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Back Off Week
Accessory Work
Split Jerk Technique Work
Little Alyson finds a new use for the bands, Human Sling Shot
CFSBK Back Off Weeks
For most of us, it can be quite difficult to hit the Wods hard week in week out ad infinitum. Your ability to successfully train at high intensity over a period of time is determined by genetics, recovery, nutrition, injuries and training age. At CrossFit South Brooklyn we follow a 3/1/2/1 weekly microcycle which looks like this:
CFSBK Microcycle
Saturday On
Sunday On
Monday On
Tuesday Off (AM class does Monday or Wed make-up Wod)
Wednesday On
Thursday On
Friday Off
By allowing at least two non sequential days off we can train at high intensity over the course of a week. Consistently training CrossFit more than three days in a row can lead to a decrease in performance due to accumulated inflammation and a lack of recovery. Many of you guys have been following our 3/1/2/1 schedule with great success.
But what about training over longer periods of time than a week?
The type of training we do as CrossFitters leads to degrees of adaptation much more closely related to competitive athletics than traditional "fitness" programs. That being said, it's important to note that most organized sports teams map out their yearly programming goals based around a competitive season. Conversely, CrossFit is a GPP program which aims to achieve a consistently high level of work capacity over a life time. There are many individuals who use CrossFit to train for their sport or occupation (MIL/LEO etc.) and an ever growing number of people who are competing in CrossFit as their primary sport. These individuals will generally modify variables of their programs to better prepare themselves for competition or deployment.
But what about "me"?
The majority of us are training CrossFit without any regard to a specific competition or training goal other than health, longevity and elite fitness. It's therefore necessary for the average CF'er to take it upon
themselves to consider their training over longer periods of time than
a week. As mentioned earlier, hitting Wods hard can take a toll on us and we've got enough people coming more than three times a week that it has become prudent to formalize some cyclic recovery into our program. Starting today, we're going to implement posted "Back Off" weeks every fourth week. We encourage our athletes who train with us three or more times per week or more to use this as a period to scale back intensity and give your body a chance to clean house. The workouts we post on back off weeks will not be dramatically different than traditional programming but will favor Max Effort days and shorter (sub 12 min) Metcons. Athletes who are following the back off should treat the workouts as maintenance and accordingly decrease intensity. If you train with us less frequently, perhaps once or twice a week and are not considerably active outside of CrossFit then you shouldn't worry as much about the back off week and simply listen to your body.
Appropriately enough, the first Back Off week starts today, just 5 days before the North East Qualifier.
CFSBK Mesocycle
Week 1 On
Week 2 On
Week 3 On
Week 4 On
Week 5 Back Off
Post thoughts to comments.
That’s Alyson 🙂
just when it was starting to get fun….
Im going to Pittsburgh this weekend and I was thinking of finding an affiliate to workout with–but Ill just go hard this week and take the long weekend off.
Beyond the box:
Margie: We chatted with your meat guy the other day at carroll gardens and there was some discussion of him taking advantage of our poor lost souls who want to work for free. I am down.
Also: We have been discussing this picnic/park wod. How’s the 30th? We need to practice farmer’s carry in the lyceum first. Also: We need to do some watermelon carries. Friend who is the GM at union market was telling me about the woman who stole two watermelons from union market. Then someone ran after her, but couldn’t catch up! (That’s for you, David.)
Trapeze: I wanna swing trapeze! Who is down?
hm, i guess ‘down’ is not the right word to use for trapeze.
who is up?
What do you guys think about getting a group of chocolate milk enthusiasts together to see if milk thistle would sell to us directly with delivery at the Lyceum (possibly storage as well?)
I am just thinking that if we could get a fixed purchase for 30-50 quarts a week it might be worth there while?
As for the park WOD the 29th is Laurel’s birthday, that would be a good excuse for picnic and park WOD.
I am down for trapeze.
Great info about the cycling of workouts! It took me awhile to realize that rest/recovery days are just as (if not more) important as work days.
