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Accessory Work
Ring Support Ladder
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Moderate Drinking May Help Build Bone Density Reuters
Sameer Parekh says
Power cleans today were hard. My arms were really fatigued by the end. They went fairly well though. Form went fairly bad at 140 lbs so I stayed there.
Ring support ladder was not done “correctly,” Charmel and I later found out. We did
10s on 50s rest20s on 40s rest30s on 30s rest
etc. like a pullup ladder.
and then back down.
I made it to 50s.
Only afterwards did David say that we could rest informally. 10s of rest after 50s of ring support was not exactly a recipe for success!
Bethany says
Oooops, Becky and I thought it was 5×1 and shorted ourselves a couple of pulls.
If I hadn’t forgotten my notebook I would have known to have gone for 93 instead of an over-ambitious 97.
Got up to 25 seconds on the ring support ladder, then hung about the bar working on strict pullups with the tan band and some partials from the bottom without the band. Oh yeah, and some crotch-to-bar action on Purple band. 😛
Congrats to David on your newfound kips!
gabrus says
did some ring support ladder, and a RING DIP!
Malcolm says
Power cleans were great today. I wanted body weight (which I thought was 160).
Did 130,140,150,155,160PR,165PR, 170F, 170F.
Turned out I had lost weight when I was sick down to 155. So 10 over body weight!
Ring supports by 5’s up to 35 successfully. Failed trying to get 40 (got 38, but couldn’t manage the last two seconds).
Really great day!
paul says
155 / 175 / 185 / 190(pr) / 195f / 195f
felt good to get 190 since I failed it several times back in january.
afterwards did tabata du/situp: situps 131, double unders around 80.
Jeremy says
155, 175, 195, 205, 215, 225F, 225PR, 230F, 230PRThe 230 was a squat clean not a power clean, but it was still a PR for a squat clean.
Max says
145, 155, 165 (sloppy, but pr), 135, 145, 165 (good!), 175f
Backed down for a bit on the power cleans to clean up my form. I need to practice these more.
Played around with muscle-ups and butterfly kipping pullups with Leo. It was awesome to see everyone again!
David McG says
thanks bethany,yep, finally found my kip. seriously never thought i would. now need to keep practicing to string them together. feels very good indeed.
no power cleans today. no leg work
ring push ups 10x3ring rows 12x3parallette work 3×30 secdumbbells presses working on any arm imbalance35lbx10, 40lbx10, 45lbx10kipping pullups 5×6
Dan R says
Seems that my original post didn’t make it online. Reposting from memory:
Power Cleans:130, 150, 170, 180, 190(f), 190(f), 185 (pr)
Ring support didn’t go that well — shoulder still hates these. Maxed out at 40 seconds. Maintained good ring support position with the rings not contacting the body. Add to weakness file.