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Accessory Work
Tabata Squats
Rest as needed between rounds
"I get high with a little help from my friends"
Due to the warm weather and total lack of snow, we're going to have to cancel Cross Country Skiing. Please stay tuned for an alternate Beyond The Box adventure.
Trash Talking at the International Yoga Championships Slate
The Hostile New Age takeover of Yoga Culture, or Narcissism Posing as Humility Slate
Your poor Lats, Instructions for Care and Feeding San Francisco CrossFit
Friend of the program, Nicki Violetti's Blog!
That first slate article on Bikram really pissed me off.
Can’t wait to go heavy tonight!
And bring on the run… is there a kettlebell at the top of the hill too?
Why did the article piss you off?
I did Bikram Yoga for a couple of years, a while back. I quit due to boredom with the same routine day after day after day.
While the Bikram community is not as tight as the Crossfit community, there is a definite “our yoga is better” and “our guru is better” vibe.
When I first started Crossfit and started learning about Coach Glassman and reading how people respect (and idolize) him, I admit I first thought of Bikram. There are some parallels here, don’t you think?
Thankfully Crossfit will never bore me, and my yoga practice has evolved into what I need, when I need it. I’m glad that I have the two worlds in my life!
Have a swell Thursday!
Cynthia in San Diego
dan, there might not be a kettlebell but i’m sure there are some burpees waiting. i know i have A LOT waiting.
I think the reason David is pissed off by that first article is because that Bikram guy is stealing all of David’s favorite catch phrase.
I know you’re in San Diego, so you’re probably not aware of how David is always going on about how he has “balls like atom bombs, two of them, 100 megatons each”.
David, I a not sure if you saw this on the main site:http://media.crossfit.com/cf-video/CrossFit_MacGymnastics.wmvseems our Coach Gillian has been having some fun lately.
OH MY GOD!! And here I thought it was some deeper problem David had with the way Bikram copyrights poses and encourages competition in yoga.
It always boils down to the boys and their balls, huh? ๐
Nicole – Yesterday’s Olives cooment was almost as good as Erik’s Atom bomb comment today. Thank you both for the laughs
Priceless post, Erik! Just made my day.
I just spent like 20 minutes writing a long winded response to Cynthia’s question and the post didn’t go through.
That pisses me off WAY more.
deadlift – insane watching charmel lift 455 insane!
2×235 2×295 2×335 2×315 2×315
have to work on flexibility. back is fine at start but once starting to lift it rounds. thats why i backed off the weight at the end. phooey!
tabata – will not forget what 3:50 stands for132 reps. i really like this burner. short and sweet.
335×2, 355×2, 365×2, 375×1, 345×1
The 4th round was ugly, by the 5th round I was just done. Not super pleased, but not surprised either (that’s probably why I’m not super pleased).
Squat Tabata:17, 14, 15, 12, 14, 11, 12, 15 = 110
Also, damn Charmel, that was something to see.
Thanks for all the birthday wishes y’all!
Deadlift:130×2 140×3 150×2 160×2 170×2 180×2(PR)
Tabata squat:19/18/17/16/16/15/14/15 = 130
Then I completely surprised myself stringing together 3 real kipping pull-ups. ๐
405,415,425,435,455Tabata total = 139. best rounds were the first two-19 squats each
Thank for the encouragement guys, it really helps.David, the flexibility will come. I’m dealing with similar issues. You hit your mark today; that’s what mattersErik: you’re knockin’ on the door man! It won’t be long now.
Weakness WoD: OHS10 reps @ 75lbs10 reps @ 85lbs10 reps @ 95lbs
Felt strong, maintained active shoulder throughout. Will steadily increase the weight, I see 135 in my future now that my grip is fixed…
WoD: Deadlift 5×2
345, 355, 360, 345, 335(f), 325 (f)Form on 360 was crap, I’m just not feeling that strong. 360 should have been CAKE. Bar started to roll away from me on 345 making it really difficult to lift. When 325 wasn’t going up due to fatigue and poor technique I wrapped it up.
Tabata Squats:24, 22, 20, 19, 19, 17, 15, 14 = 150Fun, but I would have preferred to run 400m sprints…
Just knocked out 50 burpees in 2:50.3 — not as fast as I wanted (was gunning for sub 2:30).I blame the tabata squats for dampening my burpee performance.
Can’t believe my neighbors didn’t pay me a visit to complain about the noise at 11pm…
DL – 5×2165, 170, 175, 180pr, 145
Need to work on my back…the heavy ones were u-g-l-y.
Tabata Squats:18, 18, 17, 16, 17, 16, 17, 17 = 136
And…I think I left my book at class last night. I really missed it on my way to work this morning. ๐
DL5x2 235, 245, 255, 275 (F), 265back was tight, but pulled decent weight. I’m getting back up to pre-sick weights. happy with my progress, but still a long way away from 2x bw goal.
Deadlifting with Bethany was awesome…even better was watching her KIPS!! CFgirls are STRONG :)140, 150, 160, 170F, 170
Tabata squat: felt this more than usual= 140
DL: 165, 175,180, 185,190
This was fun! Good job Gillian awesome work.
tabata squats:19-14-13-10-10-12-10-13
Deadlifts: 140, 145, 150, 155, 160
i think the most weight i’ve lifted yet!
tabata squats final score: 11