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Accessory Work
For time:
15 Handstand Push-ups
1 L Pull-ups
13 Handstand Push-ups
3 L Pull-ups
11 Handstand Push-ups
5 L Pull-ups
9 Handstand Push-ups
7 L Pull-ups
7 Handstand Push-ups
9 L Pull-ups
5 Handstand Push-ups
11 L Pull-ups
3 Handstand Push-ups
13 L Pull-ups
1 Handstand Push-up
15 L Pull-ups
Post time to comments.
David sets up in Tony Budding's garage gym.
The Mic'd Instructor on the Front Squat Againfaster.com
End Range Deranged San Francisco Crossfit
Jeremy Asks, Rip Answers Strength Mill
Rip on Grip Crossfit.com
Just a quick shout out to say I’m loving the strength work combined with the metcons!
//end mad props
165, 185, 195, 210, 215.
accessory work: 15:31 w/2 abmats for hspu. pullups degraded from L to tuck to kipping by the end.
Snatch Pull155x5x4
Last workout of this backoff week, back at it hard next week.
Hello from CrossFit NorCal!Margie and I arrived today and took half of Dutch’s Training Development Seminar which was phenomenal. We’re going to try and get him out to SBK in a couple months. CFNC is an amazing box and Robb and Nicki have been very warm in their welcome to us. We plan to learn and play as much as we can while we’re out here. more details to come!
Today’s WOD5 Rounds for time of:24 Mountain Climbers24 Box Jumps24 Pull-ups15:something or other.READY FOR A REST DAY
Keep up the great work, everyone! I’m really anxious to get back and see you all on Monday
I second David – this place is fantastic. It’s pretty great to watch Robb teaching muscle snatches.
WOD:4 rounds31 mtn climbers31 box jumps (subbed step ups)31 pullups (subbed body rows)17:23
I fell on my other shin doing a warmup box jump. My legs are gassed. My CNS is gassed. Hence the steps up.
Now I’ll have matching shin scars. Sweet.
Front squats:
105, 110, 115, 120, 122
im really excited about the WOD we did… i did the whole thing without a band.. my first! granted it took me over 15 minutes, but still it was exciting.
165, 185, 190, 195, 200F
Didn’t manage a single rep on the last set. Total lack of concentration. Blah.
Are Robb and Nicki still talking about coming to NYC for a month?
Nicole,That’s incredible! You’re a strrrronnggg lady.(margie says “really?! that’s fuckin awesome!”)
Dan,Expect to see that kind of programming for a little while. We may occasionally sub Max Effort work for 30 minutes of dedicated skill work on either an Olympic Lift or gymnastics movement.
We’re off to the Sierra Nevada Brewery with Robb, Nicki and Dutch. I’m very excited to consume some alcohol and unwind.
holy crap nicole!!..you kicked ass tonight. it was inspiring seeing you wrestle through the pull ups.
front squats-felt good, need to work on hip flexibility.135, 135, 155, 165, 185
WOD 7.39ring push ups instead of hspu. cant wait to learn how to do those.pull ups with green band.
Yeah, Nicole… that shit was off the hook. At one point I was right across from you on those damn pull ups and I think I got more energized just watching you bang those pull ups out. Very hot.The WOD killed me. 15:50. But after the 30 warm up push ups and now this 64… if it killed me i wasn’t dropping my knees. last set I had to do about half of them over cause I just couldn’t keep it up. But eventually I got em all in, no knees… and chest to the floor. and.they.sucked.
i’m back on the road for the next 2 weeks and reluctantly doing the manhattan half marathon this weekend inspite of my knee being wonky. will be there next weekend in my short stop back in town.
get home safe david and margie!
aw shucks, Thanks!!!
Front Squat
115, 120F, 120, 122F, 122F, 115
Legs were not feeling it today. I was going way to slow and hanging out at the bottom and getting stuck.
HPUS w 1 ab mat and 1 plateStrict Pullups to start with Jacinto and Shane spotting/helping w/ my feet. Finished last round thin band kips.14:57
Foundations WOD
10 Thrusters10 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls65 lbs4 rounds of each for time7:06
WOD for foundations
4 rounds for time:10 Thrusters10 Sumo Dead Lift High Pullsboth @ 65 lbs.
6:50 or ~5 seconds/rep
I am heading out to San Diego late Sunday and will be there until Wednesday morning.
can anyone suggest which CropssFit affiliate I should visit? I may not be able to work out but I’d like to visit and maybe get a tshirt.
Rob, San Diego is packed with cool affiliates.
CrossFit San Diego is a must. The trainers are killer and the gym is sweet.
Check out CrossFit Coronado and CrossFit SoCal is cool, too.
Have Fun!
FSQ 5×3(45×8,45×5, 65×5,80×2,90×1)
100,105,110,115,120 – last rep was not legit depth. But basically a PR. Got some great tips from Robb on my stance that will definitely allow me to add weight.
Press 5×360,62.5,65,70,72.5(PR)
played with tall snatches @ 55#
Then 4 rounds of shuttle run and 5 pullups to be completed in under 1 minute.
21-15-9 cleans and pullups8:51
foundation WOD10 thruster10 SDHP@95lbs4 rounds7:50ish
Almost forgot to post!!!!!
Foundations WOD
10 thrusters10 SDHP
@ 65 pounds4 rounds