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compare to 7.6.09
Accessory Work
Tabata Wall Ball
Ring Inversions
Thanks to everyone for the thoughtful responses to yesterdays rest day question. It's obvious there are many reasons why we stay fit beyond the mental and physical benefits. I think success with CrossFit requires dedication, integrity and a strong sense of personal responsibility. These traits are common in our athletes and responsible for the strength of our community.
(except Jack)
CrossFit Virtuosity finally gets a home all it's own. Congratulations Keith, Sam and everyone else from the CFV Crew. Keep your eyes peeled everyone, this program is gonna spread like wild fire.
While checking out the Virtuosity site, I came across their 100 day six-pack challenge. Since I have limited discipline when it comes to nutrition, the group challenge thing is appealing to me, so maybe we could start something similar? Anyone else interested?
I might be in for some kind of nutrition challenge, but I am not sure if I want to sign up for 100 days. I have been planning on trying to gain weight in the fall, so maybe a 60 day challenge would be more in lines with my goals.
I do like the idea of logging all food intake though.
I am Bjorn, though my self discipline around food leaves much to be desired. Also, David’s picking on me gives me a huge appetite for junk food.
remember you can track your food and log it in beyondthewhiteboard. i’ve played with it myself. its not too bad to set up, honestly. i am hoping that they consider pre-loading some of the performance menu meals so that when i make some of those i don’t have to go back and enter all the stuff myself. but we’ll see.
I am leery of committing to a diet challenge of any kind because I want to be able to listen to my body and adapt what I eat to how I feel. I don’t think I’ve dialed in the perfect diet for myself, but I’m not sure I fully accept the paleo list or my zone allowances (I need salt and feel that fatty meats are healthy plus I have difficulty eating my allotted carbs.) I keep reading and tweaking things and seeing how I feel, so can’t be sure of an exact diet to commit to… at least, not yet.
I am interested, so would be likely to follow along (especially if Malcolm were doing it) but without the whole burpee punishment aspect.
My previous post didn’t seem to take. I’m interested in altering my diet for improved performance and recovery — especially from injury.
Aesthetics, 6 packs, whatever. That’s just gravy.
Dan dont you already have 10 pack?
I agree though, I;ve been looking into foods that will help with my recovery and energy for workouts.
Ive always heard/read about people saying “I ate x before my workout and I felt so great.”
For me food has never had that immediate effect (positive or negative).
I mean I feel happy when I get to eat a steak, but thats about as far as it goes.
Id love to find something that helps improve recovery time (if only slightly) so I can be ready for my next workout.
Awesome picture by the way!
What’s with all the talk about weight gain? First Jeremy, now Malcolm… I put on 25 pounds this winter and I can’t say that it’s done anything for me.
For me there’s a wide gap between theory and practice when it comes to food. I’ve read all the relevant books and know what I should be doing; when I go through periods of limiting carbs and processed foods I definitely feel better, but then I regularly fall back into the ice cream/pastry/sugar habit.
Push Jerks at the FY:95×3 – 115×3 – 125×3 – 135×3 – 145×3
First time ever I put anything over 115 lbs overhead, a bit wobbly, plus at the Y I never feel like I can bail without giving someone a heart attack, which makes for extra anxiety, so I stopped at 145. Hopefully heavier PJs are in my near future.
I wanted to check in and say hi, since I’m out of commission with a strained patellar tendon after Sunday’s murderous dumbbell snatch/split jump combo.
Thanks to Erik for dropping this in the comments yesterday:
The writer, Spencer Hall, is a colleague and good friend of mine who recently recovered from a broken back suffered at CrossFit South Decatur while doing weighted pull-ups (he fell off the bar). I can’t thank him enough for introducing me to CF.
I miss sweating in the Lyceum’s stagnant hotbox. Hope to be back in action soon.
When I was a serious runner in the past I was always one to feel the immediate effects of food on my body and performance. In other workouts I feel it less, but find that even others who are less sensitive can find patterns in how they feel or perform, even if it isn’t obvious.
