Moderately disappointing front squats today. After the massive back squat pr I was totally ready for a massive front squat pr, but I only pulled a 5 pounder. Still ok. Felt like I was getting soft at the bottom, not able to keep the core tight. Didn’t beat the previous 2RM from my last 3RM attempt either.
Then renegade rows, 20/25/30 (5 reps each arm)
some chest to bar pullupssome clapping pullups
Noticed that chest to bar is really weird with respect to the grip.
155×3 175×3 195×1 190×3 195x1felt odd today, must have been pitching forward, the bar was not holding in position.breathing didn’t feel right either, wasn’t holding.
warm up work was great. challenging.
renegade rows: 30, 40, 45 x5 each arm with push up.
pullup, double under practice.
Dan Rsays
Front Squats:185×5 225×3 235×2 230×3 235×2
Hamstring is still bothering me, avoiding injury is the goal…
Warm Up “Goats” with BrandyPistols: 20 each legWall ball@20lbs: 30 repsL-sit Practice: 3 rounds of varying timeHandstand Pushups: 5 rounds of 4 reps
Front squats were doing some unkind things to my lower back. Decided to cut it off there.
Row 1k3:28actually felt a good rhythm going on there at one point.
Front Squats:80×3 90×3 110×3(PR) 115×3 120×3 125×2 (Thanks Amy for getting me to go for it.)
I finally failed on a lift… Now I can’t wait to try it again.
Seconded on the warm up – it was quite challenging and felt like something I really need.
Snatch x15complete 1 rep on the minute, adding 1.5kg every 5th rep
55# reps 1-558# reps 6-10missed reps 7,8 and 9. Just was not receiving the bar properly.58# reps 11-15
Rest 5 minutesSame workout for C & J72# reps 1-575# reps 6-1078# reps 7-15These felt solid. A couple of the early jerks I caught slightly off balance to the left, but most of them felt crisp. Could work more on a softer bend in the back leg.
Solid work tonight Laurel!
Front Squat 155,165,175(PR),185(F),95 (Form work).
I was having difficulty getting the bar deep enough on my shoulder to be stable. Wasn’t able to support a heavy enough bar to tax the rest of my body. In that sense it was the easiest crossfit workout yet for me, and probably the most frustrating. Need to practice the position and understand it better.
Renegade Rows w/ 20,20,25.
Did 4 ring dips in a row. New PR. Felt like my kip was getting a little better. For some reason it seems like the clapping pullups are teaching me to kip.
Working with Dan on GOATS was fun.Front Squat 95,105,110F, 110,115 F on second rep.
Going down way to slow then pausing/stopping at the bottom.Drive them elbows up girl!
Squat Therapy working w/ my pace felt good. Kip swings on the bar and grip hangs on the rings.
Back Squats X3: 195,205,215,225,230=PRFelt strong tonight,working out was fun, an 11th grader and an AARP member-only at Crossfit.Renegade Rows, 20, 25, 30, 5×3 each, felt good. The warmup was a challenge, squatting with the shrug up is hard, felt my bad shoulder. Worked on the jump rope, I’m determined to get double unders. Thanks Jeremy for overseeing the lifting.
David Maksays
Echoing – warm up was great.
This was my first squat workout out of foundations so it was very interesting seeing what I could do. Felt pretty good but fighting hard for form, especially at the bottom.
135/145/155/165/1553 rounds X3 of 95 for form, holding at the bottom for 3 to 5 seconds
Renegade rows with push up, 20 (10 reps each arm because I don’t listen well) 30/30/30 (5 reps each arm)
Practiced kipping pull ups with Sameer and David’s assistance; Need a lot more work on those, feels all wrong.
Erik K.says
165, 185, 195, 200×1, 200×1
FSQ 5×3115,120,122,125,130
extra set at 135(PR)
old PR was 130. when i started last night i felt weak and by the time i got to 122 it felt HEAVY. really wasn’t sure i was even going to get to 130 but then some pushing got me to try it.
Thanks Yoon! I really like it so far, though missed lifts due to improper technique rather than fatigue/strength are frustrating since it means I won’t go up in weight. But on the other hand, my snatch technique needs a lot of work, so I guess the reps at light weight are necessary.
Any idea where this tradition comes from? EC at CF Boston introduced me to this, but I can’t remember where it comes from.
attempted 120 and failedattempted 117 and failed, not feeling it, but my last max fs was 95 (long time ago).renegade rows 20, 25, 30. wouldv’e started with 10s but thanks David for setting it high for me. and thanks cfsbk, lifting is my soft spot but you push me hard and I appreciate it. The bar is so high here and the closeness of the gym doesn’t allow slacking, I like that, sorta;)
Josh Msays
front squats x3 95lbs,95,105,125,125,95×10 45lbs for formrenegade rows 5 each arm 20,25,30,3025 pullups green band 15 then 10, 5 pullups blue bandover all it was a really good work out
Front Squats 5×3
165, 185, 205, 225, 235
First time going for a PR with FS, so looking forward to going higher soon.
Moderately disappointing front squats today. After the massive back squat pr I was totally ready for a massive front squat pr, but I only pulled a 5 pounder. Still ok. Felt like I was getting soft at the bottom, not able to keep the core tight. Didn’t beat the previous 2RM from my last 3RM attempt either.
