I guess if I’m not going to clean my house, I may as well power clean some weight. See you kids at noon!
great workout today – thanks for the help on the form.
working on form w/ power cleans instead of singles 75 and 77 lbs went up to 80 form got ugly and started muscling it up so went back down. Need to fully open my hips and get quicker elbows under the bar.
After realizing today is just not my day for lifting anything heavy in a good looking way, I sticked with 135 lbs for three sets of five reps.Working on the L was fun.
david mcgsays
worked on form with shane for power clean. a lot of little movements to get and, but it was coming together at the end. looking forward to more
Foundations10 Burpees10 box jumps (20 inches)4 rounds for time7:15ish
still feeling it.
Erik K.says
155, 175, 185 pr, 185, 190FThe 185’s weren’t pretty. I came to class hoping to clean my body weight (just shy of 180), so that felt good. I don’t think I’d ever tried to clean more then 160 before.
Did a ring hang for 1:24 for the hell of it. I wouldn’t mind bringing this up to 2 minutes.
I’ve got no flexibility for the L-Sits. Still, the instruction was good and perhaps I’m capable of some improvement, skeptical though I may be.
After watching the Eagles game (sorry Stephanie), I went to the gym and did some dumbbell bench press…75×8, 85×2, 90F, 90FI’ve yet to manage a bench press with 90 lb dumbbells. It’s getting annoying.
Pretty tired after the long day and 3 glasses of wine.
bed time
Dan Rsays
Still involved in active recovery and focused largely on technique today.
Hang Power cleans: 5×3 @ 65,75,85, respectively.
Did a few snatch singles at the above weight as well just for fun.
Power Cleans: 135, 135, 155, 155, 175
The power cleans felt good, although 175 was a little slower with the elbows than I liked. Happy to get over body weight for this. Really want to dial in the technique, hopefully can move into the 200’s in the near future.
The L-sit progression was awesome — going to try and hit the various positions and work on a press to handstand while also working on alternating the legs for the L-sits. Seems that hamstring flexibility is still a major issue…
hey guys
started with some mid-hang power cleans
then power cleans
This was exhausting my arms felt like J-E-L-L-O afterwards. Great fun Thanks to a great partner Dan (u were a big help today).
See you all manana
Dan Rsays
Oh, and my apologies to Juliana who I mistakenly had do hang power cleans as opposed to full power cleans from the floor. She managed to do get to her third set @ 95lbs with the hang power cleans!
//end shout out.
hey guys
worked on some mid-hang power cleans to start with
power cleans
This was exhausting my arms felt like J-E-L-L-O.Thanks Dan for all your help today it was greatly appreciated and needed.
See you guys manana
110-115-125-125-125(F)(extra one at 125(F) again)-called it quits
21 burpees (yesterday was day 11 but had to do saturday’s 10)
My brain just wasn’t working with my body yesterday!
Opted for 5 x 5 @ 85#, working on getting under the bar faster and with more aggression.
L-sit progression work was v helpful. Thanks Gillian!
Rob M.says
The past 8 days have been rough. I think the most strenuous thing I have done is carry my suitcase around 20 feet thru the airport.
I am jealous of everyone going up the Northeast qualifier. I have a wedding to go to that weekend.
With a little luck I’ll see you all tonight.
Jennifer Csays
Foundations10 Burpees10 Box Jumps (smaller box)3 rounds for time7:20 or so
A little disappointed in myself that I didn’t go for the fourth round, those burpees are a killer and my form is not great at all!! But that’s what I’m doing this for, to learn and hopefully master..
ugh I am lame I have to meet a friend in the city at noon so I am missing class again. =(
I’m signed up to volunteer as a judge for the ne qualifier. We should all coordinate some driving / lodging / etc.
I guess if I’m not going to clean my house, I may as well power clean some weight. See you kids at noon!
great workout today – thanks for the help on the form.
working on form w/ power cleans instead of singles 75 and 77 lbs went up to 80 form got ugly and started muscling it up so went back down. Need to fully open my hips and get quicker elbows under the bar.
165, 185(f), 175, 180, 185, 190(f), 190(f).
the L-sit stuff was fun and very good info, will def be adding that to my list of stuff to work on.
