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compare to 12.8.08, 11.22.08, 9.17.08
Accessory Work
Weighted Step Ups 3×8
Turkish Get-Up Sit-Ups 3×15
Mobility Wk4
Toe Taps are a Dynamic Range of Motion exercise we do before almost every WOD. Here are some points to consider while doing them:
1. Keep your knee extended as much as possible. Bending your leg takes away much of the value from this movement.
2. Keep your base foot flat on the ground. The heel of the back foot rising is a clear indicator that you're allowing too much of your weight to shift forward.
3. Don't reach for your foot by dropping your shoulders. If you don't have the mobility to touch your hand then limit your range of motion. Think about balancing a book on your hear or pretend that your spine is a stack of coins you don't want to knock over.
CFSBK will be Closed the 24th, 25th and 26th of December.
Nicole and Jamie Go Heavy Overhead CrossFit.com
Split Jerks135, 155, 165, 175, 180, 185(F), 185, 190, 195(PR)
I lost track and thought I was lifting less at one point than I was. Had a lot of fun with this lift, had never gone for a 1RM on this before.
5 Rounds For Time of:5 Muscle Ups10 KB Snatches each arm, 1 pood
I lost a lot of time on round three where i kept failing at the transition. The rings were pretty high so i had to choke up into a false grip from a hang which ate up more strength than expected. Once i got on a small box and was able to set my grip before each MU they came easy.
first 2 muscle up rounds unbroken and all snatches unbroken. Thanks for the help, Dan!
Started with some triples (until someone reminded me we were doing singles) 135×3, 155×3, 175x3Then the singles185, 205, 225, 235, 245F
235 is my previous PR, just couldn’t get 245 up.
Did the accessory work with 40 dbls, fun but that was alot of TGU sit-ups.
Never did this heavy before.I need to get lower in my split.
40#db for accessory work until 2nd rd of tgusu’s. Dropped to 30#. I like the stepups.
Finally got the Split Jerk form to work. Thanks for the adjustments David.115/125/135/145/150/155/165 PRFeel that I can go heavier.
30lb step ups – fun25lb Turkish Get Ups (did full ones)
Push Jerks70/75/80/85/88/90/95(Thanks to Shane and Team SHANNEN)
15# db for:8 x 3 rds step-ups15 x 3 rds each side TGU sit-ups
I liked the accessory work last night!
Split Jerk80,85,90f,90,95,105f,105 (somehwere between a push jerk and split. whoops)
Still working my way back to a heavy jerk. I feel like my rack position is inconsistent, but I think I’m generally getting underneath the bar faster
accessoryDB step ups: rnd 1 w/20# dbs, rest with 15#dbs
TGU situps: rnd 1 w/20# db, rnd 2 w/15# db
Great work to Melody and Sarah – I am excited to see you both getting heavy!