Each rep will be taken from a dead start
Accessory Work
Ring Inversions
Ring Dip Strength work
Check out Peter's garage gym set up in Wisconsin! "CrossFit Peter", as it were.
August Foundations is SOLD OUT
CFSBK promotes KB usage! LiftKettlebells.com
What's new in Python 3.0? Abstruse Goose (for our programmers)
Damn, i want to deadlift….
Btw, anyone signing up early for Brooklyn Boulders discount?
Whats the consensus? Does it look like we’ll be able to work a deal out with them?
I want a garage gym…and a garage…
Hadn’t read Abstruse Goose before. Going back I found this…
Sums up my view pretty exactly.
mm garage. how i pine for the days of having a garage.
i want a garage.and a lift.
mmm, lift.
After deadlifting on Saturday I was dubious about pushing myself too hard on this today.
Warmed up and then did 223 and 253, but my back started rounding at 273 so I stopped after one rep. Went down to 135 and played with Sumo deadlifts. Felt much better as far as keeping my back set. Did 223 then a single at 273 where my back stayed tight but I realized I was sufficiently tired that I should just pack it in.
Great lifting with you Ryan, those were some pretty big deadlifts.
Afterwards played on the rings doing inversions and skin the cats. Then did a couple of muscle ups and a few handstand pushups.
Hey guys – the shot of Jen on the rings on the mainsite is where David and I were yesterday!
315, 335, 355, 375x1F, 375
Last two on the final round were ugly, but I’ve been feeling like I haven’t been pushing myself, so I’m glad I stayed with them. All in all, I’m pleased with the numbers. Doing a set of 3 with a pause between each is a whole different game. The first on each felt pretty smooth, but then the vacation is over and it gets hard quick. Also, it was tough on the hands. Not maintaining the grip, but the bar biting into the fingers.Fun times. Thanks for the help Dan and Shane.
Warm-up: 12 OHS@42lb, 15 db swing@30lb, 20 sec lateral planks each side. Three rounds.
Deadlifts: (75×5,95×3,125×3)150×3,160×3,170×3,180×1
I too did a max set of singles on Saturday, and could feel it today. Last time I did something similar, but got two reps at 180, so I was happy that despite being pre-fatigued, I got back to 180. Looking forward to the deadlifting cycle.
Accessory: 3×10 kipping pull-ups.
Deadlifting cycle. Did someone say deadlifting cycle? I’m missing front squats already… Yuck.
Warm up:
PNF of my hamstrings.20 air squats20 wall ball shots with 20lbs medicine ball.20 OHS with the PVC
3x:10 OHS @ 45lbs15 Dumbbell swings @ 40lbs20 seconds laterial (right) plank20 seconds laterial (left) plank
Deadlifting:(135×8, 185×5, 225×4, 275×3)315×3, 335×3, 355×3, 375×3, 385×1.25, 385×3
needed to get comfortable with this whole lift, put it down, standup, reset, go again. Definitely makes the lifts harder as we lose the rebound, but I like this much more.
So I was stoked when I managed to lift 315 with a normal grip, and it felt light! Then Erik revealed to me it was 275 I just pulled. Damn!
Anyway, went on to do 315 with a normal grip, and it didn’t suck too much. Grip failed on the third rep though; switched to mix grip for all other lifts.
5th set I tried a slightly different foot positioning and although I was able to get the weight off the ground for the second rep, it just wouldn’t go past that.
Erik gave me some motivation to hit it again for a 6th set. I’m sure my technique for the last two reps was ugly, but I was happy with them.
Really prefer lifting this way. Feels way more legit than touch and go, plus I enjoy the emphasis on technique.
Methinks I’ll be lifting much heavier long term now that we’ve adopted this style (not that I’ll give up touch and go in the WoDs for time).
Had a kick ass time lifting with Erik. All the caffeine set me off. Was riding the endorphine high and caffeine fix for a few hours afterwards.
I’m still a little wired now actually.
Great to see folks from the recent foundation class rocking it!
And I want a loft, with 30 foot ceilings and 6000 square feet of open space. Tumbling mats, rings, a pommel horse, and a balance beam.
A few bars, 600lbs of bumbers, a squat rack, pullup rig, lifting platform, and while I’m at it, the ability to adjust oxygen levels in a tent.
And no neighbors for 500 yards in any direction.
Deadlift:150, 160, 170×2, 165x1then a few reps at 95 to practice form. A weak day but fun day. 🙂
500 yds? i want 3 miles.
and a soundsystem you can hear 2 miles away.
Deadlift: 235, 255, 275, 285, 295=prHoping to break 300 next timeI reallly like the recent warmup cycle, it gets me going and sweaty for the main work. I still suck at pullups and double unders, but they will come.
Way to go, Jack!
Great lifting with Brian who broke one PR after another. I managed to pull 330 lbs and was quite satisfied.
I’m swapping continents for a couple of weeks and, of course, I’m gonna miss our unique community. See you all in September.
Last night, FSQs – worked up to 125, failed at 132 and 127.
Tuesday AM1500m pace row (2:50-2:20) wasn’t holding my pace very well and somehow ended up doing 2:30 for 600m
DL 5×3(75x5x2;95×5;115×3;135×3)155×3;165×3;175×3;180×1;180×2
Modified AccessoryAMRAP in 5 min10 zercher lunges w 25# bag (5R, 5L)5 burpees4 rnds plus 8 lunges
legs were pretty pooped by the WOD
Hey Earthlings! Come to Wisco and enjoy the garage! Today I combined the front squats–got up to 125 on the last one. And the partner WoD from the other day. Alas, no partner, so I just cut everything in half and did it by myself.50 Burpees68 Box jumps 20″100 squats19 minutes flat
Max deadlift last week: 225×3
Didn’t expect a big day (my lower back is feeling pretty rocked) and didn’t have one.
275, 285, 295, 305×1, 305×1
I haven’t had many pr’s since joined CFSB, but I can feel them coming.
Warm up: 3 rounds of 12 squats w/45lb bar in back squat position, 15 DB swings (40lbs), 30 second side plank each side.
Deadlift: 185X3, 225X3(PR), 255X3 (PR), 255X3, 255X4, 260X3(PR). I started rounding my back slightly on the 255 so I stuck there to try to dial in the form. The last set was OK but rounded out a little more. Need to work on form.
Cooled down with a somewhat easy 1000m row trying to maintain a 1:50 split. Not bad, ended up at a 1:47 split with a total time of 3:37.Great to be back in Brooklyn!!