Power Cleans185, 195, 200, 205, 215F
After realizing today is just not my day for lifting anything heavy in a good looking way, I sticked with 135 lbs for three sets of five reps.Working on the L was fun.
worked on form with shane for power clean. a lot of little movements to get and, but it was coming together at the end. looking forward to more
5×365, 95, 115, 135, 145
L sit practice and progressions were great.
Foundations10 Burpees10 box jumps (20 inches)4 rounds for time7:15ish
still feeling it.
155, 175, 185 pr, 185, 190FThe 185’s weren’t pretty. I came to class hoping to clean my body weight (just shy of 180), so that felt good. I don’t think I’d ever tried to clean more then 160 before.
Did a ring hang for 1:24 for the hell of it. I wouldn’t mind bringing this up to 2 minutes.
I’ve got no flexibility for the L-Sits. Still, the instruction was good and perhaps I’m capable of some improvement, skeptical though I may be.
After watching the Eagles game (sorry Stephanie), I went to the gym and did some dumbbell bench press…75×8, 85×2, 90F, 90FI’ve yet to manage a bench press with 90 lb dumbbells. It’s getting annoying.
Foundations4 sets:10 Burpees10 Box jumps, 20″Time: 5:30
i slacked off and didn’t show up for two days, so at home I did 100 burpees, 9:55
i was well into 9:10 with 10 still to go, but I went into overdrive to get done before 10 minutes, so that was good.
Of course then I went to beyond the whiteboard to post and I discovered that the ‘standard’ workout is 150 burpees. gr.
I will see y’all tomorrow.
155, 185, 195, 205 F, 205 F, 200
Took my PC up to 165 then kept missing at 175.
Pretty tired after the long day and 3 glasses of wine.
bed time
Still involved in active recovery and focused largely on technique today.
Hang Power cleans: 5×3 @ 65,75,85, respectively.
Did a few snatch singles at the above weight as well just for fun.
Power Cleans: 135, 135, 155, 155, 175
The power cleans felt good, although 175 was a little slower with the elbows than I liked. Happy to get over body weight for this. Really want to dial in the technique, hopefully can move into the 200’s in the near future.
The L-sit progression was awesome — going to try and hit the various positions and work on a press to handstand while also working on alternating the legs for the L-sits. Seems that hamstring flexibility is still a major issue…
hey guys
started with some mid-hang power cleans
then power cleans
This was exhausting my arms felt like J-E-L-L-O afterwards. Great fun Thanks to a great partner Dan (u were a big help today).
See you all manana
Oh, and my apologies to Juliana who I mistakenly had do hang power cleans as opposed to full power cleans from the floor. She managed to do get to her third set @ 95lbs with the hang power cleans!
//end shout out.
hey guys
worked on some mid-hang power cleans to start with
power cleans
This was exhausting my arms felt like J-E-L-L-O.Thanks Dan for all your help today it was greatly appreciated and needed.
See you guys manana
110-115-125-125-125(F)(extra one at 125(F) again)-called it quits
21 burpees (yesterday was day 11 but had to do saturday’s 10)
totally spent and at work. eh.
My brain just wasn’t working with my body yesterday!
Opted for 5 x 5 @ 85#, working on getting under the bar faster and with more aggression.
L-sit progression work was v helpful. Thanks Gillian!
The past 8 days have been rough. I think the most strenuous thing I have done is carry my suitcase around 20 feet thru the airport.
I am jealous of everyone going up the Northeast qualifier. I have a wedding to go to that weekend.
With a little luck I’ll see you all tonight.
Foundations10 Burpees10 Box Jumps (smaller box)3 rounds for time7:20 or so
A little disappointed in myself that I didn’t go for the fourth round, those burpees are a killer and my form is not great at all!! But that’s what I’m doing this for, to learn and hopefully master..
Foundations10 Burpees10 Box Jumps5 RFTsTime: 5:09 (for 4 RFTs)
10 Burpees10 Box Jumps4 rounds for time
Burpees were a bit rough, need to work form and land in my heels.
Had a great day!
Foundations wod …
10 burpees10 box jumps4 rounds for time
Result was 5:44 and less than a thimble of blood, really, it was nothing severe.I will try to land on my feet more often.
80 reps at 344 seconds comes to abt 4.25 seconds per rep. Lots of room for improvement 🙂
Thanks everyone,