Double Unders
Post time to comments.
compare to 6.9.08
Accessory Work
2 Minute Kettlebell Pressure Tests, 3 Rounds
The emphasis on today's Accessory Work is consistency and efficiency with your swings. Your score, which is max swings should be considered secondary.
We regret to inform interested participants that due to a scheduling conflict there will be NO TEASER CLASS this Saturday.
The Nerve Tank has been performing their new show, "A Gathering" at the Lyceum on Thursdays at 8:30pm. They're offering a significant discount to CrossFitters ($10 per show as opposed to $18). Why not class up your post WOD ritual with this "dark, metaphysical thriller that questions the nature of identity and bodied presence." Simply say that you're part of CrossFit South Brooklyn, drop a Hamilton and enjoy the show!
Lots of nice comments about SBK from Monday’s Mainsite post:
17:40I counted attempts. Man that was hard. I was gassed big time.
kb swings were really difficult too.
Fun time this morning!Annie: 8:34 PR
KB Swings were slightly frustrating as I tried to nail the form.
Feel better David!
Oh, that’s cruel.Just cruel.I’m still getting over this cold and wont be in class tonight… again.I can’t believe I’m missing this.
Erik — I was just thinking I’d see you in class tonight fo’sure given this WOD came up. Sorry you caught the Martian Death Flu, feel better bro.
Gabrus and Brian, what weight did you end up using on those KB swings?
16 kg
Subbed singles for double-unders (for the last time, David says), and air squats for pushups (banned to the pregnant).10:18.Double-unders, here I come. Have been holding off practicing those as jumping can feel like someone is punching my bladder (someone probably actually is), but I sense they are in my near future.
Was just talking with Brandy — have we started to plan hotels and travel up to Albany for the qualifier? Sounds like hotels and such are getting booked and potentially sold out already…
Hey all,
I am going to be organizing SBK’s trip to the qualifiers – David will be posting about that shortly.
Sounds good Margie!
‘Drop a Hamilton’
You crazy big-city folk and your expansive urban lexicon…
Thanks for the hospitality last week CFSBK!
ruling margie. missed you all this week. still recovering from those damn dips on sunday. see you all on sat.
Annie as rx’d: 7:15
Poor showing on my part, last PR was 6:15.
More recovery is needed.
bah to double unders! more practice required.
Annie as rx’d 11: something
KB Swings, 1.5 pood1st 2 mins 452nd 2 mins 45 (losing form at the end)
FYI: Sal just nailed 107 consecutive double-unders. Nice work Sal!
holy crap Sal! awesome
Holy Crap – 107Now the century mark has been broken.Erik – time for us to step up! Kick that bug buddy.
Dan – I used 12kg KB this morning. Really wanted to concentrate on form and not get blasted.
12:30 something, but at least it was Rx’d, have to figure out how to chain double-unders. Margie, thanks for the instruction.
“A Gathering” was certainly something.
Snatch x151 rep on the minute, increase weight 1.5kg after 5 repsReps 1-5, 52#Reps 6-10, 55#Reps 10-15, 58# (missed rep 12)
Annie: 10:01 PR
Sal, that’s fantastic!!
And great job to Adam for pushing through!
Started off with some presses.195×1 (PR)180.5x3x3
AnnieTime 10:02
First time doing Annie as Rx’d, the double-unders still annoy the shit out of me.
Kettlebell Swings, 1 1/2 poodR1: 65 repsR2: 45 reps
Grip was fried the 2nd round.
One of my early goals when starting Crossfit was to be able to open my own jars. Well that was long ago met as a goal, but tonight I took it to the next level. Tonight, 2 times (!!) Paul was unable to open his own jars (salsa and applesauce) at our house. But no need to worry ! I was able to help him out with both. I’m sure he’d just tell you he loosened them up, but we all know who’s stronger don’t we.
all too well, all too well.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Sarah is my favorite CrossFitter!!
Just woke up,still trying to kick this bug. I consumed potentially toxic levels of Airborne and cough drops today. See you all this weekend.
Get well David,
Shane and Jeremy held it down for you today in foundations.
We did a KB, Push-up Ladder WOD today to finish class.
9:05 16kg KB, Russian
im gonna be feeling this tomorrow–I should be in bed
Sal- nice work on the double unders.Jeremy – Congratulations on the PR. Your face was priceless.Sarah – Those jars never had a chance.
Nice work by everyone in the 6pm class.
8:48 (counted some attempts)
as Rx’d – 8:33
First time doing this WOD and now realize the obsession! Killer but fun.
KB Swings – 12kgRnd 1: 46Rnd 2: 43
First time with Annie. I substituted singles (3 to 1) for double-unders.
Completed in 13:24 with everyone else watching and cheering me on (because they had finished 5 minutes before).
Kettle ball swings:
1. forgot to count first round because I was focusing on not vomiting after finishing Annie.
2. 30 reps on second round, used the black kettle bell, not the smallest size, one size up from that.
did 4 to 1 singles but i know its still way easier than double unders.. need to work on that.
get better david and erik. at least its nice to know i’m not the only sicky one right now!
10:1 Kettlebell & Push-Up Ladder WOD for the 4th foundations class was 9:05 1.5 pood, American
Couple days late, but here it is for Foundations class #4:
10-1 ladder KB swings (American, 12kg)and push-ups: 8:05. Probably would have been two minutes faster if I weren’t gassed on the last three sets of push-ups.
I saw the class ahead of us do Annie. Looked like fun. I also enjoy vomiting, though, so take that for what it’s worth.