Complete 7 Rounds of:
:20 Deadlift, 225lbs
:40 Rest
:20 Burpees
:40 Rest
Post reps completed to comments
Todays WOD is a modified version of a CF Football WOD. Athletes may choose to substitute Double Unders, Box Jumps or Lateral Jumps over a barrier for Burpees. If 225 is too much for you to Deadlift, divide your 1RM by 1.4 to scale.
Accessory Work
Strict Pull-Ups 3×5
Lecture Series: Understanding Sarcoplasmic Vs. Myofibrillar Hypertrophy
Below is the list of people who are interested in hotel/travel with SBK for the Qualifiers. If you would like to join the group, please email Margie ( no later than Friday morning (4/24). We will likely leave Friday afternoon and return Sunday evening. We are working on group travel arrangements and will keep everyone posted.
Anne and Rob, Laurel and Malcolm, Vadim and Olga, Dan R, Charmel, Erik, Sameer, Jeremy, Sal, David O, Margie, Jacinto Juliana and Brandy
There are no classes this weekend for our first Gymnastics Certification.
Workout Tips for Jihad Offered by Al-Qaeda Supporting Magazine Telegraph
Want to Go Faster? You Need a Trainer NY Times
World First For Strange Molecule BBC
New High-Speed Rail Plan for US Arch Daily
American Sweatshop Labor Clothes the Military Behind the Label
Guinea pigs this morning did box jumps. First three rounds were at :15/:45 but then David switched it up on us.
49 deadlifts, 87 boxjumps.
Deadlifts were slow to start, but got into the groove later. First couple rounds of boxjumps, similarly, I wasn’t cycling as quickly as I could have, and had to stop every now and then for balance, but later that improved. Then I fatigued and couldn’t keep the same pace.
First double-under today! Maybe that means I will figure out linking soon, but I’m happy with this for now.
Congrats Sameer, that’s awesome!
The NY Times article is fantastic. It hits a lot of interesting points, but two of the most compelling are that training makes the athlete, as opposed to just inate ability, and that conditioning takes time. A long time – as in years. As crossfitters, we are so eager to “hit it hard” and PR and be in top form. And there’s the inevitable comparing that happens between athletes. This can often lead to a certain impatience and frustration with oneself. But this article stresses that peak conditioning takes years to develop.
I’ve been seriously crossfitting for almost 2 years now, and I find that I am finally at a point where I understand the gross mechanics of certain movements enough that I can explore their nuances, and my body is conditioned enough to handle that exploration. In fact, I didn’t really consider myself an athlete until recently.
Remember that your evolution as an athlete will happen at its own pace, not anyone else’s. Relish it, push yourself but be patient, indulge your curiosity and always let it be fun.
Guinea pig, subbed pushups for box jumps. 95# deadlift b/c I have no idea what my max is–could have gone heavier. 81 deadlifts, 78 pushups.
Thought people might like this–a coffee mug shaped like a 24kg kettlebell:
That is the coolest mug i’ve EVER seen!
IM SOO Buying that!
Thanks, Charlotte
Thanks Charlotte! Now I can drink my coffee in style! π
Burpees:8 7 6 6 6 6 6 = 45Deadlifts@110: 8 7 6 5 7 6 6 = 45
Pull-ups: 3x5Ring dips: 3, 3.9 (didn’t quite lock the last one out.)
Useful analysis Margie, thank you… it IS hard to be patient. Congratulations Sameer!
WOD – good stuff.DeadLift Rx : 10, 11, 10, 10, 9, 10, 10 =70Burpees: 12, 10, 9, 8, 9, 9, 9 =66Total 136
Acc wk: strict pull ups 3×5
nice laurel. 4 dips next time.
great article. it’s frikkin very hard to be patient at times. having fun is the key. having a really awesome group to work out with is a huge plus too.
and….i’m getting that mug
DeadLift (160): Total 42Burpees: 50Started losing serious form on deadlifts about the fifth round, only got four on the sixth round (thanks to Dave correcting my form) and did air squats for the seventh round.Pull ups: 3X5Ring dips: 3, 3
Margie, very well said.
Very cool mug and great article on the Rydberg molecule.
Too bad I had to miss today, now I’ll never know the difference between sarcoplasmic and myofibrillar hypertrophy.
DL: 71, Lateral-Burpee’s: 59. wicked.
Burpees: 8,9,7,8,7,7,8 = 54Deadlifts@225: 6,5,4,4,3,3,4 = 29
Pull-ups: 3X5 (last set was on the finger grips).Ring dips: 4, 2.Did a couple more L-pull-ups.
DL @ 160 (1RM/1.4)Lateral jumps over paralette
DL – 44Jumps – 108
Pullups 3×5 (1st pull, 2nd chin, 3rd pull)
This felt like a “big boys” workout and I quite liked it. But then again, I like anything that involves heavy weights and loud grunting.
If the workout comes up again, I encourage people to experiment with a movement other than burpees – this is a fun one to play around with.
And Lil beefcake wins.
As Rx’dDL: 86Burpee: 77Total 163
On Saturday I’ll be at St. Mary’s Park (Smith St btwn Luquor and Nelson) from 10:30-12. I’m bringing kettlebells for Hellen and whatever bodyweight foolishness we want to engage in.
