Five rounds for time of:
25 Inverted Burpees
25 Pull-ups
25 Burpees
Post time to comments.
Accessory work
L-Sit :35×3
Foam Roll
Cynthia puts on a parallette clinic
Inverted Burpees Video CrossFit Sedona
Inverted Burpee Tutorial Crossfit
Shannon Sodano
The Law of the Vital Few CrossFit Virtuosity
If you're part of an organization you'd like to promote please let me know and we'll post it under the community links tab. All types of businesses and groups are welcome!
Our little man is growing up to be so big and strong.
Is anyone else loving the Paleo Challenge? I feel great! My energy levels have been so consistent and i’ve been sleeping a lot better.
Long live the challenge!!!
Thanks, Margie.
Tonight will we party like it’s 1984? Happy Birthday David!
Happy Birthday David!
I got you a pony.
Happy Birthday dude!
Happy Birthday David!
Hope you have a great one!
Happy birthday David!
Dude, you are the same age as the Apple Mac and the 3rd space shuttle How cool is that?? =P
Happy Birthday, big guy. 24 is a good year.
i love how david chose inverted burpees for his birthday WOD. sick.
anyway: HAPPY BIRFDAY, DAVID! hope you enjoy it…!
David, it’s your birthday, not April Fools Day, stop kidding with that inverted burpee stuff.
So… Happy Birthday!!!
It’s the only reason I’m coming to class tonight, otherwise I’d avoid that WOD like the plague.
happy birthday man!
Does this mean David is turning 25? Wow he’s old. I wonder how he keeps up.
Happy birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAVID24 and a nice accomplishment with your gym, way to go buddy
Guys, I hate to bust your bubbles, but this inverted burppes are from the mainsite. Perhaps the CF gods (or god, I suppose) had David in mind when they decided to post this crazy-ass WOD on his bday.
Happy Birthday David! Have many, many more.
Thank you for everything you have taught me this year.
By the way – it looks like people are averaging between 35 min and an hour on this WOD.
Get ready my friends.
Happy Bday, David!
Here’s a present for you. Yesterday Christine G. (Foudnations) and I did the Prospect Park Duathlon (run 3/bike 14/run 3). We both won our age groups. We like to think the giant quads we’ve acquired from so many squats helped.
Oh, and Bjorn just had a baby girl!
Happy birthday David! I wish you much energy and verve in all smaller and bigger challenges ahead.See you soon,Andy
Happy Birthday David. You’ve done a lot at 24.
Hope everyone is training hard, having fun, and loving life.
Way to go Emily & Christine!And a big congratulations to Bjorn and his wife on the new baby.
With all the babies in the CFSBK family it is about time to start gearing up a CF kids program. Yay babies.
David, i lied about the pony. Sorry.
WOD: 31:47 as Rx’d
With the exception of the pull-ups after the first round, everything basically unbroken.
God Speed! You Black Emperor is great CrossFit music.
Thanks for the kind words everyone, and thanks to Leo for the Wine
30:40 as RX’d followed by 2 minutes of rolling around on the floor trying to catch my breath.
I think I can break 30 next time, but hopefully that won’t be until 2010.
Happy Birthday David!
HAPPY HAPPY Birthday David !!!!your finally catching up,lol. We all have to celebrate this occassion. I wish u many more blessed b-days and stay sweet!
Now for this wod it was fun and it made me a little sick (best part). I think my time was somewhere in the late 40’s with 4 rounds.
ahhh, happy belated birthday David!!!
belated happy birthday david.
i’ve taken on the challenge. it’s tough as hell today. concentrating on what not to eat is tough