing weighted pullups today. This looks hard… but fun.
red hook swim this morning. nice to be in the water on a humid ass day.
swim ladder. warm up till you get to 4. descending laps, work on stroke.1, 12, 23, 343, 32, 21, 12 cool down
So Mr. Mxyzptlk, you strike again…
At least now there’s no incentive to go easy on the row. Willing to bet we’re faster on this workout by 30 seconds to a minute than compared to Jackie.
Yes, why aren’t we doing weighted pullups as scheduled?
Damn. Im missing all the fun stuff!.Or is all the stuff just fun?
I have to say–the rest seems to really help with recovery. All the nagging pains I’ve had are noticeably better now. I have an appointment with Deb today, so hopefully by the weekend I’m back to as close to 100%
Hmmm, maybe we’re getting the leg work from the Thrusters and the Row out of the way and do Weighted Pullups tomorrow so we’re fresh for Saturday’s squat off?
Margie, clearly those 30 pullups are weighted… ๐
Shawn/ others, can you give me Deb’s number and info? I’m seeing my sports med guy for my back today, but it’d be nice to see someone who knows what crossfit is. (Also, glad the time off’s helping!)
Guys please refrain from leaving other people’s email addresses on the blog. If someone requires contact information for a third party please give it to them OFF the blog. Thanks!
Tamar: I heard you met Lisa the other day! awesome. we are taking over.
I thought I would throw you guys all for a Loop. We’re going to finish the weighted Pull-ups after Squats on Saturday or perhaps even Sunday.
Then we’ll back off for about a week before starting the next MEBB cycle.
and umm btw
GO MARGIE!!! Your first time on Mainsite!!!
I’m slowly catching up on my reading after being gone for July!
CONGRATS Charlotte & Nick. Hope everyone is happy and healthy! Can’t wait to meet Linus. ๐
Great pic, Margie!
Looking forward to seeing the SBK crew again.
And finally….a great article on the Games:http://www.againfaster.com/articles/the-lions-ovation.html#comments
Did you see this article?http://www.slate.com/id/2223745/
What a location to be doing muscle-ups! Nice work Margie!
I am about to eat half of a gluten free ginger cookie that my mother brought me in May and that has been languishing in my freezer since… I haven’t had a cookie in months and I suddenly want one desparately. I am heating it in the oven and will smother it in butter like toast. What causes cravings like this?
Shane — oops, sorry!! Laurel — I’m sending that article to my glu-fru friend (who resents having anything in common w/ Elisabeth Hasselbeck!)
Warm-up x3:10 Barbell BO Rows (95/115/125)10 OH Rot. Lunges w/Sledgehammer:15 L-Sit on Parallettes
“eikcaJ”7:20 as Rx’d30 Pull-ups Unbroken50 Thrusters Unbroken1K Row ~4:08
:09 faster than “Jackie”Seems like what I intentionally paced on the row for regular Jackie got unintentionally paced due to fatigue on eikcaJ
12:36 as Rx’d. My Jackie time was a good minute slower, and I had to do jumping pull-ups because thrusters destroy me. Of course, I had a sorry-ass row, but I managed to finish kinda strong after burping up some vomit at the 800-meter mark. Whee!
For the record, I made it a block uphill before stopping for a beer.
I’m leaving for Joe Williams’ wedding Friday morning and then I’m on vacation in Cali until August 9th. See y’all on the 10th.
11:30~ (40#db, RR) did ring rows in 15,10,5 thrusters in 15,10,10,10,5.
surprisingly no shoulder issues at all. we’ll see how it is when i wake up. should’ve sprinted the last 250m or so. i was sooooo gassed at the end though, jeeebus.
6:58. this crushes my “jackie” time of 9:08. pullups were broken up 21-9, took a few breaks during the thrusters and rowed right around 3:30. thrusters were definitely the hardest piece of this wod for me.
12:0450 seconds faster than Jackie. I think it is because I can do pullups now.I think we should change the name of the workout to Jackwards
13:16 [scaled with white band pull-ups]
This is 1:21 slower than my Jackie time, although I did that with jumping pull-ups and a 35lb barbell thruster. This was my first white band wod and it worked out great! Thrusters were the hardest part. Could’ve gone faster on the row, but I felt like my forearms were so tired I might lose my grip on the handle if I pushed to hard with my legs. (Plus my hands were very sweaty.)
9:25. Did the pull-ups on the rings. New movement for me. Enjoyed it! need more practice on those rings. Did manage a muscle up too but really need to work on my form. Today was my first attempt at a muscle up.
Warm up – 3 rounds of BO barbell rows (75lbs) and 20 sec inversions”eikcaJ”8:10 as Rx’d20, 10 Pull-ups25, 15, 10 Thrusters1K Row No idea what my time was, maybe around 3:50ish
ShawnS – come back already, man.Paul – Rockin’ time!Vincent – I saw your muscle up, nice and congrats!
15:39 with 35lb thrusters. That is a whopping 3 minutes more than my Jackie time, presumably because I did jumping pull-ups for Jackie and kipping pull-ups for eikcaJ.
Thanks to everyone who counted me through those thrusters, was really struggling with the heat until someone turned the fan towards me. ๐
13:07 which is just a few seconds faster than my Jackie time.
My legs were really fatigued going into this workout so I believe things would go faster on a different day. I think Jackie is the more challenging of the two. The row, in both cases, is pretty damned hard, but for different reasons.
12:37.. but I have no Jackie to compare to because I was out of commission for shoulder pain when we did Jackie. Thanks to Deb, didn’t have any such troubles today!