A food program or challenge doesn’t have to mean that you ignore your body’s needs for what someone else says. On the contrary. The idea is to get you eating foods that typically make you feel great and to find out for yourself what works so you are inspired and motivated to keep it up.
Since I have experience guiding people through nutrition programs (currently the cleanse), I’d love to have some of us play around with this and share what are hopefully more practical ideas to make them more likely to stick than other things have in the past.
Would love to come to workout today but am helping out a colleague and subbing to teach her Spinning class. Away tomorrow through the weekend, but will share what I can come up with while away for any ideas for a CFSBK specific paleo program!
Red Hook Pool swim.25 mile warm up.25 mile. stroke and breathing 3, 4, 5, 6. increasing each lap.
gabrus and i are going again friday if anyone’s interested.
lap swimming M-F 7-8.30am/7-8.30pm
Warm up:45# press x5push press x5push jerk x565# push press x3
WOD (all push jerks)95#x3115#x3125#x3135#x3125#x2.5
Accessory:Tabata wall ball 20#: 65 reps
This was one of the first times it felt like my strength gave out before my lungs. Not sure what – if anything – it means, but that ball got heavy towards the end.
I’d be down for some sort of 100 day challenge, but probably can’t start till I get back from Costa Rica in the third week of August…
push presswarm up: 45*5, 65*5wod: 95*5 all reps (taking it easy on the left shoulder)accessory: tabata wall ball 14# ~60 (really didn’t keep count just kept throwing)
i think the nutrition challenge is a great idea. since i started crossfit ive slowly eased myself into a combination of paleo foods in zone quantities and its not as hard as it seemed at first. im still in the process of tweaking it because my metabolism is off the charts and i have some other health issues that i have to be cognizant of. but its just like shannon said you dont have to jump off a cliff into some crazy thing. we’ll just have to do a foundations class for our challenge.well im gona go ice my shoulder and watch the terminator pt1
warm up 45, 6595×4, 115×3, 125×2, 120×2, 95×4, 95×3
Had trouble with my wrists with the heavier weights. Even when I was warming up at 45lbs I felt some pressure on my right wrist.
Im learning to jump the bar off my chest and make it weightless with the dip,but still dont feel like hips are opening and closing fully. It still seems like Im mostly push pressing.
Tabata wall balls,did something like 52.
Ring inversions are fun,will work on them more.
Laurel this is for you and the other women of CFSBK. Keep doing what you do!
Snatch high pull & muscle snatch @ 60# x4
3 position snatch (floor, below knee, mid thigh) @ 52 x4 and at 57×1
Push Jerk x365, 70, 75, 80, 85did not max on this since I’m focusing on a better rack position and have some fears of slamming my chin.
ring dips 5×3
First workout after a much needed 5 day rest.
Great to be back with the cool kids at SBK! So many new faces, I look forward to getting to know everyone.
Before we launch into a nutrition challenge, perhaps it’s time to hold another fireside chat? We can talk paleo and eating for performance/recovery.
bah, today just sucked for me. 145, 155, 165, 170×2, 165.
Push Jerk: 55,60,65,70,75
Tabata Wall Ball: 67 @20
+ Inversions
Great class tonight! I love the combo of heavy lifts + tabata.
Warm-up1000m Row trying to keep a steady split3 Rounds of10 Bent over BB Rows, 95#10 LB BSQs, 95#15 PVC Sit-ups
Push Jerks(45×5, 75×5, 95×5)125×3, 135×3, 145×3, 155×3, 160×1
My favorite part of jerks is lowering/dropping the bar back to my shoulders.
Did a workout at CF East Sacramento:”The One Mile Bear”4 Rounds For Time:7 Deadlift 135/957 Squat Clean 135/957 Split Jerk 135/957 Back Squat 135/95Run 400m
took me 26:08 as RX’d.
Was gunning for the fastest time of the day (finished round 2 in 7 minutes) and then my lungs just gave out on the run.
The insane temperatures didn’t help, but I really need to work on my running.
All deadlifts unbrokencleans were broken into 6 reps, then the last one into a split jerk.All split jerks were unbroken. Save for the 3rd round where I did 4 and 3.And back squats were unbroken.Runs sucked, I actually had to walk 1/4 laps. Dry air and heat just destroyed me. Really have run more, and not sub double unders — it’s just not the same.
