Post loads to comments.
Accessory Work
50-40-30-20-10 reps for time of:
Double Unders
SBK Athletes interested in ordering kettlebells with Jack:
Muscle Driver offers a 15% discount on the shipping when they get an order of 6 or more. The normal shipping, incidentally is not that expensive- a 1 pood shipped to Brooklyn is about $14. However, if there is interest, I can put together an order which we can ship to SBK. Anyone interested can drop me an email at jlevavi(AT)hotmail.com
If anyone would like to see how a Muscle Driver Kettlebell feels, we have two if their "Black Series" bells in house already.
CrossFit Ladies, You are Beautiful AgainFaster
i heart jon gilson!
i ALSO heart jon gilson!!
interesting article on huffington post today about “organic” vs. traditional eggs
thanks for posting that shane -it’s absolutely true. And that’s why it’s important to buy directly from farmers who you can ask about their farming practices. Organic determined by the goverment, so it’s only partly worthwhile. Or rather it’s more worthwhile for some products than others. And it’s ok in a pinch.
Hey Margie, are any of the eggs you like sold at the Co-op? (Or do you like any of the eggs sold at the co-op?) I picked up a couple dozen last week from a farm in PA (can’t remember the name) but they weren’t there this week. Thanks!
those eggs you like is going to come back in style
Charlotte – I buy my eggs at the farmers market from Grazin’ Angus Acres or Flying Pigs farm. Or I buy eggs from Kinderhook farm which they sell at Forager’s market in dumbo (where I work). I have bought those eggs from PA before I think but I don’t know anything about that farm.
Otherwise, no, I don’t buy eggs at the co-op anymore. alas.
Sameer – what kind of english is that?!
Margie – have you figured out the delivery schedule on the Kinderhook eggs? We were buying those off and on, but they haven’t been there the last few times we’ve looked… of course, now we have the Vermont hook-up we may never need to know, but just in case!
my sister has bantam chickens, and a while back she sent us a dozen fresh eggs, and also grits from the mill near her house. both were truly awesome. just felt like sharing :).
Yer all a bunch of chickens-just lay off my eggs in the fridge
Laurel – I know, they weren’t around for a while, but now they’re back. I think it’s probably a combo of when the owner of forager’s goes up to the farm and also that we’re just getting back into prime egg season.
Paul – what’s the mill near your sister’s house? not anson mills perchance?
Link to a NY Times article about a study that purports to show that if you exercise you shouldn’t take vitamins.
Very interesting stuff. Here is a link to the abstract.http://www.pnas.org/content/early/2009/05/11/0903485106.abstract
There are no statistics in the abstract sadly. Any one have access to journal articles? If not I am going to have to bully a friend in med-school.
Laurel and I won’t be in class tonight as we were given tickets to a concert, but enjoy the power snatches.
Malcolm — I have the article as a PDF. Will print a few copies and bring with me tonight. You should also look for a copy in your inbox.
no it’s not anson mills, although that would be awesome. not sure the name of it, but it’s in snow camp, NC. they sell them in 25lb bags only. they are so much better than store bought grits that I am thinking of buying a bag. the only downside is they take a long time to cook, at least an hour.
Snatchity Snatch:
A couple of the 105 and 115 reps were ugly, but I stuck at least one at each weight, so it counts. =) (The ugly reps I had to muscle the weight up, rather than going to fully locked on arms on the 3rd pull.)
annie: as rx’d: 21:50!
Thank you juliana for calling me out. It was good to hit it as prescribed.
snatch technique work
Annie in 14:36 counting DU attempts
through some searching around the site, I found out that my time is 3 minutes faster than April 16th.Change I can believe in!
Power Snatch125x3,135×3,145×3,155×3,165×3
Row 1K 3:25 (PR)
Did this in the apt. gym.
Snatch:65, 75, 90, 100, 105
The last two sets were kind of messy, hopefully a weekend snatch workout will come up so I can get some form pointers!
Annie went great, 8:57! PR by almost 4 minutes. Got a stretch of 35 DU for a PR there as well.
I’ve been getting eggs from the “egg lady” at the Grand Army Plaza farmer’s market (Tellos? something like that). I can’t decide if hers or Flying Pigs are better.
Light Shoulder stretches and range of motion.
Pushups and situps 3 sets of 25 reps.
Most of the pushups were on my knees but I did manage to do a bunch of regular singles and two regular pushups back to back.
3 sets of 10 squats10-15-10 of lunges with 25lb dumbbell.
*not gonna lie I am pretty happy about the 2 pushups.
Annie 10:54 but I did single rope jumps not double-unders. I was a little weak from the cold I’m getting over.
Rob that’s fantastic!! I bet that feels awesome.
The eggs from Tellos aren’t going to be quite the same as Flying pigs or other farms where chickens aren’t the focus. Just look a the quantity of eggs Tellos sells – volume definitely affects the way chickens can be raised. I mean, Tellos is still WAY better than most eggs out there.
Snatch x15Reps 1-5 @ 61#Reps 6-10 @ 64#missed rep 6 (sun was in eyes, caught it forward)Reps 11-15 @ 67#
Rest 5 min
C& J x15Reps 1-5 @ 81#Reps 6-10 @ 84#Reps 11-15 @ 87#missed rep 11, couldn’t even get underneath the bar. Rep 12 was really ugly coming out of the bottom, but they smoothed out after that.This weight is heavy.
snatchs just with the bare bar for form and annie with boxjumps instead of double unders in 14:48
Rob – so good to see you back!!!!
