Brian Chontosh hits a heavy (155lb.) version of Fran at SBK
Missed signing up for the South Brooklyn Gymnastics Cert? Why not sign up for the Cert at West Point on 5/16,17
So far Laurel, Malcolm, Vadim and Anne have signed up to be Judges at the North East Qualifier next month. If anyone else from SBK (or otherwise) is interested please email with your name, email address, phone number and whether or not you've got a Level 1 Cert.
The Governor CrossFit Santa Cruz
Hey all!
Margie I tried emailing you at the crossfit address and it failed. Do you have any other email address?
Hey Juliana – didn’t work? I’ve been getting them from other people… hmmm. Well, I have you down for the qualifiers!
I’m glad Brian is fighting for our side. USA!!!
Front Squats by myself at the Y:
155×3, 175×3, 185×1, 185×1, 185×3
I’ve done 190 before and was hoping for 200 tonight, but got a little freaked out doing these on my own and in the end was happy to get the 185.