Deadlifts: 73Burpees: 55Total: 128
Deadlifts 160 lbs. =70 repsBox jumps =71 repsTotal=141Enjoyed this WOD, felt like I should have gone heavier on the weight, but it still kicked my ass.
140 lb
Deadlifts 80Burpees 44total 124
Deadlifts (195): 50Burpees : 61
deadlift @ 115 lb- 59burpees- 51
Quarter Gone Bad as RX’dDone in motorcycle boots and jeans.
Deadlifts: 17/15/11/11/9/8/8 = 79Burpees: 10/10/9/8/9/8/8 = 62Total: 142
Had a rotten day, this made it much better. Was much more difficult than expected. Felt like tabata with a longer rest interval and less rounds.
Enjoyed it!
Margie, I didn’t realize there was a competition going on…
My bad, not quarter gone bad… David’s own creation!
And I clearly cannot add at the moment… Total is 141.
Sigh… Sleep, I need sleep…
I missed the lecture as well, but this link was informative:
Short read, but here’s an excerpt:
“Sarcoplasmic hypertrophy is an increase in the volume of the non-contractile muscle cell fluid, sarcoplasm. This fluid accounts for 25-30% of the muscleβs size. Although the cross sectional area of the muscle increases, the density of muscle fibers per unit area decreases, and there is no increase in muscular strength.”
“Myofibrillar hypertrophy, on the other hand, is an enlargement of the muscle fiber as it gains more myofibrils, which contract and generate tension in the muscle. With this type of hypertrophy, the area density of myofibrils increases and there is a significantly greater ability to exert muscular strength (2). This type of hypertrophy is best accomplished by training with heavy weights for low reps.”
“In essence, myofibrillar hypertrophy is what I would term functional hypertrophy.”
I’ll take option 2…
Think twice, Dan. No curls, no girls!
Hahaha, nice Andy! Of course, according to Rippetoe muscles have nothing to do with it…
When are you back in the states?
really sad i missed this wod, but i’m still recovering emotionally from the burpee abuse…
did a 4.5 mile run
running a 1/2 marathon on sunday in the heat! yikes!
have fun with the cert for those who go!
Dan, I’ll be back in the second week of May. I’m ready to crossfit…and to do curls. Just in case Rippetoe is wrong.
Good speed, Stephanie!
I was sorta kidding, but thanks, Dan!
So if I understand correctly it’s like this:
Sarcoplasmic = high reps, low weight = size =1980s Bodybuilder π
Myofibrillar = low reps, high weight = strength =21st century CrossFitter π
yesterday’s workout as rx’d:DL 8, 8, 8, 8, 9, 8, 8 = 57Burpees 7, 7, 7, 6, 6, 6, 6 = 49Total 106
Rest time felt fairly generous by CF standards, so I didn’t crap out in the later rounds like I usually do.
Have fun at the cert! And Stephanie, good luck at the half!
I was sorta kidding, but thanks, Dan!
So if I understand correctly it’s like this:
Sarcoplasmic = high reps, low weight = size =1980s Bodybuilder π
Myofibrillar = low reps, high weight = strength =21st century CrossFitter π
yesterday’s workout as rx’d:DL 8, 8, 8, 8, 9, 8, 8 = 57Burpees 7, 7, 7, 6, 6, 6, 6 = 49Total 106
Rest time felt fairly generous by CF standards, so I didn’t crap out in the later rounds like I usually do.
Have fun at the cert! And Stephanie, good luck at the half!
Oops, sorry about that.
Great lecture Im glad I stuck around for the first part of the second class!
ended up subbing DB thrusters at 60# instead of dealifts bc of the heavy deadlift work the day before.
Total 37 thrusters- 47 burpees + 13 burpees for the burpee challenge.
thanks again for the workouts and great meeting you all! Im going to keep checking the blog for more lectures.
David thanks for posting the times article. I have been feeling like I hit a brick wall in my training and it has me a little discouraged-especially with the qualifier a couple of weeks away. I think that’s why I have been so scared as of recent, worrying that my performance has declined. Now I understand much better that this is going to take time and continued training. I need to have patience.I feel really lucky to have found a place like sbk and a fantastic group of people that keep me motivated. I am truly honored to work out and hang with such great athletes ( you guys have taught me so much, thank you all).David your programming is amazing and I feel better than I have ever felt in my life. My expectations for myself have risen so much that now there is no turning back ( you’ve created a monster!).
Good Luck this weekend
I will be at the park tomo, 10.30 — see you there! Fun part will be getting the kettle bell over on my bike…
In the words of Margie, I failed.
… wait, those don’t sound like Margie’s words at all. On second thought, they were probably my own, but last time I got 128 and this time I got 114, and as I was trying to beat my past score, well, the numbers don’t lie.
I was doing well going into the 5th round when my back tightened up bad. I went from rounds of 14, 13, 11, 11 to 4, 4, 4. (61 total)Burpees were 8’s and 7’s (53 total)
Mad props to those who were able to get more then 10 burpees per round. That’s crazy cycle time. I need to learn that madness, preferably without practicing cause burpees suck.