With a continuously running clock, perform one pull-up the first minute, two the second, three the third and so on until you are unable to complete the prescribed number of repetitions.
71°F, 57% Humidity
Post rounds completed to comments.
Accessory Work
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps for time of:
Deadlift, Bodyweight
Carlos and Manuel Guerra
Happy Birthday, Becky!
Alec adjusted my right ankle yesterday and the difference I’m feeling is profound. I had been walking around with discomfort for about 2 weeks while squats continued to get more and more painful but now I can actually squat without my achilles wanting to kick my ass.Thank you, Alec!!!
Also,I’ve noticed that everything Charlotte does looks even more badass with a baby in tow.
Finally,I love when parents bring their kids into class!
DBPU: only 6 roundson the 3rd I could feel my left shoulder/delt tightening up and on round 6 called it quits. totally bummed.
“Annie”11:51 (PR)(old PR from way back in Sept was 14 and change)
the first 50 DUs were annoying! i seem to get zoned in as the rounds progress. the first 50 were all over the place and took me almost 3 min.
good to be back but now off to Cali for the weekend!
hm, this climate change is a perfect distraction from all the real problems that are out there.
What a nice class this morning!
I lost the battle after the 7th round. Was fun though.The DL/Push up thingy was harder than anticipated, nevertheless it’s still my favorite wod ever.
I’m looking forward to this one. The stigmata is finally healed and i got a cheese lady to take…
Andy’s back!
David, is Press or Push Press a good sub for push-ups on the accessory?
Has anyone used Captains of Crush Grippers? Besides developing grip for sport applications, I think they may become part of my knee rehab routine. I’m going to order the #1 and #2, and will bring them in so you can see how manly your grip is 🙂http://www.ironmind.com/ironmind/opencms/ironmind/Main/captainsofcrush.html
Grant – I have a Captain of Crush Gripper (#1). Totally rocks. Wish I had a Trainer and the #1.5 as the jump to the 2.0 is huge: 140lbs – 195lbs.
What’s fun is using straps with weights and timing how long you can keep them closed. Surprisingly difficult as the weight goes up.
Fun morning crowd! Did strict pullups w/ the green band–way more fun than ring rows. Got through 10 rounds. On the accessory workout, used pre-pregnancy BW (145#) for the deadlifts, finished in 7:59 (lots of breaks for breathing).
David: I left my Kleen Kanteen behind. I’ll stop by to pick it up tonight.
I have the trainer and the #1. the trainer is great for warming up. I tore a tendon in my knuckle a few years back, and the #1 used to bother me a little bit while it was still healing. definitely warmup your hands before going all out, you don’t want to tear a tendon in your hand, trust me :(.
Dan R would you mind bringing your #1 to class tonight? I ordered the #1 and #2 on the advice of a friend, but am worried the #2 might be slightly advanced for me. If I can’t close a #1, I’ll cancel the whole F’en order!
oh man this is the exact WOD and accessory that I want to be doing, and I think i strained my lat or something trying to bang out pullups after a lot of overhead snatching shit.
hopefully it will be ok by tonight.
KB’s I’m getting 2, Julliana is getting 1, Step up if you want in
sign me up for a couple bells Jack. I have a job now, I can afford it. w00t.
Congrats Sameer! Where did you decide on?
Congrats, Sameer! Drop me an email re KB’s jlevavi@hotmail.com
@Grant – sure thing, I have it in my bag. I’ll be at the 6pm class, but will make sure to leave it on the table so you can take a look.
haven’t yet decided dan, but i’m leaning in one direction. thanks!
13 rounds of pullups before my hands tore open. maybe could have eeked out the 14th round, but I’m pretty sure that would’ve been it.
Deadlift/Pushups as Rx’d in 3:29
That was about the most out of breath I’ve been after a workout that I can remember
We have interest in 4 KB’s Jack-2Jules-2 Sameer-1 need 2 more to save some shipping $.BTW -1pood=16kg. Price=$46.99(MD Gray Series)
DBPU: 14 rounds. Got to 7 on round 15 but ran out of strength and time.
“Annie”: 8:38 as Rx’d
“Death By Pull-Up”
17 Rounds (153 Pull-ups) Completed within minute.
Opted to do High Bar Back Squats 155x5x5 instead of the DL/Push-up A/W.
My forearms are JELLO
Push-Up Ladder12 rounds completed (78 Push-ups)
NFT 1000m Row
Annie-15:10 Bringing up the rear
This is just amazing…
13 rounds, dl/pushup wod in 3:50. I was a little disappointed in both these results, definitely room for improvement!
Couldn’t do the pullup WOD because of some lat/armpit issue.
Deadlift/Pushups ar rx’d (238 lbs)10:44
If I didn’t already have enough reasons to get my bodyweight down.
