5 attempts of
Row 250m
rest as needed between rounds
Post time to comments.
Accessory Work
Push Jerk Practice
Double Under Practice
Thanks to everyone who came out for the storm!
Jacinto Bonilla, Pt. 1 Preview CrossFit
Gillian, Jenn and Jacinto at CFNYC CrossFit
Ah damn! This is my strongest workout.
I am as sore as I have been in a long time from the Storm yesterday.
Went to the Y to do the crossfit endurance wod on the stationary bike:Bike 5 minutes: 1.55 milesRest for 2:30Bike 6 minutes: 1.93 milesRest for 3:00Bike 7 minutes: 2.22 miles
Used level 15. Legs still sore from yesterday. Last round was at 1.90 at the 7 minute mark, but beat the 5 minute time in the last two rounds.
Sit-up tabata: 102
Wanted to try out my iPhone tabata timer. I’m pretty sure the count is accurate, kept a running total.
Row 250m x 549.74848.347.4*47.2
On the 4th round the strap came loose on my right foot halfway into it. I think that cost me my sub-47.
Walking down the stairs, back to the locker room was difficult. The legs are shot.
Row 250×548.9 49.3 52.0 53.0 51.5.
First two had the worst technique but I could really push that way. Last three had better technique but I can’t yet go all out like that.
During the warm up those were the first stomps in a month that didn’t hurt my knees. I think I am back! Thanks Deb.
row 250: 54.6, 54.2, 55, 54.7, 52.3
Rowing makes me nauseated, blech. Deb and Matt kept me going and in the final set, I wasn’t really paying attention to anything other than them yelling. My last time took me totally by surprise – thanks guys.
I did give myself some interesting bruises on my ribcage; I suspect proper rowing technique does not involve crashing the handle into one’s chest. sigh. Anyone know exactly what I was doing wrong?
Going to do some PNF now as my hamstrings and biceps are trying to get shorter.
51.6, 51.1, 49.8, 48.7, 48.4
Times got faster thanks to Laurel and Deb — cheers, ladies.
Our little group definitely had the snowball effect for motivational cheering. One more set and I think one of us would have puked (probably me).
Laurel,Don’t crash the handle into your chest. Remember the table.
Warm-up:Foam roll and light rowing
1. 44.62. 48.33. 50.94. 57.15. 53.0
My first round was the only one that felt pretty good. After the second round I got really nauseous and started tasting and sweating out last night’s festivities.These times were all over the map, not a great effort.
I want to take this time to thankDavid and each and everyone of youfor the wonderfull weekend you made possible for me.Once again,THANK YOU.
Ew.107.4110108108.1107.3Ew. I didn’t feel like I was gonna throw up, but for some weird reason I started tearing up even though I wasn’t upset. I had a quick come-to-Jesus with myself and remembered what Ricky Bobby told Cal in “Talladega Nights” about bad memories and sadness — “you just gotta push it back down.” The point is, this made me cry!! Maybe because I suck at it?
WOD1. 46.9 (fell off the seat..DOH!)2. 42.83. 42.74. 42.55. 42.0
when i read the post this morning i thought this would be easy. i was very WRONG. this was HARD.
arms where fried for a while after. definite room for improvement.
Tried to post this earlier but it looks like my times got lost in teh internets.
55.4 – 51.4 – 52.8 – 51.5 – 52.4
There’s something a little off in my form – I came off the seat in the third and fifth sets.
But I got my first double unders today, so it’s a good day overall.
David – yes! but how do you pull as hard as possible, yet stop it short of the chest?
Congratulations Joe!
46.9 52.0 48.6 49.8 46.0My form was horrible on the first set. Corrected my form on the second set. Hesitated a bit on the third and fourth set. Figured out my stride on the fifth set. I still need to figure out some kinks in my form but got a valuable rowing learning experience. Thanks to David and Shane for all the help. It is always appreciated!
Hard, but fun. 43, 43, 45, 45, 43 (Didn’t write down tenths.) The only time I was able to beat David McG was when he fell off his seat.
I’ll get you next time. Aaargh!!!
I like rowing. Any type of exercise where you get to sit down is right up my alley.
yyyouch! I got so jazzed watching Matt and Laurel pull in some great times. Great motivation! Especially since having someone screaming into the back of my head on the last set was about the only way I would have gotten through it.:55:56.51:00.3 (tried some strategy here. Didn’t work.):58:58.3Took an awesome 2 hour mountain bike ride yesterday. Feeling strong.
Rowing 250M sprint:1. 47.02. 47.33. 47.54. 47.55. 48.1
Stroke rate was around 35 for these. Tried to be as consistent as possible. Didn’t go as hard as I should have, I could still walk after getting off the rower.
Kept sliding off the rower, maybe some industrial strength Velcro…
Thanks to Asta and Tamar for all the encouragement.
Asta totally kicked butt, her rower was moving so much we needed to add 45lbs plates to keep it from moving across the floor. Hope you foot feels better!
And Tamar did amazing, crushing all of her prior times in the final heart!
Oops, should read heat. But Tamar did have some serious heart! And Tamar, rowing is hard it definitely makes people want to quit. You pushed through it. Amazing effort!
Row250 x 543.3 43.7 44.2 44.2 43.8I fell almost completely off the seat on #3 and my butt came off toward the end on #’s 4 and 5. Lots of areas to improve upon.
Thanks Dan! And thanks for the yelling and help — the yelling WAS helpful. Hopefully I’ll get better as it becomes more familiar. (It still feels new and rusty and weird, technique-wise.) Rowing is definitely hard, but if it were easy it’d be boring, right? And it definitely didn’t flip the quit switch — quitting’s for quitters, dude!
Thank you CFSB for your great hospitality. I came up from Maryland for Jacinto’s B-day and Storm,and enjoyed every minute of it, you all made me feel welcome. Thanks Again,
Tony Rosa
Read the SF crossfit blog this morning – apparently I missed the new post on Friday. Have you all seen the article?
Yeah, I hasaw the article when CF Endurance posted it. It’s really unfortunate that of all people Kelly Starrett is getting cast in a negative light. SFCF has a statement on their blog saying they are handling the situation.
Yeah I saw the SF Weekly article.
Free weekly rags like the weekly are very long on controversy and short on facts. One wishes one could pay it no mind except for the fact that people actually believe the crap that is written in those pages.