Then renegade rows, 20/25/30 (5 reps each arm)
some chest to bar pullupssome clapping pullups
Noticed that chest to bar is really weird with respect to the grip.
front squats
155×3 175×3 195×1 190×3 195x1felt odd today, must have been pitching forward, the bar was not holding in position.breathing didn’t feel right either, wasn’t holding.
warm up work was great. challenging.
renegade rows: 30, 40, 45 x5 each arm with push up.
pullup, double under practice.
Front Squats:185×5 225×3 235×2 230×3 235×2
Hamstring is still bothering me, avoiding injury is the goal…
Warm Up “Goats” with BrandyPistols: 20 each legWall ball@20lbs: 30 repsL-sit Practice: 3 rounds of varying timeHandstand Pushups: 5 rounds of 4 reps
Post WOD weakness work:23 consecutive C2B pullups14 consecutive C2B pullups7 consecutive C2B pullups
Brandy noticed that there’s an imbalance with my kip. Right foot is in advance of the left during the kip. Will have to train that out.
Thanks Leo for the encouragement; always fun lifting with you and Erik!
205×3, 225×3, 245×3, 255×2
Front squats were doing some unkind things to my lower back. Decided to cut it off there.
Row 1k3:28actually felt a good rhythm going on there at one point.
Front Squats:80×3 90×3 110×3(PR) 115×3 120×3 125×2 (Thanks Amy for getting me to go for it.)
I finally failed on a lift… Now I can’t wait to try it again.
Seconded on the warm up – it was quite challenging and felt like something I really need.
Snatch x15complete 1 rep on the minute, adding 1.5kg every 5th rep
55# reps 1-558# reps 6-10missed reps 7,8 and 9. Just was not receiving the bar properly.58# reps 11-15
Rest 5 minutesSame workout for C & J72# reps 1-575# reps 6-1078# reps 7-15These felt solid. A couple of the early jerks I caught slightly off balance to the left, but most of them felt crisp. Could work more on a softer bend in the back leg.
Solid work tonight Laurel!
Front Squat 155,165,175(PR),185(F),95 (Form work).
I was having difficulty getting the bar deep enough on my shoulder to be stable. Wasn’t able to support a heavy enough bar to tax the rest of my body. In that sense it was the easiest crossfit workout yet for me, and probably the most frustrating. Need to practice the position and understand it better.
Renegade Rows w/ 20,20,25.
Did 4 ring dips in a row. New PR. Felt like my kip was getting a little better. For some reason it seems like the clapping pullups are teaching me to kip.
Working with Dan on GOATS was fun.Front Squat 95,105,110F, 110,115 F on second rep.
Going down way to slow then pausing/stopping at the bottom.Drive them elbows up girl!
Squat Therapy working w/ my pace felt good. Kip swings on the bar and grip hangs on the rings.
Back Squats X3: 195,205,215,225,230=PRFelt strong tonight,working out was fun, an 11th grader and an AARP member-only at Crossfit.Renegade Rows, 20, 25, 30, 5×3 each, felt good. The warmup was a challenge, squatting with the shrug up is hard, felt my bad shoulder. Worked on the jump rope, I’m determined to get double unders. Thanks Jeremy for overseeing the lifting.
Echoing – warm up was great.
This was my first squat workout out of foundations so it was very interesting seeing what I could do. Felt pretty good but fighting hard for form, especially at the bottom.
135/145/155/165/1553 rounds X3 of 95 for form, holding at the bottom for 3 to 5 seconds
Renegade rows with push up, 20 (10 reps each arm because I don’t listen well) 30/30/30 (5 reps each arm)
Practiced kipping pull ups with Sameer and David’s assistance; Need a lot more work on those, feels all wrong.
165, 185, 195, 200×1, 200×1
FSQ 5×3115,120,122,125,130
extra set at 135(PR)
old PR was 130. when i started last night i felt weak and by the time i got to 122 it felt HEAVY. really wasn’t sure i was even going to get to 130 but then some pushing got me to try it.
Margie,Very cool that you’re doing a singles-on-the-minute program. That is one of my favorite lifting progressions. Great work!
Front Squats:(22×5, 45×5, 65×5)75×3, 85×3, 95×3, 105×3, 115×3
Looking forward to discovering what my actual max might be post-partum. I’m guessing 150?
Renegade rows: 5 each side at 10#, 15#, 15#, 20#, 20#.
I, too, LOVED (hated) that warmup.
Thanks Yoon! I really like it so far, though missed lifts due to improper technique rather than fatigue/strength are frustrating since it means I won’t go up in weight. But on the other hand, my snatch technique needs a lot of work, so I guess the reps at light weight are necessary.
Any idea where this tradition comes from? EC at CF Boston introduced me to this, but I can’t remember where it comes from.
Sounds like a variation of the Joe Mills 20/20
75, 95, 105, 110, 115
attempted 120 and failedattempted 117 and failed, not feeling it, but my last max fs was 95 (long time ago).renegade rows 20, 25, 30. wouldv’e started with 10s but thanks David for setting it high for me. and thanks cfsbk, lifting is my soft spot but you push me hard and I appreciate it. The bar is so high here and the closeness of the gym doesn’t allow slacking, I like that, sorta;)
front squats x3 95lbs,95,105,125,125,95×10 45lbs for formrenegade rows 5 each arm 20,25,30,3025 pullups green band 15 then 10, 5 pullups blue bandover all it was a really good work out
Front Squats 5×3
165, 185, 205, 225, 235
First time going for a PR with FS, so looking forward to going higher soon.