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Compare to 6.08.09
Accessory Work
Wind Mill / Turkish Get-up Complex
Tom's son, Sam finds plenty to play with at CrossFit
"Jackie" Tournament Details
Our "Jackie" competition versus CrossFit Norcal is coming up this weekend. The event is as follows:
1000m Row
50 Thusters, 45lbs
30 Pull-ups
We're going to Rank and compare the following categories against each gym:
Top 3 men and women Rx'd
Top 3 men and women Scaled
Top 20 times overall, favoring rx'd scores over scaled
We've standardized the scaling options to a 35lb barbell and jumping pull-ups for people who cannot do the movements rx'd. Classes will run as usual with "Jackie" being the posted WOD for the day. Feel free to come in early or stay late to cheer people on. This is a deceptively tough workout and requires a Lot of stamina and endurance, those of you who took on the 1K row last Monday have a better idea of what to expect.
Do you have a "Jackie" game plan?
Greg Amundson does "Jackie" CrossFit
"Little Jackie" and Jackie CrossFit Kids
Dan R says
Game plan:Row: Pace for a 3:40Thrusters: Don’t put the bar downPullups: C2B
Otherwise, just go.
paul says
my game plan is to minimize distance between rower, barbell and pullup bar, and to just go all out. and not throw up.
ShawnS says
Im excited–just gonna go out there and do my best.
Trying to pace myself would make me think too much.
Thinking and Crossfit at this point in my development = bad.
Just go.
nicole says
my plan:
call babysitter, ask her to cancel, post how im bummed i missed it because my babysitter cancelled.
Bjorn says
That made me laugh, Nicole.
Very bummed to miss Jackie and the potluck, however I have a date with the no-nonsense folks at Crossfit Budapest on Saturday.
nicole says
i’m surly and hysterical!
Malcolm says
I am going to add a couple of seconds to my row splits (as I was completely gassed/almost puking on Monday) then just try to get through the thrusters. I assume that I will be sufficiently fried that sets of 5 will be hard for the pullups.
David says
Warm-upAlmost none.. Talking to the guy from Brooklyn Boulders.. does that count?
Bench Press 5×3(45×5, 95×5, 135×3)155×3, 165×3, 175×3, 185×1, 180×2
Narrow Grip Bench with Negative and explosive concentric: 155×5, 135x3Bench Press with Kettlebells instead of bumpers:1 poods x5, 1.5poods x1-2. Fun
Jackie Strategy:Im already nervous about this. Im thinking keep my rowing pace around 1:55 and then do two sets of 25 for Thrusters.. Pull-ups will auto-regulate.
David says
I think that being conservative on your row will go a much longer way than pacing anything else in this workout. 10-20 seconds faster on the rower can wreck you afterwards causing you to eat up that time with recovery anyway.
I haven’t had a date with Jackie since Equinox when I did it with my friend Karen. Im quite unsure of my time.
Malcolm says
Warmed up with Turkish Get ups. 3@30, 3@35 and 3@40 on each side.
Bench Press Warm up 45X8, 95X5.5X3. 135,155,165(2),165(2), 160(PR).
I was feeling pretty happy about this as I thought this was body weight but then I climbed on the scale and found out I now weigh 161.5. Grmph.
Sameer Parekh says
Bench Press
C2B pullups (kipping)11/10/10
DB Bench: 8-8-8 25/25/35
Remember to sign up for shifts for Andy’s party early, before all the good ones get taken!
sign up for the group here
Jackie plan: 4:00 row, start the thrusters slowly but don’t let go of the bar, bring up the pace a little bit toward the end. Then hit the pullups in 3 quick sets of 10.
Previous Jackie: 9:34Goal: 8:00
ShawnS says
Turkish get-ups at25, 30, 35
Bench115x3145x3155x3160 x2 (fail)160 x2 (fail)
It crept up on me again. Again I think 155, 160 up once are basically personal bests for me. Will be interested to see my 1 rep max. My goal/hope is to be at 165-170.
