Post loads to comments.
compare to (5×3) 6.17.09 and (5×1) 12.22.08
Accessory Work
4 Rounds NFT:
Toes to Bars, 10 Reps
Lateral Planks :35 Each Side
Monkey See, Monkey Do
Kudos to all our parents who make the time to set a good example for their children
MEBBBK: Max Effort Black Box (Brooklyn!)
Today is the last day of our Mid Hang Power Clean, High Bar Back Squat and Bench Press strength cycle. We're going to encourage a back off week from tomorrow until 7/4 when we'll kick things off with a STORM.
The next cycle's movements are:
Total Body: Push Jerks
Lower Body: Front Squats
Upper Body: Weighted Chin-Ups (Overhand).
For those of you unfamiliar with the MEBB, we choose three movements and cycle them through a descending rep scheme over four weeks. The Max Effort days have been posted in the CFSBK Calendar if you'd like to see how it breaks down through July. Much thanks to Coach Michael Rutherford for developing the MEBB. program.
Jerks are following a 5×3, 5×3, 5×1 rep scheme
Foundations Graduates will be doing strict Presses instead of Jerks and follwing a 5×5 rep scheme throughout the entire cycle.
Happy Travels, Margie. We'll see you after the Games!
CrossFit South Brooklyn Mind Body Online loves you. Love it back?
Sameer Parekh says
back off week sounds like a perfect excuse to go to the beach on a wednesday. hint.
ShawnS says
YES! back off week, the weekend im going out of town to a wedding!
Great timing david, now i dont have to feel like I missed out!
Malcolm says
Here are some photos from Thursday’s WOD.
Erik K. says
185, 210pr, 215pr
i’ve been stuck at 207 for years, finally pr’d again.210 was pretty solid, 215 was a fight. Stopped after 3 rounds to do…
20 min amrap of5 95 lb thrusters7 95 lb hang power cleans10 95 lb sdhp
6 rounds, pretty casual, some shoulder tightness.
Erik K. says
And later…
Annie: 6:37 pr (by 29 seconds).2 failed double-understands. Could improve sit-ups.
Dan R says
Shoulder wasn’t going to be up for bench press.
Nicole and I did FGB (thanks David!)
293 (PR)
later did Annie5:26 (PR)
had some double under malfunction on sets 50 and 40. Otherwise solid.
Situps all unbroken.
Will shoot for sub 5 next time.
Ben W says
Then I did a few rowing sprints. The harder I pull the more my speed stays the same. Clearly I need help.
sarah says
75 / 85 (PR) / 90 (PR) / 93FAIL / 91.5 (PR)
Samir Chopra says
95×5/ 115×5/ 135×5/ 145×3/155(fail) /150 x1/155 x1
The 145, 150 and 155 were PRs. I realized I screwed up in not doing 5 reps on the last two sets. Mea culpa.
Finished up with a 1000 m row. Nice way to start a Saturday.
Sameer Parekh says
Bench– wasn’t feeling that my benches were really hitting all that well, it felt off. But still did reasonably well, five pound PR
then a 500m row: 1:46.6 pr
paul says
what an awesome day out today. bench:185, 195, 200, 205f, 195
ShawnS says
didnt get a great workout today cause I had to rush out.
155, 165, 175f, 16o, 155
weird I felt Really strong lifting with den laurel, and shaun when I finished my second round at 165, but then when I went over to lift by myself with Tushar’s spot, I suddenly couldnt get 165 up anymore. I’m not sure what happened there. I didnt have time to troubleshoot it cause I had to leave.
Thanks to David or whoever found my phone, I was in such a rush I left it.
Like sideplanks and look forward to working on those Toe to Bars.
I wanna try fight gone bad at some point.
Erik K. says
and even later…
From the crossfitendurance site.
3 rounds:Bike 5k (3.1 miles), rest 2 minIf your last interval is not the fastest. Foul: 2 min Max Rep Push Ups
First round the timing was off because I was trying to figure out the stationary bike at the Y. Last round I really tried pushing myself since the idea of a foul was completely unacceptable. I simply do not have any pushups left in me at this point.
Malcolm says
This was a fun one.
Warmed up with 45X8 and 135X5.
Did 155,165,175,185F,180PR.
Then played around with heavy single chinups.
Did 35,53,72,82PR,92F.
Laurel says
Bench press 5×1: warm up (45×5, 65×5, 85×3)105,110,115,120 (pr),125 (pr)
Thanks for all of the form help Deb, Alec and Nicole – it is wonderful having such a knowledgeable community. I enjoyed getting to lift with some gentlemen today, even if it did mean switching up the weights.
Decided to set a baseline for my weighted pull-ups to see how much I can improve with the next MEBB cycle: in sets of one, strict deadhang with overhand grip: 5lb,10lb,20lb,30lb,40lb failed at 45.
David McG says
WOD Bench 1 1 1 1 1did this Tues AM.(barx8, 135×5, 185×5, 225×5)245, 265, 275, 285, 300F, 295PR
WOD Bench 3 3 3 3 3today(barx5, 135×5, 185×5, 205×3)215×3 225×3 230×3 235×3, 240×3
tabata row
pull up practice. felt i’ve lost strength over the last couple of weeks.
toes to bar need work. lateral planks felt solid.
Laurel says
Forgot this:Damn Sarah – that’s fantastic! (this is what I thought, but forgot to write.)
ShawnS says
btw I feel like I can ask this now since its a week away..what the heck is a Jacinto Storm?
Anton says
Bench press singles.Good working with Carlos and Bjorn.
David, thanks for helping me with the kipping pull ups.
tamar says
max, 42lbs, which is a PR by a little. then Annie’d “for fun” (?!?!?) at 10:36.
gabrus says
did this tuesday AM
Jenna says
My god I am happy to be back at the box, even if this posting is really late.
last couple of times I benched I kept getting hung up at 72×4, so I wanted to get over the 72 hurdle. wound up 75/80/85F/85F/82F.
i think i could have had 85, to be honest, but it was a mental block. 80 went down and up easy enough that I should have been able to do it, but i think my brain got the better of me.
followed it with annie. the 3 for 1 swap for no DUs just killed me. 9:51 in the end, which is quite a bit off my time. but for a first day back, i was pleased overall. i’ve missed SBK.
Ariel says
1st time doing bench press -22×5, 32×5, 42×5, 52×5, 57x3F