This past Saturday, I participated in an Olympic Triathlon up at Harriman State Park. It became my Crossfit experiment because I did very (very) little triathlon specific training outside of CFSBK wod’s.
The swim ended up being replaced by a 1.5 mi run because the fog was too dense to even see the water from the beach!
Olympic Triathlon (Duathlon)1.5 mi run: 11:4429 mi bike: 1:51:056.2 mi run: 55:07Total: 3:01:57
I had fun, and it was interesting to see how the CF work transfers in a different environment. It wasn’t my fastest attempt, but I didn’t seem too far behind a couple of the girls that had been training for months. Yay burpees!
Sameer – I assume you were talking to Chip at Carroll Gardens. Younger, bald guy? Dan is the farmer – Chip is his son-in-law. Anyway, Dan and I have talked about the idea a couple of times, so I can follow up with him.
As for Milk Thistle – Malcolm, I think it would be tough/complicated to store at the Lyceum. But Dante might be open to a special pick up or something every Sat/Sun.
Anne – awesome work!! I’d be interested to hear more about the “transference” ie what felt stronger/weaker both physically and mentally.
Margie and Anne –
I did the Montauk Century yesterday (100 miles from Babylon to Montauk) My longest training ride was a 25-mile time trial a couple weeks ago and I’ve done about 2 short bike training sessions a week.
I was a little worried that I might be fine for the first half and then give out, but I actually averaged just over 17 mph for the whole ride, and was faster in the second half than the first.
I didn’t do that particular ride last year, but based on other 100-milers I did do, I could probably have managed about 15-15.5 mph at the end of last season, so it was a pretty big improvement.
The biggest thing that CrossFit has helped is my muscles’ ability to get rid of lactic acid. I only feel a “burn” at very high levels of effort now.
Mentally, the biggest thing for me on this ride was just nervousness about my ability to keep up a relatively high level of effort over a long period of time.
Another thing, which was more of an issue in the duathlon I did last week (my first since starting CrossFit) is that I haven’t put in much time training at my race pace, so I’m not really sure what my pace should be in order to save enough for the finish. But I think that that comfort level will come with more races over the course of the season.
I’d be interested to hear your experience too Anne
Anyone have a truck? May be gone already, but was just posted on the mainpage boards.
i just completed the bourbon marathon at church hill downs. where you drink nothing but bourbon for four days straight, scream at horses and get no more than three hours sleep at a time. Thank you crossfit for preparing me for such extreme debauchery!
KB Order:Jack 1x1pood, 1x8kgJuliana 1x1poodSameer 1x1poodBjorn 1x1pood 1x24kg.Jacinto 1x1pood, 1x24kg. 1x2poodChris 1x1poodTotal = 10Anyone else should let me know by tomorrow, last day
I have access to a zipcar malcolm.
They haven’t responded yet, so I am assuming so faster clicker than I is gloating over their free rower.
Congratulations Ashley!Look forward to meeting the new addition.
So with all this talk about Brooklyn Boulders I decided to peak my head in today and see what was what. and… The place is going to be BANANAS. It’s still early stages in there but I got the grand tour from Steve, one of the owners. They’ve got some amazing stuff in the works and he’s equally excited that there is a Crossfit right around the corner. He said he’s been working on his muscle-up. The place is simple incredible and much larger than it looks in the pictures and plans. July/August can’t come soon enough. I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
“weighted” pullup
BW Overhand- 4, 4, 3BW Reverse Grip- 3BW Overhand- 3
More incentive to get that bodyweight down to 210
Did death by pushup (30 sec ladder) with a few people in honor of back off week.Got up to 10
Weighted pullup
BWX5. +10X5, +20X5, +25X4, +45X1, +50X1. In honor of back off week I went heavy and few for my last few sets rather than sticking to a lower weight that I could do more times. Sometime I want to find my one rep max.
Nice job backing off with those pushups guys. (I like it when sitting on my ass with the clock is virtue).