Pullup ladder10Was having a lot of trouble stringing anything together – if I could only get that squared away!!Thanks to Malcolm and Laurel for being my pullup masters.
DL/Pushup as rx’d (DL @ 115)5:04 PRDL’s unbroken
Thanks to Erik and Andy for stickin’ around and talking me through this!
Rest day is a gorgeous thing
ah yes, rest day…thank you.
death by pullup7+7 strict. really liked this. want to do it again. awesome to see everyone rock it.
DL/Pushup as rx’d6:04 PRDL’s/PU’s unbroken. room for improvement. too much standing around between rounds. great burner.
Very upset to miss class today, the old calf injury reared its ugly head again yesterday playing soccer. Aaargh! Hopefully it’ll be better by Saturday.
Scaled up to 225 (body weight 185).6:28First couple of rounds were cake. Last few rounds my back really started to tighten up.
12 on the pull-up ladder. Doing Cindy yesterday certainly didn’t help.
DBPU – 11 rounds + 11 (that damn last one I failed on twice – jello forearms couldn’t get my damn chin over the bar)
DL/PU – scaled down to 165 lbs to make sure I kept my form 6:36
I really liked this WOD, lot’s of fun!
Death by Pullups – 10 rounds + 6.
DL/PU – Did this at 155 which I thought was my weight (but I apparently weigh 160). 7:10.
Death by pull-ups: finished the 9th round… was worried about my shoulder, but it didn’t hurt; we’ll see how things feel tomorrow.
Dl @ 84.4lbs. Scaled back a lot to work on form. I think my time was 8:36.
Great working with you Jenna – you had an amazing rhythm tonight, both with the pull-ups and the deadlifts, that I’m going to try to emulate.
gotta go out. but before i forget:
pullups: 14+8dl, as rx’d 150lbs (I think that is maybe 5lbs over my bw) 6:47
i think it would have gone faster if both my forearms were not completely and utterly wasted, with two rips on my hands.
Death by Pull-ups: 6
Being new to this whole wrecked hand thing & seeing my stigmata bleeding everywhere really put me in a bad starting place mentally for WOD #2:
DL @ 118Subbing Push-press @ 44 for pushups8:49
Ugh. Afterwards I decided one of my new goals for 2009 should be to lighten up a bit and stop grimacing and crying my way through WODs! Crossfit is fun, I am happy to be there, and sometimes I forget this when things hurt. Any help policing/reminders to smile mid-WOD would be much appreciated! 🙂
DL/Push-up WOD2:00 as RX’d (175lbs)
Deadlift/pushups-Weight 185, 9:4512 rounds pullups, black band
C2B pullups-o-pain: 13 rounds + 9 additional pullups
Deadlift/Pushup WoD: 2:31
Some good and bad today all around
Death by pullup:Bad: i was pretty disappointed with only going 6 rounds. It was my first time doing it–but I thought I’d get to at least 8.
Good: my arms are sore and I cant even do 1 pullup on my home bar right now–so I guess it worked.
Deadlift/Pushup: 9:03Good: I had a lot of great support from Margie, Dan, and some others who were around.I realized when I got home that I actually did more weight than Rx’ed because of my poor math skills. 155 lbs –i weigh about 147 right now–hooray.
Bad: my lower back is blasted. I feel like I just picked up a 90lb bag of concrete wrong. I feel like im 90 yrs old. Anyone have a cure for the lower back soreness from deadlifts?
I mean at the ed of the day this is a good–since I love feeling Sore–but this hurts.
DL/PU 200lbs, 10 over bw; 3:59Pullup ladder – 11 rds, 8rds C2B unbroken
glad that was helpful.Yet again,thank you for a great session.I’m very grateful for your knowledge, wit and wisdom
My forearms and hands hurt too much to type this up last night, so here goes.
Death by pullup is aptly named. I gassed on the 12th round by only getting in 11 at the buzzer. Used the white band. Managed to keep them strict through the 5th round before I started kipping the rest. I was just happy not to rip open my hand again.
Deadlifts and Pushups. I was trying really hard to work in some form cues on my deadlifts so I was just trying to be steady, not fast. It felt better this time and I didn’t feel like I was going to tear an arm off, so that was good. Push-ups weren’t as chest-to-deck as I need them to be– I need to work on that. But 94#, 10:03 is cool by me.
Thanks for keeping me in my zone, Laurel and for pushing back the crowd– it helped big time. And way to go on those pull-ups. You made em look easy.
DBPU- 10 rds with some change on 11th rd, maybe 8 reps
Accessory- 7:25. 225# DL. Subbed 107# press for push-ups b/c shoulder was hurting a little during push-ups. The DLs went a lot better than the first time I did this wod, and my back wasn’t wrecked like the first time either.
Thanks Dan for letting me check out the COC gripper.
I closed the #1, am comfortable with my masculinity again, and won’t be cancelling my order.