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compare to 1.5.09
Accessory Work
Barbell Lunges 3×5
CFSBK's First Fireside Nutrition Talk
Would Anyone be interested in 5pm Classes on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays? As classes have gotten bigger, we're ready to expand on the class schedule. Please post suggestions for new times to comments.
Check out a Blurb about CFSBK and a few other affiliates on Nicki Violetti's Blog!
Sorry about the Super late post, everyone. I haven’t had internet at my house for a couple days now and its very frustrating!
Yesterday’s WOD at Tompkins Square Park:45 Minutes of Pull-up Variations (including weighted with rocks), Dips, HSPU’s, Push-ups and Jumping on stuff with some locals. What a great time! These dudes “get it”
5pm on Wednesdays would be good for me right now because I have class 7-9 so I could make a Wed. 5pm class. However, I am still crossing my fingers and hoping for a job for the summer, so a 5pm class would not be so good, maybe an 8pm class would be better. However 5pm Wed. I might like better because I have my water taxi thing going on wed evenings. So it is all up in the air really. Sorry I can’t be of more help =)
In my current job, I’m unlikely to be able to attend a 5pm class – often I barely make it to the 6pm one. 8pm classes would be great, because that way when I have to work late, I won’t miss out.
I would love: 6 am classes and/or 8:30 pm or later during the week, noon on Saturdays.
5 pm might work for me sometimes.
I will take all this into consideration, it can be hard to do later classes as I usually have Foundations or privates after L2. Will keep this all on the table
Check out this website:http://omegle.com/
Talk to strangers!!
i wouldn’t mind 5 o clock at all, as of now, but my schedule is all over the place and the last thing you should consider.
Right now, I would love 9AMs
I rarely get off work, 25th and 11th avenue, no less, before 7pm, which is probably why (when I am in town) I’m rarely at SBK….
omegle is weird! I am talking to a random stranger now. oops, looks like he didn’t like me. disconnected.
weighted pullups35/45/53/53×4/35
Feels like my weighted pullups are falling.
Did the first 3 sets of four forward & reverse lunges with 25 lb dumbells, farmer, front squat, then overhead.
Then did the final two sets of four forward & reverse lunges with 35 lbs dumbells, front squat style.
Jenna– more tech support for beyond the whiteboard:
I tried to enter 1.5 poods and it translated it into 1 pood!
So I just entered my weights as pounds.
I imagine you never guessed you’d become BTWB Helpdesk when you volunteered for this job did you!
I can’t ever make it to 5pm class b/c of work, but would love something like a 8-8:30 hit it quit it class during the week.
Thursday’s the only day i could do a 5pm for now. schedule is flexible during the days though if that’s an option.
weighted pullupsbw/2.5/5/10/1 pood (16kg).
i started off too light because wasn’t sure how many pull ups i could string together with weight or just body weight for that matter.felt easier than i thought. changed grip on the last round to facilitate the pood.
25lb, 30lb dumbells and 65lb barbell for weighted lunges.
ring rows to counter the pull ups as a cool down.
Track: AMR of 30m in less than 4.1s ~3:30 rest; got 9 rounds.5×5 weighted pull-ups: 54-64-72(pr)-77(fx4)-74.5(fx4).Lunges: 10 with 40lb db in left overhead, 10 with 40lb db in right overhead, 10 with 25 db’s in each hand overhead, 10 with Bethany on back.Split jumps: 10 with no weight. 6×10 with 25lb seal bag.
notes: Day 1 of ASR. felt pretty powerful and fast on the sprints. started the first couple in ~ 3.6, middle were around 3.8, and last one just kind of sneaked up. weighted pull-ups were eh, probably need to alternate to supine grip (ala Dan R). lunges/split jumps; great training for balance and explosiveness, more so than squats in my opinion because (1) think about how much time you spend when running in a split/alternating position and (2) i feel like i can recruit the glutes better.
Turns out we weren’t the only ones deadlifting heavy yesterdayhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5groVHlMkRE&feature=related
Weghted pullups:5×2.5#5×5#5×7.5# (PR)4×10#4×10#My forearms and grip are cake from the weekend. I can barely type.
LungesOH w 2 20#DB 5R, 5LGoblet with a twist 25# DB 5R, 5LStatic with 40#DB 8R, 8L45 pound sandbag racked in back 8R, 8L
LB – I’m with you on the split jumps.
Excellent work tonight Bethany and Juliana.
Welcome to the new Foundations cycle!!
Foundations class #1 tonight
WOD: tabata squats – low set of 12
Looking forward to much, much more of this.
I could make a 5pm class during the week. I’m there right after work and have to wait for the 6pm class anyway.
1st foundations class, scored a 10 on tabata squat wod. Trying to get comfortable with being uncomfortable; this was the “easy” class and I had trouble walking home. Can’t wait for round two!
Strict Pullups, no weight: 5,5,5,5,3+2kipping.Lunges, half with 30s, half with 20s, tried a bunch of different stuff, didn’t really keep track.
Pullups:2 + 1 assisted1 + 2 assisted3 assisted3 assisted3 assisted
Weighted Lunges:15lb bumper plate overhead x1025lb bumper plate overhead x1040lb bar overhead x10
PS neither Gabe nor I could make a 5:00 class but a late class (8:00?) once a week would be awesome.
greenband/blue band/white band/bodyweightx4/bodyweightx3
All kinds of lunges, can’t remember exactly
Did these at the Metropolitan Pool on Bedford (had to use a towel to tie the weights to my ankles)
I’d vote for later morning classes (maybe 7:30 or 8) but looks like I’m in the minority
8pm class once a week would be fantastic. Which I say pretty much every time we talk about adding another class to the schedule. I work long hours.. its sad.
5 pm classes work for me Thursday. Have been out sick. But dying to get back.