Three rounds for time:
Row 400 meters
1 1/2 pood Kettlebell X 21 swings
12 Pull-ups
Post time to comments.
If anyone wants to brave the outdoors, they're more than welcome to take the kettlebell outside and use the scaffolding for pull-ups to get a regulation "Helen" time. The 400m run is to 3rd st. and back.
Accessory work
Elevated Lateral Planks (Shoulder Stability)
Prone Angels (Scapular mobility)
CrossFit Support Group. Gillian, Erik and Paul
Potluck goodness.
Most of us are over halfway done with the Paleo Challenge. What are everyone's reflections on the experience so far? How do you feel? Have you had any infractions?
Senior Discussion with Jim Baker CrossFit Journal
Paleo Challenge-Energy levels, mental clarity and sleep have all significantly improved. I’ve leaned out a bit and actually feel like i have more gas in my tank for metcons. Haven’t experienced any influence on ME days. I plan on staying paleo through Thanksgiving and beyond this month.
Infractions: Some minor things have made it though. Namely beans, cashews, agave, peanuts, vinegar, dried fruit and i wouldn’t be surprised if i’ve unknowingly consumed some butter when i’ve gone out to eat.
I think the only thing i’ll allow slip back into regular consumption after the challenge is beer ๐ I strongly encourage everyone to go primal for a month!
Yesterday was day 2 of the Level 1 cert at CrossFit Guerrilla Fitness. The whole weekend was way more than I expected. The lectures and coaching were fantastic.
The best part was the star treatment that Jacinto got. I had said going to a Crossfit Cert with Jacinto was like walking around Hollywood with Robert Deniro but I don’t think Deniro gets anywhere near the respect that Jacinto does. (everyone loved the Jacinto warrior t-shirt)
All of the instructors there had great things to say about CrossFit South Brooklyn’s coaches. They all want to come back if we have another cert.
Yesterday’s morning workout was “Seagram’s”, 7 med ball cleans and 7 pushups AMRAP in 12 minutes. There weren’t enough 20# med balls so we got stuck with a 10# med ball. Jacinto was not to happy about that but I was oddly at peace with it. LOL14 rds and the last 9 really sucked.
The afternoon workout was Double unders and Burpees 30-30-20-20-10-10. I didn’t get my time but it was under 10 minutes.
See you all tonight.
i’ve really been enjoying the challenge. it has forced me out of my comfort zone (eating veggies for breakfast was foreign to me) but my energy level has increased, i’m feeling more rested when i wake up in the mornings, and i dropped 5 lbs week one and have now maintained that. oh, and i’m not angry anymore like during week one! ๐
i’ve taken a small crossfit break due to the knee/ankle and need for some post rugby season sanity, but i’m looking forward to being back tonight to see how i feel during and after a good wod.
margie, thank you again for hosting an amazing paleo dinner! all of the food was AMAZING!
breakfast: remainder of the chicken/shrimp/veggies in almond butter from last night. yum!
Thanks to everyone who came and brought delicious treats! We ate well last night. Very well. Like, a lot. Mmmmm. Food.
Paleo month has been good so far in terms of maintaining fairly stable energy levels and feeling clean. I have noticed cravings for chocolate/sweet things increase in the past week and I’m wondering if that’s because I’ve been eating too much fruit or just desiring some other texture/taste on my palate.
I’ve leaned out a little bit, I think like Steph mostly in the first 2 weeks and now it’s more stable.
In terms of its affect on my performance, I think overall it’s been positive both with strength and metcon, though the couple of injuries I’ve had have kept me from getting a true picture. I also feel like my recovery has been iffy, but I don’t have a lot of experience with injury, so I don’t really know what to expect with all that.
Finally, my infractions have been confined to a couple of peanuts, a couple tastes of jam and products containing agave. I have been eating pickled things which may contain sugar, vinegar (which I was always fine with), olives and some wine. Well, a lot of wine last night.
I intend to have dairy and probably a little grain on thanksgiving. Overall, though, I think I will keep my diet 85-90% clean most of the time.