Can’t wait to be back home at SBK.
PS: mad props to David and his excellent instruction on the oly lifts!
David McG -What time do you and Gabrus go?
Margie, are you still on PST?
Did Jerks Tuesday morning:
Warm Up:3 rounds of60 sec Row60 sec Sit Ups60 sec Sand bag lunges
Jerks 3×95; 3×135; 2×135; 2x5x95
3 rounds NFT of8 ring push ups5 strict pull ups
Still having giant trouble to jerk properly. Hard to believe I could press 135lbs last winter.
I’m in for the six pack (or any other nutrition) challenge! I’m not a big fan of Paleo though and would probably follow a nutrition regime that is similar to the diet I used to make weight in my decathlon/powerlifting years.
Yesterday’s lifts were horrible for me. Last week I got up to 160X3 and I felt I had more in me.
Yesterday I got to 145X2 and was finished. Tried to do some technique lifts after that but even those didn’t go so well.
I probably won’t come in tonight, may try to take two consecutive rest days and figure out what is up with this.
For those of you looking to maximize performance/recovery, I’d suggest reading The Paleo Diet for Athletes (http://www.thepaleodiet.com/paleo_books/forathletes.shtml) It is more geared towards endurance athletes, but understanding the importance of rebuilding and maintaining glycogen stores and BCAAs is applicable to CrossFit as well. The take-home of the book is that nutrition in the half hour window after exercise is vital to recovery and non-paleo foods can and should be eaten during that time. Also Robb Wolf has written quite a bit lately about high/low carb post-workout nutrition (he seems to favor low carb, unless you’re already pretty lean)
Came in seriously out of sorts and immediately got a headache from warming up. I loved the ring inversions; so far I seem to love everything on the rings.
Felt quite weak and sore, tried to work my Jerk form and just got frustrated. Warmed up to 85 lbs and then thought “this is silly. I need to rest,” and stopped. I think I’m taking a real rest today – as in, sitting all evening. As annoying as that is – I feel like I should make Malcolm hide my gym stuff so I can’t change my mind.
Thanks for the link Shawn. I’ve been getting a constant stream of commentary at work recently from such gems as “your arms are ENORMOUS” (repeated every day this week) to “yeah, lately I just stare at Laurel’s forearms, I think she could beat any of us up.” to “I wouldn’t want to run into Laurel in an alley on a dark night.” It’s kind of hard to take that much attention to my increasing strength. I don’t think they mean to make me feel funny, but the result is a lot of pressure to conform.
I am proud of getting strong, and I like the way my body is changing, but they are making me feel freakish and even more at odds with my work environment.
Laurel– ignore the haters. I know it’s hard, but they are just trying to cut you down because they know you are awesome, they are lame, and they are trying to compensate.
Margiewe’re at the pool at 7.40.
Laurel,You look amazing. It’s frustrating that there are so few models of strong, jacked women out there for people, that everyone reacts the way you describe. It’s so hard to find a good response that acknowledges the goodwill behind the comments while also somehow trying to shut them down. Maybe just silence after a certain point…
Missed this AM and will miss this weekend–sick!! First cold of the pregnancy. Ugh. Hope to be back next week…
Pre-wod sit-up tabata: 119 (15×7, 14)
Push Jerks: My f’ed elbow seems to make push jerks, especially when doing multiple reps, simply pointless. I can’t rest the bar on my body, so it’s either stress the wrists by holding the bar out or… well, there is no or, it seems. Bailed a lot, kind of an exercise in futility. Doing singles is one thing, otherwise I should probably just do presses.
Wall ball tabata: 63 (9,9,9,7,7,7,7,8)
Because of my bad back I had to sub bench presses: 95×5, 115×5, 135×5, 145×5, 155×3, 165×1.
Oops I just realized I said ’20’ for the wall ball. It was not 20, it was 14.
i did135155175185195x2
I really like this workout, I am not super good at it yet… but plan to be ASAP, stoked for singles