Had a chance to go sub 6 with that one, for whatever reason I lost my kip and the last muscle up just wouldn’t come. I was stringing some double-unders together at a decent clip though.
Rob M.says
My left shoulder has been botherin me for a couple of weeks. I took a week off and couldn’t make it thru the Dislocs today so I’m throwin in the towel and I’m gonna go see a doctor.
Windmills with 25#dbRing holds 45,30,50 seconds
Erik K.says
Ring holds: 55,57,56
My presses were just awful. I barely managed to get 120, although my PR a couple months ago was 140 and I’ve hit 135 many times in the past. I’m really not sure the cause. I can’t blame the diet, since I noticed them getting weaker before that was even started.
Oh well, I just ate an entire pint of ice cream. I just need a couple more such glutinous feasts of decadence and I’ll have it out of my system.
david mcgsays
Press125, 135, 145, 155, 165F, 160, 165F
Windmills 20lb, 25lb, 30lbRing support : 45, 15, 52
mobility work.
i think there was something going on last night that made pressing hard for all of us erik!
my pr is 80 and i’ve hit it a couple times. last night i kept failing with 77 and struggled to get 76 up. oh well, another day.
15# windmillsring holds: 24s, 30s, 25s
cynthia in san diego –
send me your mailing address and i’ll get some “steph bars” out to you! no promises on how well they will ship, but its worth a shot!
Looking forward to collaborating, David! Let’s make CFSouthBrooklyn and PVCF the East Coast Axis of Awesome.
72, 75, 77 (f), 76, 77, 78, 79 (F)
20# windmillsring holds 14, 19, 15
I will be crossfitting in Texas for the rest of the week. See everyone on Sunday 🙂
I second Stephanie, it was not a good day for the press for me either. My PR is 79, but I only got up to 73 and then kept failing at 75.
Juliana and Brandy, however, rocked it! As did Nicole, Annie and Amy in level 1. Nice work ladies.
AccessoryR1 20#/25 sec ring tuck holdR2 25#/29 secR3 25#/35 sec
Rob M.says
Stephanie,I emailed you my address for “Steph Bars” as well but upon further consideration, you don’t have to mail my “Steph bars” just bring them to class in a plain, black, very unassuming bag and don’t tell anyone what’s in there.
managed to get in a very quick lunchtime workout today, 125 just barely went up, unfortunately my pr is 135. somewhat comforting everyone else fought with this too, maybe we are all taking longer than expected to recover from sunday?
Press155, 175, 185, 190, 195F, 195F, 192F
30lb windmillsLsit/Ringsupport: 1:08, 1:06: 0:40
Goat Wod3 Rounds25 double-unders5 Muscle ups7:12
Had a chance to go sub 6 with that one, for whatever reason I lost my kip and the last muscle up just wouldn’t come. I was stringing some double-unders together at a decent clip though.
My left shoulder has been botherin me for a couple of weeks. I took a week off and couldn’t make it thru the Dislocs today so I’m throwin in the towel and I’m gonna go see a doctor.
Windmills with 25#dbRing holds 45,30,50 seconds
Ring holds: 55,57,56
My presses were just awful. I barely managed to get 120, although my PR a couple months ago was 140 and I’ve hit 135 many times in the past. I’m really not sure the cause. I can’t blame the diet, since I noticed them getting weaker before that was even started.
Oh well, I just ate an entire pint of ice cream. I just need a couple more such glutinous feasts of decadence and I’ll have it out of my system.
Press125, 135, 145, 155, 165F, 160, 165F
Windmills 20lb, 25lb, 30lbRing support : 45, 15, 52
mobility work.
i think there was something going on last night that made pressing hard for all of us erik!
my pr is 80 and i’ve hit it a couple times. last night i kept failing with 77 and struggled to get 76 up. oh well, another day.
15# windmillsring holds: 24s, 30s, 25s
cynthia in san diego –
send me your mailing address and i’ll get some “steph bars” out to you! no promises on how well they will ship, but its worth a shot!
email it to me at shpaddock@gmail.com
Looking forward to collaborating, David! Let’s make CFSouthBrooklyn and PVCF the East Coast Axis of Awesome.
72, 75, 77 (f), 76, 77, 78, 79 (F)
20# windmillsring holds 14, 19, 15
I will be crossfitting in Texas for the rest of the week. See everyone on Sunday 🙂
I second Stephanie, it was not a good day for the press for me either. My PR is 79, but I only got up to 73 and then kept failing at 75.
Juliana and Brandy, however, rocked it! As did Nicole, Annie and Amy in level 1. Nice work ladies.
AccessoryR1 20#/25 sec ring tuck holdR2 25#/29 secR3 25#/35 sec
Stephanie,I emailed you my address for “Steph Bars” as well but upon further consideration, you don’t have to mail my “Steph bars” just bring them to class in a plain, black, very unassuming bag and don’t tell anyone what’s in there.
Today I made up the Tabata wod from 2 days ago:
Pullups: 58Pushups: 80Situps: 92Squats: 152Total: 382
Had to time myself with a stopwatch, feel like I could’ve gotten more pullups if I didn’t have to do that.
Warm-up: a hoodie out of the box
WOD: 1 Round for timeDouble up all the mats and clean up the lifting area.3 hours 45 minutes.
warm-up:500m Row, Mobility wks 1+2
Press(45×5, 75×3, 95×1)105, 110, 115, 120, 125, 130F, 127F
125 is an older PR, i hadn’t been able to crack 120 for a while so i was happy that it went up. Not without a fight though
managed to get in a very quick lunchtime workout today, 125 just barely went up, unfortunately my pr is 135. somewhat comforting everyone else fought with this too, maybe we are all taking longer than expected to recover from sunday?