WOD20-15-10 ofHalf hand stand push upsLunges (each leg)Push UpsSit Ups
May I ask for the recipe of the meal in the middle of the table. It looks extraordinarily delicious. Is it chicken?Well, actually everything on that table looks delicious.
Warm-up:DROMs, 200m row, 8 2P swing, 5 pull-ups
“Helerg” 10:57 as Rx’dRow: 14 Strokes avg per 100mKBS: 21-11/10-21Pulls: 6/6-4/4/4-6/6
Didnt record my erg scores, i know that it takes me about 14 pulls to cover 100m so i just kept counting down from 14. Really helped. Row was the hardest part, KB’s and pull-ups were easy by comparison. I need to get better conditioning on the rower to boost my scores.
Where has Sol been????
So of course now that I scheduled time warner to come install the interweb in my apt, my pirated (arrrr) connection is up and running again. Cancelling!
Helerg:15:541 pood for swingstan band for pullups
Thanks Charmel for being a great partner. I often feel like I don’t push myself quite to capacity, so I really appreciated you confirming that. You, on the other hand, have incredible drive. It’s great to watch.
David – awesome structure to today’s WOD and accessory work. Thank you.
reached the first week on the paleo. its gotten easier. it still takes thought to eat right, but no way as bad as it was at the beginning of the week. i’ve been talking about it, and now my mother and my sister in law want to try. thinking about it, i’d like to keep going with it. not as hard core as the challenge, but to keep it up. i’m not really missing the other stuff now. it’s weird. feeling better and more alert.
rowing felt good.kb’s felt good. need to keep working on the hips.pulls. green band and still hell. got to keep practicing kipping.
watching jeremy blast through it = damn impressive!
Rows: no time, 1:40, 1:48KB: 21, 21, 15-6PU: 5-4-3, 5-4-3, 2-4-3-3
I reset the rower before Ryan had a chance to get my time on the first round. Probably in the same ball park as the other two. I was hoping to do all 3 sets of KB swings unbroken but damn, those got hard. Pull-ups aren’t a strong point for me.
I really liked the educational/partner element of this workout.
As for the paleo, I’m starting to kind of like it. I’m not noticing any improvement with my athleticism, nor am I seeing any leaning out, but I have been feeling pretty good and I do notice I’m not as likely to crash after a meal or after work. I would like to continue it with some modifications after the month (a weekly cheat meal, alcohol occasionally, just not being as strict all the time).
My main infraction was having snow peas during lunch once, but I didn’t know they were a legume. I’m also sure I’ve had stuff prepared with forbidden things (butter or whatever), but I’m not going that crazy with this thing. Also I’ve allowed vinegar dressing which has saved me a few times.
Another thing, this diet has had me trying a lot of new things that I would never have tried before, typically being a pretty finicky eater. Also the idea of treating breakfast like dinner (chicken, broccoli, etc) is kind of growing on me.
Helerg15:07 rx
It’s definitely the first Pullup workout I have done as precribed and I think it might be the first WOD ever.
Many thanks to Jacinto, Shane and Cynthia for all of the encouragement.
Rob you are a rockstar.
Some other things i was thinking about:
– After the potluck i was totally stuffed (3 Full plates and then lots of sneaking extra pears) but i didn’t crash from it like i would after a traditional holiday meal. I felt full and a little tired but much better than i normally would. It really goes to show how even in excess these foods will not knock you out.
-This week i’ve been a little lazy with my eating. my meals have been less structured (more grazing) however i still feel really good and theres no guilt after eating too much ground beef or mixed nuts. I don’t really ever feel like i have to get “back on the wagon”.
-Brian, I had some of the wine you got me, Amazing. Leonid, Your wine was a hit at the potluck and the only one i had more than a glass of, thanks a lot!
-I also enjoyed the “coaching” bit we did today. knowledge is power people! I may post something about it on Friday which is when i’ll be posting the REST DAY from now on. Tuesday has morning classes so it’s not officially a rest day at SBK.
-I have no idea how jeremy did this WOD so fast.
Andy, You’ll have to ask Brian about the Chicken. It was “Shake and Bake” with mixed nuts and it was GOOOOD. Not pictured are my “Hot Dates” which im also quite fond of.
