Post loads to comments.
compare to 8.23.08, 8.8.08
Accessory work
Turkish Get-Up 2-2-2
Mobility Wk2
Amy displays a solid set-up position for Wall-Ball. The medicine ball is tight to her chest, her fingers and eyes are pointed towards her target and she's set in her strength stance.
Using a medicine ball for squat depth is acceptable for Wall Ball, high rep air squats and learning progressions. We don't prefer to use them for Thrusters, especially with intermediate and advanced athletes. Targets are never used on Back, Front and Overhead Squats.
Everyone should strive to develop a distinct feel for what depth is appropriate (safe) for them. For some, 14" will be too high while for others, it may be too low. At the end of the day, we all know squatting to med balls is easier than not, so use them sparingly.
The earliest i was able to get a reservation for a van was 2pm today. It’s a U-Haul on 4t ave.
Hello from Chevy Chase. Today’s WOD at CF Fairfax:
3 rounds:
10 cal row20 wallball (20#)30 push press (65#)
This wod was evil. I was maintaining a ~5 min/round pace pretty well until the third round, when I fell apart, and I think my time was something like 18+ or so. I felt fairly oxygen-constrained, coming off of a bit of a cold. I think my lungs were a bit congested. At least that is what I am telling myself =)
team wod w/nephew:5 roundsshoot 2 baskets in basketball hoop, alternating attemptsrun 1 lap around playground
didn’t go too heavy today, worked a lot on technique.
Hi from San Diego!
Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving. It actually rained here in San Diego (gasp!), but now it back to being beautifully sunny and warm. Whew!
I am DYING to know what the Steph Bars are! After reading so many rave reviews, I wanna try one! Any chance of posting the recipe, Stephanie?
Paleo is going okay (aside from Thanksgiving). I am addicted to almond butter, and buffalo is my new fave. Now THAT’s what meat is supposed to taste like!
Happy Holidays and New Year’s and Festivus to you all.
Cynthia from Crossfit San Diego
WOD at CFGeneration
10 rounds of3 hang power snatches/10 weighted pushupsnot for time
R1 45#/25# (failed on 8th rep)R2 45#/10#R3 50#/10#R4 55#/10#R5-10 60#/10#
Great to work on snatches. Quite a few ended up closer to hang snatches, but my pulls were fairly decent. Working on getting myself underneath the bar faster… I ‘m so slow!
Hope the move is going well – wish I were there to help!
accessory work: tgu 20lbx4, 25lbx3, 30lbx2 with db
Felt good but it got heavy at the end. Nice to see so many new faces today. See u guys manana !
Deadlift345x3, 395×3, 425×3, 445×3
Cut it off after 4 rounds as my form went to shit. Did a few more strict pulls light.
Turkish Get-ups1 1/2pood KBx22 pood KBx275lb bar x2
After lunch moved flooring mats for time. The new flooring is gonna work out well for us.
Keep up the great work on Paleo! Almond butter can be very addictive, i know from personal experience. I remember eating it with a fork once with the false assumption that it would somehow prevent me from overeating. It didn’tSteph bars are made of love.
Thanks So much to Jeremy, Charmel and Jacinto for helping with the mat move today. We have a LOT of mats and i have an excellent warm-up planned for you guys tomorrow.
Deadlift265x3, 295×3, 315×3, 295×3, 225×3
might have bitten off too much with the 315. went back down to make sure my form was right.
Turkish get ups25lbx2, 30lbx2, 40lbx2, 45lb barx2