I rowed 1000 m with Josh and Dmak the rowing prodigy afterwards.
I went pretty hard and rowed 3:45 which beat my time the other day by about 8 seconds.
I was torn up afterwards and tried some air squats to “simulate” thrusters…not fun.I think I may be onto something with kipping pullups..we’ll see Saturday.
Needless to say that was a bit too fast for Jackie. I should probably shoot for Mondays pace or about 350.
Dan L says
Bench Press:
Did Barbara yesterday (17:55 PR!) so my chest was a bit sore, but I don’t think I’ve ever benched 185 more than once before, so I was pretty happy.
For Jackie:
I looked back and I did this about a month ago. I agree with David that slowing down 10-20 seconds on the row will really save you in the end. I was moving along nicely til I got to the pullups, which took way longer than normal (don’t know the time exactly). Previous time was 8:22, so I’m shooting to break 8
Jeremy says
Bench255x3, 275×3, 285×3, 290×1
My plan for Jackie is to survive the row, push through the thrusters, cut my legs off and then do the pull-ups (which should be easy minus all that leg weight)
Laurel says
Felt exhausted yesterday and today from short and poor quality sleep (for me, nothing like David and Dan’s normal habits.. don’t know how you two function.)
Turkish get-ups: 15×3, 20×2, 15×3 for each arm. My wrists didn’t appreciate this.
Bench Press: (45×8, 65×5, 75×3)85×3 95×3 105×3 115×2 115×2
going to bed now. SLEEP.
josh mak says
bench 115×3 135×3 140×2 140×2 135×2
jackie plan uhh ummm do the row sub 4mins take it slow with the first set of ten thurster then pick up the pace i dunno if i can get 30 pull ups with out the band so im not sure yet what ill do
sarah says
65 / 75 / 80 x 2 / 80 x 2 / 80 x 1
For Jackie I plan to add 20 or 30 seconds to my best row time from Monday. Then I plan to do the modified thruster weight, even if maybe possibly I could do the full rxd weight. I’ll use this as an opportunity to go harder rather than heavier and hopefully finish faster. (Not that it wouldn’t be super hard either way.) Not sure about the pull-ups. Are they jumping ring pull-ups? Are they C2B? From how high will I start my jump?
David Mak says
Turkish get-ups: 20X3, 25X3, 25X3 – these really suck when you don’t have the proper shoulder alignment so it really showed me when I had bad form.
Bench Press: A few warmups of unknown weight133x3, 153×3, 163×2(fail), 158×3, 158×3 (damn Kg)last set felt really good and could have probably gone harder.Strategy for Jackie is to give you all awesome and powerful vibes of kick ass-ness from my perch in VT. Sorry I won’t be here with you all.
nicole says
When i look at this workout i think – “i can totally do fifty 45lb thrusters”. but that’s probably a bad plan, right?
Bethany says
Bench Press:60×3, 65×3, 70×1, 70×1, 67×1+ some work with the bar. Bench press is now officially my goat.
gabrus says
did this on tuesday AM225x3, 245×3, 255×3, 260×1, 260×1
Benching 300 might become an end of summer goal.
My strategy for Jackie, is to have my shirt off, and not die.
Laurel says
Not sure on Jackie – I’m so new to rowing that I’m not sure that I can effectively pace myself for a specific time relative to last time… especially if I don’t have Nick over my shoulder telling me when to push.
Should I scale? Should I just go for it and see what happens? I’m suspecting that one aspect of the beauty of Jackie (at least in how she will murder me), is that the row will make me skimp on the hip drive in the thrusters so I’ll end up pressing, which will result in pre-exhausted arms for the pull-ups.
Dan R says
Revised strategy for Jackie:
See if I can even do the workout without destroying myself.
Otherwise, cheer people on.
Keys Fitness Equipment says
This looks like an amazing program. I don’t think I could do it, not in the shape I’m in now. I guess I’d have to get in shape first just so I could stat really getting into shape. 🙂