Cindy:17 rounds + 5 pull-ups
Pull-ups and squats were pretty much unbroken, it was the push-ups that slowed me down.
Not the best wod to do alone. After a few rounds, started to wonder why I was doing it. Thankfully Leo started pushing me towards the end. The threat of being spat upon easily got me another round, probably two.
power snatch. worked on technique. really like this lift. thanks david and jeremy for the pointers.
65×5 85×5 105x a lot
2k row7.14
went out too fast, therefore knocking the piss out of me and slowing down quite a bit on the second 1k. really looking forward to trying it again.
well done rob. awesome news re the push ups.
great class today. and here was i thinking of not going.
Snatch using just the bar for form – I imagine that when you actually get the form on these they feel great but they really suck at the moment.
Annie – 9:30 with 3X singles on the Jump RopeFelt really good, just wish I could get double unders. Hopefully the new jump rope will give me the magic I need.Finished off with 50 pullups (kipping 15, 10, 5s)
to all interested in the jump rope purchase. here’s the link to the rope.
per erik’s advice, we’ll be ordering extra chords for anyone who wants.
does everyone still want one?
Power Snatches115x3, 115×3, 120×3, 125×3*, 130×3*
Annie: 6:10 (PR)
Snatch notes:Some *UGLY reps — pressed out a few of them. John had good advice on not jumping too wide. Good working with ya! Definitely need to drill those cues in.
John and I later decided to drop back to 95lbs and drill form. Did 2 mid-hang to scarecrow pulls before doing the snatch on the third rep and the form improved dramatically.
Am looking forward to getting bodyweight snatch overhead soon… Say in the next 30 days? Any takers?
Annie NotesDouble-unders felt great. Had a few misses, would have been nice to get them all unbroken.First 50 situps unbrokenThen the rest done in sets of 10 with about 3 seconds rest between them.
Previous timesLast time: 7:15and before then: 6:15Will definitely sub 6 this next time. Glad to see some positive improvements, got worried with that performance dip…
Shout outs:Sameer for rocking it with the double-unders! You’ll have them linked together in no time.
Anne for killing Annie.
Rob for getting two sequential pushups.
and Jack for being a trooper during Annie and also letting me sample some of the eggs! You rock Jack-attack.
Annie with 3:1 singles for doubles:
Last time was 9:39, but I really need to get my doubles down
Bike workout this morning 11 1-minute rounds with 60,50,40,30,20,10 and back up the ladder seconds of rest between rounds.
4.09 miles during the work intervals (22.25 mph)
Power Snatch 45/65/85/105/125**only one ugly pressed snatch
I had to leave early and rebuffed Annie.
Many many thanks to everyone for the warm welcome. It’s nice to be back.
Andy — welcome “home!”
Snatch: 3-3-3-3-365,67,68,70,70
Still getting used to this one. A couple of the 70’s were ugly.
Annie: 7:29 as rx’d (pr)
It is great to have Rob in class! Welcome back to Andy, too!
And for the record…after class, I helped Sal open the Tylenol bottle. I’m sure he loosened it, but I’m taking the victory while I can. 🙂
Annie in 15:10 subbed 3jumps for double unders-somebody’s got to be last,always glad to oblige:)So far on the KB’s- I’m getting a 1 pood and an 8kg. Julianna is getting 1 pood. That’s all so far, so if interested step up.
Question for Margie or anyone else-What exactly is the problem with eggs from the supermarket. I’m not trying to be a wise ass here, inquiring minds wanna know.
Btw – David McG…I don’t want a rope anymore.
Jack –
A really simple and non-technical answer goes something like this.
Chickens are serving to condense what they eat into something we can eat. A chicken fed predominantly cheap sub-fractions of corn- (Think the sludge that is left over after the commercial extraction of corn-syrup, vitamin c and all the other wonderful corn derived chemicals we use)- will be condensing what ever is in that. It is not necessarily even that what is in it is bad, so much as simple. There just is not much chemical diversity in a super market egg because the genetically identical chickens are being fed a very monotonous diet of freakishly simple nutrients. When you eat that egg you are just not going to get much other than the basic carbs, protein and fat from it because there isn’t much in it. If there is something that shouldn’t be concentrated for health in that egg you will be getting lots of it.
An egg from a wild bird would probably be best because it would be eating literally thousands of species of seeds, plants, insects, spiders and anything it can get. But since gathering the eggs from the now very rare Chinese wild chickens seems impractical we will have to settle for chickens that have free run of a farm so they are eating everything around. This is also part of why Margie noted that a farm that doesn’t specialize in chickens is better. If you have a ton of chickens everything they like to eat will be picked over even if they have the run of the place and the species diversity of what they are eating will be much lower. Another reason to buy eggs from a smaller producer is basically that just like a human city a large chicken colony will be a breeding ground for illness and the chickens will either be very sick, medicated or most likely both.
All of that is just tip of the iceburg sort of analysis though.
14:41 Annie – the first set was box jumps, then I realized that 3-for-1 singles didn’t mean three singles AND a double. Yay I’m learning impaired!
Rob, good to meet you. Semper Fi.