Even Pregnant, Charlotte can still kick your ass
CrossFit South Brooklyn is (FINALLY) live on Mind Body Online!
The first thing everyone has to do is create a user profile for yourself with all you contact information. Once you're all set up feel free to go ahead and arrange the payment for your next package, even if you're currently in the middle of a 4 week cycle. The directions are as follows:
Click the "Online Store" tab
Choose the "Contracts" Tab
From the Scroll down menu, choose how many times per week you'd like to train
Choose when you would like your new contract to start (when your current one runs out)
Read the Contract, agree to the terms and purchase your package!
CrossFit South Brooklyn on Mind Body Online
If you use MBO you'll also have to remember to sign in on the computer in class so that your account can be credited with the sessions you use up. Please make this the very first thing you do when you walk in the door from now on.
Put your programming skillz to use and post an original WOD to the comments section.
ShawnS says
Nice! Even though I just paid yesterday.
Sameer Parekh says
doh. now i’m actually going to have to start paying for this!
paul says
is MBO optional?
ShawnS says
Today is a much needed rest day. The great thing is a I feel A LOT better. Basically the main thing really killing me are my traps at this point.
I think what helped was I got to bed earlier at 11:15. Tonight Im going to shoot for 11 PM.
I think Im going to start blogging again, if anything to log my WODS and track myself.
—-Im on a Erg kick so for my first make your own WOD….
As fast as possible:500m row, 1000, 2000m row, throw-up.Or you can do it backwards, but move throw-up at the end.2000m, 1000m. 500m, throw up.
orAMRAP of either 500m or 1000 m row in 11/15 min. (Count your distance on your last set) So 3 + 500m if you get halfway through the last 1000m row.
Sarah says
Took me a minute to realize you weren’t talking about computer programming. I was all getting ready to embed some HTML in my post. Doh! Nerd alert!
Charlotte says
um…I love this picture. Dan, can I have a copy?
how ’bout:
400m run21 OHS21 pushups400m run15 OHS15 pushups400m run9 OHS9 pushups
Scoring would be kind of annoying. OHS weight, total time, 400m run times, I guess.
David says
No, not mandatory but certainly encouraged. Curious as to why you’d prefer cash/check. You can send me an email with your response as well.
Ill send it to you post haste! Also, I think 95/65lb rx would be appropriate loading on the OHS’s which would mean scoring would just be your time.
Shawn,Wouldn’t the first wod just end up being a 3,500 meter row? What about programming some rest intervals into it?Also, because it’s monostructural, the second wod would probably be simpler and the same as: Max Meters in 11/15 min. For AMRAPs, you’re going to need at least a couplet. Otherwise you just set the time or distance you need completed dictate the wod.
Bethany says
for time:
for x in 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1; dofor a in `seq 1 $x`; do double_under; done;for b in `seq 1 $x`; do overhead_squat; done;for c in `seq 1 $x`; do pullup; done;done;
Allan E says
Dan L says
work = Work.new5.times dowork.add(WallBall.new(15))work.add(Burpees.new(15))work.add(Pushups.new(15))endreturn work.time
Or for the non-geeks:
5 rounds for time15 WallBall15 Burpees15 Pushups
WallBall for vertical pushing, Burpees for horizontal pushingPullups for vertical pulling
Malcolm says
Back Squat – Choose any weight. Max set of consecutive back squats.
Score = Total Work Done.
Dead lift – Choose any weight. 10 minutes lift as many times as you can. Score is average power output calculated by P=F*D/t where F is the weight, D is the height of the weight at lock out minus the bar height and t = 10 minutes.
ShawnS says
Youre right about the 1st WOD. I guess if you put 2 people with similar abilities on the erg, the person who rowed the 3500 without stopping (even if it wasnt as intense all the way through) would still beat the person who rowed them in intervals with some break in between.
The second WOD the max meters in x time makes sense. I thought about wording it that way. I just realized now that with the erg you probably can set that up.
Laurel says
From Margie’s housemate at the potluck:row 1k, do 30 pull-ups, assemble ship in a bottle. for time.
Laurel says
more seriously:
five rounds for time:5 pistols right leg10 push-ups5 pistols left leg10 pull-ups
Pistols to work balance, push-ups/pull-ups to give the legs a chance to rest while working on volume with stuff we all want to improve on.
Scaling is a bit of a challenge – perhaps pistols with a hand against the wall? Do negatives? Or if you simply can’t, sub 15-20 squats per pistol, with accessory work of standing on one leg?
Rob says
21-15-9KB swings (1.5 pood/1pood)Lunges with KettlebellSitups(I do russian swings since my left shoulder is useless)
3 rounds of squat/shoulder press (75/45)/ Deadlift (BW)As many reps as you can do in 1 minute of each exercise followed by 30 seconds rest between exercises and 1 minute of rest between rounds.
So it would look like 1 minute of air squats followed by 30 seconds of rest. 1 minute of shoulder press followed by 30 seconds rest. 1 minute of Deadlifts followed by 1 minute of rest before starting with the squats again. Your score would be the total number of reps. (I wish I could shoulder press)
My favorite triplet.
StrawberriesMango Sorbet (preferably Haagen daz)Cool Whip
Combine in bowl, consume for time.
