Post loads to comments.
compare to 5.16.09 and 5.3.09
Back Off Week
Accessory Work
Split Jerk Technique Continued
Rowing Workshop Tonight.
Remember that at 8pm we're hosting a rowing workshop with Nick and Charlotte that is open to everyone. The focus will be on rowing a 2K. Nick has been kind enough to write a breakdown of the race and some extra things to consider. Please read it here before coming tonight or in preparation for your own "Erg Test".
Big thanks to friend of the program, Danny Seglin of The New York Fitness Institute for allowing us to "store" all the great new equipment. (bumpers, bars, racks, etc!)
Our own Shannan Sodano is offering, Your First Cleanse. Check it out!
Luxury Versus Premium Seth Godin
I made the main picture!hooray!
David, did you forget to post Nick’s article or am I just blind?
I had to put it together after i did the WOD post. It’s up now!
Help spread the word about the North East Qualifier Website!http://crossfitneq.com
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And optional athlete profile posted can be sent online:http://crossfitneq.com/athlete-profile-form
I only did 3 sets because I had to run — mc chris show tonight. Free transformers!
split jerk practice was good: 5-5-3:
Front squats 5×3155-175-195-210pr-220x
Wasn’t quite feeling it at first, but still a pr. At 220 I stopped believing.
Great job, Adam!
75×5125 x3125 x3130 (pr) x3135 (pr) x3
95 x6
Im still trying to get the form down. I feel like I should be able to get more weight but I cant get my back to stay tight at the bottom and really get my butt back. Shane gave me some breathing tips–seems I was breathing wrong.
Double unders getting smoother everyday. Gonna take my jumprope with me to Pittsburgh.
Split jerks were fun.
did 3 sets of 5 with the bar and then did them at 75. I saw how my form started to go as I got fatigued.
Wouldve liked to stay for the rowing workshop but had to get home to Kamau.
Warmed up with 135 x 3 then:135 x 3; 145 x 3; 155 x 3; 165 x 3; 175 x 3
Last ones at 175 were a struggle and my form went to shit on the last one.Did one last set of 135 to focus on form.Tried practicing double unders but wasn’t coming along at all today.Good motivation working with Richard today!
Front squat. 135,155,165,175,185(pr). I was planning on taking it easy today, but I think my form finally clicked. In the past I was setting the bar deeper in on my shoulder and it was sitting on bone. Today I really focused on pushing my shoulders up and forward and I found a nice little pad to put the weight on. So even though this was a PR I still feel like it was a relative back off day.
95, 115, 125, 135×3(pr), 120×3 – I dropped back to 120 to work technique, breathing and pulling myself down into the bottom rather than dropping. (Good advice Rob!)
Tried to practice double-unders but my calves really didn’t want to jump.
Fascinating presentation on rowing – I look forward to future sessions and to learning to row. Thanks Nick and Charlotte.
Just started experimenting with zone – not sure how many blocks to eat because the calculators all give different advice – aiming at 12-13 with 2xfat at the moment but am having trouble eating all my carb blocks and am wanting more protein… we’ll see how things progress.
Front Squats 5(4)x3Was going to take it easy today, started slow and felt strong…135×3, 185×3, 225×3, 265×3(pr)!
Decided not to be greedy and was content with the 20 lbs pr. Felt strong though, wanted to try for more.
Soon, a 315 front squat will be mine! muahahhahahhahahaa…Yes, all I want is to see 6 *FAT* 45lbs plates on the bar. 🙂
Had fun lifting with Gabrus and David McG — good times.
Erik, I hope you’re feeling better bro!
Learned a ton about rowing today, mad props to David for organizing the lesson, and mega-thanks to Charlotte and Nick for the awesome instruction!
really liked the KB warm up.
worked on split jerk technique and took front squat very easy. i’m enjoying this back off week.
nice work dan, gabrus too.
thanks to david, nick and charlotte for the rowing workshop. i’m eager to get on the erg and do another 2k with this new knowledge.
oh and with all the talk of milk thistle, had to find it and try it. that’s some goood chocolate milk!
Big thanks to Nick and Charlotte for the phenomenal workshop. I see a lot more of this in our future.
front squat185-190-205-210-135
I was not feeling it today for whatever reason. I did 199×5 earlier, and just couldn’t get a comfortable rack position tonight.
The warmup kicked my ass more than it should’ve.
oh also, anytime any olympic caliber athlete wants to talk to me about their sport of choice, I will absolutely listen. I don’t care what it is.
As a matter of fact if anyone out there is super skilled at anything, or even just really knowledgeable. I would take a listen.
I am a nerd for learning.
Looks like the film every second counts is available for purchase.
Do I see a screening in our future?
FSQ: 3-3-3-3-395, 100, 105, 110, 95
I’m moving up slooowly with FSQ, really working on keeping my form.
Split Jerk:22# bar, 45# bar, 55#
The rowing session was great! Thank you Nick and Charlotte!
Dan, I just ordered a copy of Every second counts. When it gets delivered we can see about setting up a screening.
I really liked learning the split jerk. At first it felt a little awkward – like a cheerleader with pvc but I’m looking forward to working on those again with weight.
Here are my wimpy push squat stats:40, 45, 55, 65, 70