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compare to 3.02.09
Accessory Work
21-15-9 reps for time of
Kettlebell Swings
Knees To Elbows
SBK talks food.
Sunday 5th of April. From 1-2:30pm, Free
Food is a necessary and sometimes wonderful, sometimes vexing part of our lives. As athletes, our questions surrounding food become even more complicated: what should I eat, when should I eat and how much? What if I want to lean out? Or gain mass? What about eating for endurance vs. weightlifting? What does it really mean to "eat healthy"?
Spend an hour learning the basics about your food quality, quantity and timing. We'll touch on the paleo diet, Zone portions and how to safely experiment with eating to support your performance. There will be plenty of time for questions
jack says
Yum! Paleo pizza?
Becky says
I am sooo bummed. I am going to be on vacation in Puerto Vallarta (eating lots of fresh fruit and seafood!) – on April 5th. I really really hope you’ll do this again sometime in the future.
Crossfit is AWESOME! See you tonight
Kent says
That sounds awesome, I finally have a free day, I’ll be there for Sunday. Looking forward to it!
Don says
Back Squatx3: 165,185,205,220,225×121-15-9 Kettlebell swing, Knees to Elbows-7:26
Knees didn’t make it to elbows on all of them, but on substantially more than usual. I think it was the pointer about pulling the lats “through” the shoulders. Viewing it as an essentially horizontal exercise versus vertical helped me get everything working the right way.
The single 225 back squat was a failure of x3, but matched my PR for singles. If I don’t watch out I may eke out some progress.
Jack and Malcolm made it possible, thanks.
David McG says
Back Squat (wu 65×5, 95×5 135×5)165×3, 205×3, 235×3 255×3 165x5first time doing any leg work. felt pretty good. didnt want to push it. 3rd rep of 255 was not pretty. went light to dial back in form.
acc WOD 6:55. fun little burner. first time doing most knees to elbows. as david pointed out, using the lats definitely bring the knees up. nice.
Erik K. says
Back Squats225x3, 245×3, 250×3, 255×3, 260x1f
21-15-91 1/2 pood kb swingsk2e6:10 (I believe)
Margie says
bsq115x3, 120×3, 125×3, 130×3, 135×3 (PR?), 140×3 PR
accessory with 1 pood: 7:01
stoked about the BSQ. Not so stoked about Bethany’s shoulder.
Nicole, I can’t wait till we test your 1RM – I see 175 or 180. Grin.
Dan R says
Wow, nice work everyone! Wish I could have been there to cheer people on, fates conspired against me though. Will look to see everyone tomorrow, err… today.
Malcolm says
Back Squat 5X3165,185,205,220,235.
Accessory with 1.5 pood kb: 7:50.
I had felt pretty off earlier in the day but the workout squared me away nicely.
Congratulations Don and Jack on your PRs, impressive efforts.
nicole says
bethany- i hope your shoulder is okay :(margie! it’s so fun lifting with you!
bsq120 x3125 x3140 x3150 x3160 x3165 x3
accessory workout with 1 pood7:22
Tal says
accessory work 20kg dumbbell7:04
Bethany says
BSQ warmup was fine but once the bar got heavy my shoulder started burning:115×3
Messed around with high bar and dumbbell squats but they hurt too so switched to Front Squat:90x3110x3105x3110x1-fail
Accessory WOD, 3:35 subbing one-handed swings @ 12kg and situps for K2E.
Anything that comes between me and back squatting with the ladies is SO NOT COOL!
Anne says
BSQ:115, 125, 135, 145, 150×2
I don’t think I’ve done BSQ since January…good to get back at it!
Acc WOD:Blue KB, K2E – 21-15-96:45
Jack says
BSQ 3×5, 165,185,205,220,225=prEnjoyed lifting with Malcolm and Don-you guys are strong and we pushed each other.ACC:21-15-9 1 arm KB swings, yellow(33lbs?) and situps. Don’t have my time cause someone forgot to set my timer, but it seemed awful quick, def. not more than 4 minutes. Best thing about yesterday’s workout was getting scolded about my penmanship-tried to find a video on the main site or an article in the Journal about proper white board protocol-came up empty.
Dan L says
135,155,175,185,185 for the squats
5:46 with 1.5 pood
last few knee to elbows were pretty weak
nicole says
90 lb pc’s90 singles
i should probably start working on doubleunders but they look soooo frustrating.