congrats everyone. Jeremy and I went up to Williamsburgh for some 30 muscle ups. I managed to get one muscle up and then went for a 3x sub. kept it up until 16 rounds but then i was done so I switched to negs on the dips. Got it done in 29:20ish.
I always thought McGrath was secretly certifiable. It’s always the quiet ones…
Congratulations to everyone! I think it says a lot that such a high percentage of CFSBK-ers have taken that next educational step.
Oh yeah, and accessory work:3 1/2 hours of BP and Left Field
thanks don, you’re right. only now, it’s official!
an amazing 2 days. highly recommended.
I agree, tons of information, inspiration and just a great time. Big props to Leo (fastest Fran), Charmel (1st muscle-up) and everyone else killing it all weekend, you guys are a special bunch.
I finally got some double unders, some almost-pullups and my first muscle-up is scheduled for spring of 2011.
I also want to chime in and say how AMAZING this weekend was. The coaching was spectacular and information highly valuable.
Congrats to everyone there who represented SBK!
Also, just to let everyone know, Pat Sherwood mentioned multiple times that our box was his favorite! I hope he doesn’t just say that to ALL the certs 😉
Bjorn – you stick with CF and I think you’ll be able to move up that muscle-up date!
Lastly, Dan and I successfully completed the 100 Day Burpee Challenge on Friday with our 5,050th burpee. I can not even express how happy I am that it is over. And I will also recommend that no one ever do it. Its a dumb dumb dumb challenge!
Stephanie would you have done as well in the db press and burpee workout, that we did in the cert.if you never did the challenge.think about it.
After the Level 1 Cert this weekend, I officially have a mad crush on you. Your box and all its residents were full of love and I was feeling it from the moment I walked up those stairs. Charmel, Dan, Jacinto, Dave, et al… I can’t thank you enough for your hospitality and kindness. It was hard to leave but I hope to visit you again some day. Until then your site just moved to the top of my little black bookmark list.
30 Muscle-ups for time6:01 (PR by a little over 2mins)
congrats everyone. Jeremy and I went up to Williamsburgh for some 30 muscle ups. I managed to get one muscle up and then went for a 3x sub. kept it up until 16 rounds but then i was done so I switched to negs on the dips. Got it done in 29:20ish.
I always thought McGrath was secretly certifiable. It’s always the quiet ones…
Congratulations to everyone! I think it says a lot that such a high percentage of CFSBK-ers have taken that next educational step.
Oh yeah, and accessory work:3 1/2 hours of BP and Left Field
thanks don, you’re right. only now, it’s official!
an amazing 2 days. highly recommended.
I agree, tons of information, inspiration and just a great time. Big props to Leo (fastest Fran), Charmel (1st muscle-up) and everyone else killing it all weekend, you guys are a special bunch.
I finally got some double unders, some almost-pullups and my first muscle-up is scheduled for spring of 2011.
I also want to chime in and say how AMAZING this weekend was. The coaching was spectacular and information highly valuable.
Congrats to everyone there who represented SBK!
Also, just to let everyone know, Pat Sherwood mentioned multiple times that our box was his favorite! I hope he doesn’t just say that to ALL the certs 😉
Bjorn – you stick with CF and I think you’ll be able to move up that muscle-up date!
Lastly, Dan and I successfully completed the 100 Day Burpee Challenge on Friday with our 5,050th burpee. I can not even express how happy I am that it is over. And I will also recommend that no one ever do it. Its a dumb dumb dumb challenge!
Stephanie would you have done as well in the db press and burpee workout, that we did in the cert.if you never did the challenge.think about it.
A love letter to CF South Brooklyn –
After the Level 1 Cert this weekend, I officially have a mad crush on you. Your box and all its residents were full of love and I was feeling it from the moment I walked up those stairs. Charmel, Dan, Jacinto, Dave, et al… I can’t thank you enough for your hospitality and kindness. It was hard to leave but I hope to visit you again some day. Until then your site just moved to the top of my little black bookmark list.