Alternating every minute, complete as many reps as possible in 12 minutes of the following two exercises.
Double Unders
Box Jumps, 20"
Posts total reps for each movement to comments.
Suggested Back Off
Accessory Work
Strict Pull-ups 3×12
The Guerra Boys go for a row
Congratulations to Patricio for rowing a 2K in 17:00 and Manuel for rowing a 3,295m piece last week. Great dedication, guys!
There are no teaser classes the next two weekends for Jacinto Storm and the CrossFit Games
If anyone wants to combine their nostalgia for Michael Jackson AND get a run in tomorrow evening, there’s an MJ tribute run around Prospect Park tomorrow night…
hey everyone! i’m excited to get back to sbk and hoping it will be tonight!
i’m in the process of looking for 2 new roommates (or one looking for a room and home office) in my pretty great apartment (i’d rather find roommates than move out) and i’m soliciting any help from people i know! if you or anyone you know is looking for a new apartment in North Park Slope BK, please email me at shpaddock at gmail dot com for more information!
Cannot make class tonight but wanted to do Annie since I missed her on the last go round.broke my jump rope so subbed squats.
Squatting Annie – 8:45
Highly recommend for anyone who thought Annie was tough. This one is her evil twin bitch.
Warm-up: x312 DB Thrusters, 35lb’s12 CTB Pull-ups (12-12-6/6)DROMs and Foam Roll
DU/BJ WODDU total: 197 best: 54 worst:19BJ total: 133 best: 31 worst: 13
On the third round of box jumps I swung my arms really aggressively and felt something pop in my left shoulder. From the feel of it I think its my biceps tendon. It’s painful and caused me to slow down this workout considerably.
color me bummed.
Warmup:12 DB thrusters with 20lbs
I’m really, really weak on strict pullups and needed help on all three sets. David helped on the first, Julianna on the second, and Mike on the third. Thanks very much. This is pretty embarrassing and I’m hoping I can get stronger quickly.
Since I didn’t have double unders I subbed KB swings (I think it was a 1 pood – the yellow ones – correct me if I’m wrong).
101 KB swings116 BJs
Hello everyone. Work schedule preclude my attendance weekday evenings for the next six weeks. =(
Went to CF Gotham this morning.
3×5 backsquats
3 pound pr
then some handstand fun.
I miss everyone! Will see you all at the STORM.
Double Unders: 124; best 28; worst 14Got more efficient as it went on
Box Jumps: 117; best 21; worst 17Paced myself on box jumps.
Total: 241
KB – 1st 3 rounds w/ 1 pood, last 3 rounds w/ 1/2 pood108; best 24; worst 12
Box Jumps – 10″132; best 30; worst 17
Total: 240
Did rowing and sit-ups with the same pattern.
I messed up the clock on the rower so all of my “minutes” were approximate.
Rowing total calories = 84.Situps total = 117.
Was trying to use this as a back off but judging based on how my legs are feeling this still wasn’t sufficiently backed off.
Didn’t really do any post wod work. Just one set of db press before Laurel reminded me of my commitment to backing off.
Started class with a very sore shoulder, so went light on the thrusters and focused on good shoulder position:3x 15lb db thrusters, 12 strict pull-ups. Got my first three pull-ups chest to bar, but the rest were chin over. My sets looked something like 6,3,2,1. with the last set devolving into 1,1,1 at the end. It intrigues me that using my shoulder (carefully) makes it feel so much better, when my impulse is to baby it until it stops hurting.
Not sure how high my “box” was, as we were using the folded mats.. it is at least 20 I think.
BJ: 141, DU: 104, total = 245. All thanks to Charmel who got me at least five extra BJ each round with his steady chant of “jump, up, come on, one more.” I was able to stop listening to my legs and just listen to him.
Sameer – we looked for you tonight and were wondering what happened. 🙁
HA, I’m drowsy. Got those numbers reversed: box jump 104, double-unders 141.. the total still pans out though.
I had to substitute 1 1/2 pood kb swings for double-unders because of my shin. Not very happy about that.
kb swings: 109box jumps (double mat stacks): 69
shins were even bothering me on the box jumps
after class, did the crossfit endurance wod:10 meters on the min. Every minute, add 10 meters until you can no longer continue.
Finished my 21st round, didn’t even start 22nd. Legs were shot by then. As all good ladders, it creeps up on you quick.
One round of pull ups (11) that my tweaked neck/shoulder really didn’t like. I did samson stretches and sit ups for the rest of the warm up.
subbed row for the DU’s but was counting meters instead of calories so:Row total: 1535 metersBJ total: 122Cooled down with some stretching – shoulder felt good after working out but is tightening up now.
After almost a week of packing moving and unpacking, I’m finally moved in. Crossfit Alexandria is a cool facility and has some really impressive athletes, but I don’t think it will have the same sense of community as SBK. We’ll see … it’s only been a couple days
20min bike TT: 6.95 miles
50 Double Unders25 Knee to elbows30 Box Jumps35 Kettlebell Swings (1 pood)25 Burpees35 ABMAT sit-ups50 Double Unders
Got my first doubles in a WOD! I’m pretty happy about that. Was able to limp through the 100 total doubles doing double – single – single – double and counting misses, but it took awhile. I think I spent over half the WOD on my doubles.
See you all next Monday I hope
3×12 db thruster(45#)/pullups nft
Double under (170)/Box jump (115) total 285
Pushing you helped push me as well Laurel. You really dug deep, you should be proud of yourself!
Agility drills afterward, then rowing ladder, 19 rounds
had to miss today because of a work dinner. Will do my best to wake up and make it up tomorrow.
Tough waking up at 530 AM again when you dont have to.
I need to get my DUs back. Will try to use back off weeks to work on skills like that rather than intense workouts.
96 double unders90 box jumps
this was a hard WOD for me for osme reason.
I then did 36 pullups over the course of like 10 minutes or so.
Row 500m30 Burpees10 push press – 55lb (4) 45lb (6)8:18
Row 500m (1:42)30 Burpees (slow and steady, unbrokenish)135lb jerks (broken- 5,3,2)
Jerks were harder than expected and ugly.
Oh – everyone with sore shoulders, do you ice your shoulders post-wod, before bed and when you get up in the morning? I’ve been following the seemingly universal advice to ice my sore shoulder as often as I can and it helps amazingly.
Laurel: (and anyone else with sore shoulders)
I don’t know if you’re already taking fish oil, but if not, it’s helped me a lot with the tendinitis I tend to get in my knees and feet. In fact, I wasn’t taking it about 2 months ago for awhile (just got out of the habit) and had some really painful tendinitis in my left foot. I started taking 3600mg a day and it was gone in two days. Pretty amazing actually since I had the pain for several weeks. My wife has some kind of inflammation in her shoulder as well and had been seeing a chiropractor for several months without much improvement. But she had the same result as I did with my foot.
KB Swings (1,5pood) 72Box Jumps 94
Rowing ladder, 18 rounds
Made up this WOD a few days later. I’m reposting my scores here so I can easily reference the results the next time this workout appears in the cycle.
Double UndersTotal: 292 – High: 82 – Low: 40
Box JumpsTotal: 192 – High: 36 – Low: 30
Grand Total: 484
Round Breakdown:DU BX82 3043 3246 3040 3340 3141 36