Anne says
400m run9x power cleans9x push press9x Pull-ups
400m run7x power cleans7x push press7x pull-ups
400m run5x power cleans5x push press5x Pull-ups
Sub push-ups for pull-ups and do this all outside. 🙂
Not sure about rx’d weights….maybe 65/95.
Eric Brandom says
Super Duper Heavy Fran9-6-3Thrusters @225#Pullups @+90#
paul says
david,the only reason I’d prefer cash/check is because signing in to MBO when I get to cf seems like a pain. but maybe I am just cynical :).
paul says
(defun wod (N)(if (= (% N 2) 0)squat(N)clean_jerk(N)if (= N 1)1(* N (wod(- N 1)))))
I think this actually won’t do what I want, so nerd points for anyone who corrects me :).
Dan R says
Some programming ideas… Hope I never see them.
WOD 1:5 roundsEach round is 3 minutes, 1 minute rest between rounds:3 muscle ups6 pistols (alternating)9 burpees
Count completed reps
WOD 2:For Time:Deadlift Bodyweight x 2 – 12 repsRing Dips – 12 reps800m runDeadlift Bodyweight x 2 – 9 repsRing Dips – 9 reps400m runDeadlift Bodyweight x 2 – 6 repsRing Dips – 6 reps200m run
WOD 3:3 rounds for time50 Doubleunders40 Situps30 Wallball 20/1420 L-pullups10 Hand Stand Pushups
WOD 4:AMRAP 20 minutes:5 one arm (left) deadlifts 50% bodyweight (BW)5 one arm (right) deadlifts 50% BW10 dumbbell full squat cleans @ 20% BW10 dumbbell push jerks @ 20% BW10 Pistols (alternating legs)
Ian says
For time:
*Row 1000m*3 rounds of15 Deadlift @225/185 (is that the proper female scaling?)50 Double Unders15 Ring Dips*Row 1000m
sarah says
I keep thinking about how crossfit is designed for, or loved by military and police types. And when I think of myself as some bad-ass James Bond type agent I think of myself doing some parkour type moves. But how to reflect them in a quantifiable WOD? This is what I’m thinking…
Run 300 meters30 burpeesRun 300 meters30 push-upsRun 300 meters30 squat jumpsRun 300 meters1 rope climb
(I strongly have in mind our block and box for this mostly outdoor WOD.)
Props to all those that “programmed” their program. I’m just too tired after a long day of not coding.
Jeremy says
3 Rounds for time of:15 Power Cleans 13515 Burpees1 Rope Climb
Brian says
Charlotte scares the S@%$ out of me
David Mak says
Thank you for reminding me why I only completed one semester before changing my major from computer science to undeclared.
Charlotte says
Brian, you mean the workout, right? 😉
Laurel I love yours. I think you could scale w/ various levels of support on the pistols–like HSPU scaling.
nicole says
i did this tonight,
5 rounds for time
21 double unders15 1 pood kettle bell swings9 push ups6 pull ups
it was ok. could have been better, more pushups maybe. my shoulders were on fire when it was over though. maybe this would be better:
30 double unders25 kb swings20 pull ups15 push ups
nicole says
anne – i like your workout.
gabrus says
AMRAP 10 minutes-throw a medicine ball as far as you can-sprint to it-do 10 pushups-do 10 overhead squats with it-throw again and repeat
the time might not be right on this one
Dan R says
Tried for an early night, instead woke up at 3am.
New WOD:Sleep for 8 hours.1 penalty burpee for every minute spent awake during the 8 hour sleep period.
ShawnS says
Your workout sounds nice Gabrus, nice and primal. Though 10 Minutes does seem like youd be able to get a lot of rounds in.
Maybe you can alternate throwing the ball and running to it with running 50m-100m with the ball
Erik K. says
For outdoors, taking the weights
Groups of 2
Person A runs while person B does the other exercise, counting repsWhen person A completes the run, they switchThe faster you run, the fewer reps your opponent has to complete repsNo rest between rounds
Round 1) 400m run/ 135 lb squat cleansRound 2) 400m run/ 135 lb clean and jerkRound 3) 400m run/ 135 lb front squatRound 4) 400m run/ 135 lb push press
Dan L says
Did one off the main site from a couple of days ago this morning:
10 rounds of3 weighted pull ups (45 lbs)5 strict pull ups7 kipping pullups
Each time you come off the bar terminates a set, try to complete the workout in the fewest sets.
23:37 with 44 sets.
Kind of gassed out in the second half of this one. First half took about 9:00, so over 14:30 for the second half. All the kipping pull ups were done as single sets though, so pretty happy about that.
Margie says
There’s some great ideas here gang!
Gabrus – I’d switch to a heavy sandbag and reduce to 7 minutes. And there’s an implied shoulder clean in there. I like this a lot!
Laurel – Charlotte is right, you can do assisted pistols by holding onto a pole, reducing range of motion or getting onto a box and hanging one leg over the side.
Erik – that would be wicked wicked wicked on the legs
Malcolm – I dig both! Maybe reduce the DLs to 5 or 7 min?
Anne – why not combine and do power clean and jerks?
Oh and I think Ian is spot on with Charlotte.