8:49 as RX’d
Rows were 1:18, 1:34, 1:31KB: 21, 21, 8/7/6Pull-ups: 12,12,12
The kettlebell slipped on the last round which led to my first break and I let that get to my head so I punked out and took that second break. Otherwise I felt it went really well, moving between stations was about all the rest I needed, I’d like to attack the row more next time. Still need work on my technique but thankfully 400m is short enough to bull through.
David, I credit my speed to my strict Neolithic diet. Moo Cow juice is your friend.
Thanks to Jeremy I am having my Ham and egg on a roll with a quart of milk.
Helerg was a lot harder than I thought it would be. my kettle bell was all wonky which I attributed to my sore back from my previous days wonky deadlifts. Starting to realize that wonky form equals super soreness.14:08Rower was easiest part.Also had advantage of Jacinto as a motivational partner. Like the partner workouts very much!
Anyone for starting a CFBK Paleo cookbook?Happy to share the shake and bake chicken recipe – still have some here and may become breakfast today!
helerg: 13:59
row 1:34/1:51/2:08kb: 7/7/7 14/7 7/7/7pu 12 6/6 6/6
Been a while since I did some kettlebells. Was a bit intimidated at first, but it felt good. Could probably have gone harder for the first round of kbs, but didn’t. My rowing slacked off greatly towards the end. Didn’t slack off as much as running would have though.
great food at the paleo dinner on Sunday. thanks everyone.
couldn’t do herleg
subbed:21-15-9deadliftspull ups(from last week)
started off w/ rx’d women’s weight of 155 but realized after the 21 that it was way too heavy and my form was crapola. went down to 135 and a wider stance which helped. used tan band for pull ups and they felt pretty good.
shane – thanks for coaching me through and keeping me on track! you rock ๐
i’m ALL for a paleo cookbook from SBK! i’m also bringing some new and improved “stephanie bars” to class tomorrow for anyone who wants to try them!
i enjoyed the coaching segment and the segment on mobility vs. stability and the accessory work to target shoulder mobility and stability.
4 muscles of the rotator cuff(SITS):supraspinatusinfraspinatusteres minorsubscapularis
i now won’t forget those!
I am all over the first copy of the CFSB Paleo Cookbook once its out. My bag ‘o tricks is gonna run dry right quick otherwise.
i am bummed i miss this workout. it looks like a fun one. and it would have furthered my goal of taking the cheese lady.
You know I’m down for the SBK cookbook! Awesome idea.
Damn steph! kickass on the DL weight and time.
Did Annie this morning – let’s compare, shall we?
6/9/0817:03, counted DU attempts
Today12:42 as rx’dErik, are you proud??!!
Bkfastsmoked salmon and guac (thanks yoon)celeriac and turnipcreamed coconut and 1/4 tspn bee pollen
WOW, that’s awesome Margie!You’ll be sub-10 in no time.Very impressive.
The rowing kicked my butt, 15:48 i think. the kb swings were hard but what i think was the hardest part was going from rowing to kettle bell swings, my legs were so shot from rowing. I’m also recovering from an exhausting weekend.
I hated paleo the first couple of days. i hadnt realized how much i needed coffee and sugar! Even though i thought i didn’t consume much of each (boy was i so wrong). Things improved about a week into it, still find it challenging at times. I have cravings for chocolate/coffee/pizza…and the list goes on. I dont know if it’s the weather but it makes me want to eat fatty things,lol. I am doing paleo on thanksgiving, i feel good and i dont want to cave in now. I also want to probably do this paleo thing for another month! Thanks to charmel for suggesting this challenge it has been a good one.
Rob u kicked assssss!!Nicole ur a beast on the rower! go girl!
See ya manana,Juliana
oh I what to take back the “I hate jeremy blog” and start the jeremy is a beast and how can i be like that blog! :-)DUDE U KICKED MAJOR BUTTY.
Thanks Julianna!
but i have to confess, i was about three seconds from crying during the last round of rowing.
you kicked ass on the kettle bell! im totally jealous.