Check out the upcoming Catalyst Athletics Weightlifting Seminar this May in Boston!
Everyone from SBK who went out to their last seminar in Boston came back with a much greater appreciation and understanding of the lifts. Greg and Aimee are a tremendous team who dissect the Snatch, Clean and Jerk from the floor up showing you not only how to effectively perform them, but also how to adjust them for your own body type. I Highly recommend checking this out if you want to take your lifts to the next level or if you're a coach interested in improving your ability to teach them.
If anyone's interested in going let us know so that we can coordinate travel and hotel arrangements ahead of time.
‘What’s this day of rest shit?! It don’t matter to Jesus.’
-Adrian ‘Bush-League-Psych-out’ Bozman
We get months of silence and then this? A heckle?! I thought people from the EAST coast were the ones with attitudes.
Aimee and Greg’s seminar fantastic. I know there are a bunch of you interested in o-lifting who would get a lot out of this weekend. Do it!
Damn you, David, for that virtual drum machine link. Everyone in my office is now playing with it.
I blame you, of course….not myself for forwarding it to everyone telling them how friggin annoyingly fun it is!
Cynthia in San Diego
I think our WOD music tomorrow should be performed live on the virtual drum machine!
I am 100% interested in the O-Lifting seminar, pending finding out the costs associated and dates.
Don’t shoot the messenger, Cynthia. I’m as much a pawn in its deadly game of procrastination as you.
Ok, so I’m a retard, and missed the link to the seminar information. My bad. I’d be interested in finding out how much it’s going to cost to get there/back/hotels, though.
You know I gots attitude for days.
PS I am stoked to come out and see you guys next month!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Talk to Osorio for details.