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Accessory Work
As many rounds as possible in 12 Minutes of:
12 Pull-ups
12 Burpees
Foam Roll
John C. and Erik take CrossFit outdoors and hit the "Deck of Death" at CFSBK's original stomping grounds, St. Mary's Playground. Have fun with your WODs and remember that no scenario is too austere for functional fitness.
Burpee Standards CrossFit.com
Take Bacon. Add Sausage. Blog NY Times
stephanie says
man! with all the burpees i need to do this would have been great! but i can’t make it tonight 🙁
went to the gym last night and lifted with some teammates. matched my 1rm press @ 80 and pr’d in the benchpress with 100 (old pr 95). felt good, and probably could have gone a bit heavier if the stupid gym had fractionals!
have fun tonight, see you tomorrow
David says
If anyone has CF Journal access, i would Highly recommend watching Coach’s videos at the National War College. Reallly good stuff.
Rob says
I second watching the Coach’s video. Really good stuff. He spoke the truth in front of some people who probaly were not ready to hear it.
paul says
can’t make it tonight but I pressed at lunch today and PR’d @ 145 (previous was 135). looks like all this lifting heavy stuff is working!
Ed says
2.5 K row95x8, 115×5, 135×5, 145×1, 155×1, 165 fail, 160×1, 165 Fail, 165 FAIL
David McG says
press. felt good. got close with 185. will do it next time.145, 155, 165(pr), 175(pr), 185(f)
WOD.6 rounds + 6 burpees. did jumping kipping pull ups instead of pull ups. looking forward to the next time we do this one.
Jeremy says
Clean Pulls225x5x5
Bench Press240x5x5
Sal, thank you for your help spotting me on the bench press. That was definitely the hump part of the workout I was glad to have someone encouraging me through it.
Andy says
Press 95; 125; 135; 140(f); 137(f)Since I’ve never tried a serious max attempt in pressing, I guess the 135 lbs are some kinda PR. My very first official Crossfit-PR, actually. Frankly, nothing special but a welcome excuse to stop bothering about cavemen for 10 minutes and to enjoy one glass of wine.
Acc. WOD4 rounds and 10 pull ups
Dan R says
Press: 141, 142, 143, 145 (f), 144(pr). Left arm failed me on 145 — more dumbbell presses in my future. This has always been my weakest lift.
mini-WOD: 7 rounds. It rocked, but burpees crushed me. More burpees required.
David — that was a nasty spill you took, awesome job finishing the WOD regardless.
Sal — nice work getting that last round in under the wire!
Dan Q says
Stuck at work for 24hours so did this one at 1200am.
Rode the stationary bike for an hour. Cant really push myself at work for obvious reasons.
Juliana says
Press: 65-70-75F-75f-72pr-74f
Mini-wod: 5 completed rounds plus 12 pull-ups
This was a good mini metcon-it totally rocked my arms!I am stuck on the pressing and can’t yet hit 75lbs- I am getting a little frustrated. I have definitely identified one of my biggest weaknesses.
Way to kick ass on the kipping pull-ups Nicole
See you guys manana!
Bethany says
Annie says
Press70, 72.5(pr), 75(pr), 78 (PR), 80(f)
and I did an extra 80(f). Just. Couldn’t. Do it.The last time I did Press x1 was the end of December, and I was failing at 70…so apparently, this Crossfit thing is working. Now if I can just get a pull-up miracle like that!
Accesory WOD w/jumping kip pull-ups:6 Rounds + 1 Burpee