David and later Nicole gave me the same advice – do 25 thrusters in the first set. I tried and failed. I’m not good at cycling them yet. I think it is a mental problem.
Accessory: Handstand practice – first time playing with handstands on parallettes. Lots of fun.
I recommend we call this wod Jackie from behind!
Thanks to CF and CFSBK, I’m cleared for all exercise and movements 50 days after ACL reconstruction. A miracle!
This was my last workout at CFSBK. It has been a pleasure training with all the members here, and Cheyne and I will miss the camaraderie and friendships that the culture of the gym facilitates. The CFSBK community is unique, even for a crossfit gym, and it is one of the few things I enjoyed during my tour in New York. I pray the box will remain one of the few shining lights of humanity in the monstrosity that is NYC.
Hit me up if you get out to HI, and we’ll work some functional fitness and get in the water for a surf.
xo xo,Grant
That was fun, much faster then my Jackie time. About 30 seconds after getting off the rower my arms started KILLING me. I don’t know that they’ve ever felt that kind of pain from a crossfit wod. Luckily it subsided after a couple minutes.
Managed a set of 22 pull-ups before I came off the bar.
Thrusters started with a set of 30 before I had to break them up.
As for the row, that just sucked. I don’t know how much time I could trim from that. Luckily Shane helped me stay somewhat focused.
I’m already thinking of Feb 14, 2010 as the new St. Valentines Day Massacre. 2000 meters. Oh boy.
Jackwards: 11:20
PUs 15 blue, 15 GreenThrusters 20lb DBs.
Thanks David Mak and Sarah for pushes…
10:28 which is about a minute and a half slower than Jackie; however did jumping pull-ups on Jackie and used the blue band today. Thrusters were tough… didn’t feel like I was getting the right pop from my hips to get the bar overhead. Row was pretty consistent pace at approx 2:00 minutes.
Dmak I forgot you were coming back this week or I mightve delayed my break.
I really want to do eikcaJ.But had an appoint with eibbeD.Saw some immediate improvement to my posture and learned a lot of new info.
In regards to Jackwards, I think I can knock out the pullups a lot quicker at the beginning.
Im pretty strong with thrusters, but I wonder how finishing the row would be. We shall see soon…
Way better than Jackie.9:06, a full 1:34 faster than Jackie.Pullups were 22/8 because my hands got sweaty. I think I could have done them unbroken but I was a little spooked of falling off the bar.Thrusters still suck, and the row was pure murder, but I am much happier with this time.
Played with muscle ups, one arm bar hangs, handstands and skin the cats afterwards.
Congratulations Vincent on the muscle up. I feel like there are a number of people who are very close right now.
I’m really sad to see Grant and Cheyne go. You guys have been an awesome addition to the gym as athletes and as friends. You’ll both be missed and I hope that you’ll come back and visit some day. And I am definitely trying to take you up on the invitation to surf in HI. Safe travels back Grant. Don’t be a stranger with inappropriate comments
Today’s madness: 6:41
Unbroken PullupsUnbroken ThrustersCrappy row
Pullups were ugly, shoulder felt a little off, couldn’t find the sweet spot for my hand width and kept moving my hands between reps looking that a comfortable spot. In 30 reps, didn’t find it.
Thrusters were miserable, went to that “unhappy” place for the last 20. Was good to have Willie there across from me. Kept me motivated not to put the weight down, because I’m competitive like that…
Was stoked to come off the pullups bar around 40 seconds in and then finish the thrusters by the 2:30 mark.
Too bad the row took me over 4 minutes to finish… Simple solution: Row More. Can’t wait for the CRASH B’s
Did more PNF of my hamstrings before class, and it totally help.
Will miss Cheyne and Grant, you two ROCK!
Mad props to:Malcolm – for making a frightening multi-limbed sweat angel.Margie – for kicking butt despite fatigued legs.Anne – so glad to have you back in class!Grant – for giving me a hug and being inappropriate as well.Gabrus for boosting my self-esteem mid plank.Ryan – who rocked it with a ridiculous time of 6:12.Nick – who I can only hope is going to kick my ass and make a better rower out of me.And extra props to whomever is reading this absurdly long entry/shout out.
I’m not sure of my time but I think it was 15:36. My pullups really suck so it took forever. However, I should maintain perspective. When I came to Foundations, I couldn’t do a single one. Now I can do five or six strict. So I guess thats some improvement. This was a pretty hard workout for me. But I’ll remember this time and hope to better it the next time around.
Thanks to everyone (Mike, Josh, Gabrus, Shane etc) for helping out. Much, much appreciated.
Grant and Cheyne, best of luck to you both, we’ll miss you here at CFSB even if the city doesn’t! Safe travels.
28 pull-ups, slip off bar, dramatic crash. Gasps from onlookers. Gash on elbow. 2 more pull-ups.
Thrusters were 20 10 10 5 5. I should have gone faster here. I need to break the habit of pacing myself too much in the middle round of wods.
Row was around 4 minutes I think. I couldn’t have done much better. The harder I pull the more my pace stays the same. I suck at rowing.
Just finished today’s WOD..
Can barely type this..
9:06 2 min plus faster than Jackie. Next time I am shooting for unbroken thrusters.
Jules? how do you invite me out and then no show………..
eikcaJ as Rx’d 6:55 on Thu morning.Did this after the pleasurable WOD of DU’s and Dead Hangs. Today was much faster than my Jackie time. I think I would’ve been a bit faster had my forearms not been jacked from the earlier WOD.