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Accessory work
3 rounds NFT of:
12 Hanging Straight leg raises
15 Overhead Sit-ups
18 32" Box Jumps
Poliquin Biosig Seminar & Other Fun Robb Wolf
Insulin Resistance with Robb Wolf at CFSBK CrossFit
Fitness Program Saves Airman's Career Balad, USAF
Sameer says
bsq 135/155/165/175/180
a/w 29″ 10lbs1rm box jump 45″
Margie says
sadly, my hamstring seems to be pulled so no BSQing for me. Tough day.
Did accessory work minus box jumps.
TOMORROWI will be working at the Carroll Gardens farmers market selling grassfed beef from 8am-2:30pm. I highly encourage you all to come get some of the best beef around.
If you need to reach me before the paleo potluck, you can ring me at 917.626.2816.
See you manana!
David Osorio says
I’ll come by my old farmers market stomping grounds to say hello, Margie. It’s on my way anyway.
My legs are SO sore from “Jason”
Jeremy says
Back Squat225x5, 275×5, 295×5, 305×5, 310×5
Accessory WorkToes to bar20lb dumbbells on the Overhead SitupsBox Jumps at 36″, 32″ (1 leg) and 40″
Felt good to get some solid work under a heavy bar, I feel like my problems lately have had to do with a lack of confidence as much as the physical side.
david McGrath says
back squat185x5 215×5 225×5 235×5 245×5
need to work on hamstrings. waay too tight.
accessory work10lbx1 15×2 sets of oh sit upsbox jumps at 29″1rm box jump 39″
Erik K. says
225×5, 230×5, 235×2, 225×1, 185×5
after brunch…
Bench press75lb dbs x 790lb dbs complete failure85lb dbs x 280lb dbs x 280lb dbs x 2
I was going to compare these numbers with my numbers from Oct 25th, to prove I’m getting weaker, but it seems I was never as strong as I thought I was (those numbers: 70×8,80×4,85×3,90F,80×3). For some reason I really want to get a convincing set of 3-5 with 90lb dbs. As of now I’ve yet to get a single rep.
Push-up ladder: 12
Dips: 10,8,7,8
Oh, and since I don’t cook, I’ll be picking something up from Union Market for tomorrows Paleo Potluck. I’m thinking broccoli rabe if they have it.
paul says
185, 190, 195, 200, 210.
210 (90% 1RM) felt pretty good, hopefully I’ll see an improvement next cft.
jacinto says
Fran at crossfitmonclair8:58 as rx’d
Rob M says
Day 1 of the Level 1 cert a Crossfit Montclair.We did bottom to bottom tabata squats in the morning then we did Fran in the afternoon. I did Jumping pullups since using a band wasn’t an option. 8:48.
I’d never done Fran before and I’d never done thrusters with 95 pounds. I wanted to scale down the weight but peer pressure got to me. Stupid on my part.
Walking aound a crossfit cert with Jacinto is like walking around Hollywood with Robert Deniro.