David – I like the idea of the mesocycle structure. It’s hard to pace myself; there’s so much to practice and improve, that once I’m in the gym I can’t help pushing. I think it will help to have an external structure helping me back off… although I’m not sure I did today.
Weighted pull-ups: 5xbw, 5x5lbs, 5x10lbs, 4×12.5lbs + 1×12.5lbs w/ assist, 3×12.5lbs + 2×12.5lbs w/ assist. Thanks Anne! Congratulations on those strict pull-ups, they looked beautiful.
Practiced double-unders and suddenly could string them together… got 10 in a row! Hope they stick around.
Weighted Pullup10x5 20×5 30×5 40×5 1.5pood(54lb)x5changed grip for last round.
Death by PushUp (30 sec ladder)11 rnds+6 (it catches up on you fast!!)
Split jerk practice was cool. Looking forward to doing more of that.
emailed for the erg too. heard nothing.
Brooklyn Boulders!!! Cant frikkin wait.
If the erg dude ever gets back to anyone, I can pick it up (actually I should find out where the guy is before blithely volunteering but what the hell).
Weighted Pullups (enjoyed!)5×5, 10×5, 10×5(reverse grip), 10×5, 10×2.9(reverse grip)
I always get nervous trying something new going overhead because of my lack of shoulder mobility but the split jerk practice was fun… I look forward to practicing it some more.
i’d be down for the farm trip.
Laurel – Awesome work on the double unders! I knew they would show up.Now time to start chasing Sal’s 105.
Took a rest day today (work influenced)Tomorrow is a rest dayWednesday is BaseballThursday – back to CFSBK!
I love rest. One of my favorite quotes: “time in the rack is not wasted” – Bob Doyle
David – you have gotten me into the best shape of my life. I will follow you to the end coach!
Pull-ups C2B20x5, 30×5, 50×5, 58×5, 63×5
My arms were shot today…actually my whole body was still shot from the weekend.
I was only able to do about 2 BW pullups then Becky came through with the assistance.
5 white band5 bw 2 assisted5 bw 3 assisted5 bw 4 assisted5 bw 4 assisted
5 bw chinups 4 assistedthen did a couple of sets of negative holds to failure.
On the bright side double unders are really coming along.
Yesterday i was able to pull those 10 (total) out of seemingly nowhere. I ended still struggling a bit but today I get on the rope and even though I stil cant string them together all hat well, it just seems magically like I have the rhythm down and I can do at least 1 du whenever I want! Awesome. Congrats on those DUs too Laurel.
Have a good rest guys–see you in a few days.
Oh yea split jerks were awesome. Something I actually felt somewhat decent at on the 1st try.
“Weighted” pullups:
Blue band x 5, blue band x 5, white band x 5, white band x 5, white band x 4, plus 1 assisted w/ white band. Chin-up grip on the last set. Hard to tell how much weight/assistance was going on between the baby and the bands; I figure the white band washes out the pregnancy weight and it’s kinda like unassisted pullups. Since I only had about 3 before CF, I’m psyched.
Split jerk practice w/ 22lb bar.
Weighted Pull-ups:5 – 1 strict (first one!!), 1 chin-up, 3 chin-ups w/assist5 – 5 chin-ups w/assist5 – 5 strict w/assist5 – 1 chin-up, 4 chin-up w/assist5 – 1 chin-up, 4 chin-up w/assist
Pull-ups have been a slooow process for me. Thanks for your help Laurel…great work with the weight!
I really like the push-jerk practice.
Can’t wait for the Boulders. And Sameer, I’d try the trapeze!
Was pretty tired last night.
attempted 20# for 1 and only got halfway up. Just didn’t have the energy to grind through.
what what are you saying tell me i dont know
Then her soul starts to speak to her out of her cigarette lighter. Her soul speaks a series of upbeat clichés. Then Agnes goes into the garden and becomes even more sad, because something has changed and it’s going to be hard to go to work at her shitty job tomorrow.