21-15-9 reps, for time:
Deadlift 225lbs
Handstand Push-ups
Accessory work:
Split Jerk Foot work
Lever work
Post time to comments.
15 Members, $736 raised to far. Team South Brooklyn
Chilli-Rubbed Skirt Steak
Chinese Weightlifting (again, and still cool)
Hey do any of you south brooklyn crossfit-types like to go climbing? I am itching to get into climbing out here — I have done some web searching and discovered that there is a place just a couple hours to the north that seems to have some climbing… “the gunks” Anyone up for a trip some weekend?
95#, assisted hspu, 9:1425# dumbell press 3×815 burpees
Met Diane today, and modified her:not sure about weight– 55#?, assisted hspu, 13:15.10# dumbell press 3×615 burpees
Thanks to Jacinto for making sure I didn’t break my shoulder coming off those hspu’s– my arms kept giving out.
From the looks of the board in the background of that photo, it was taken on the day of the unforgiving Jacinto WOD…which more than deserves to be memorialized in a pic!
Quick question:
I had a stress fracture in my left foot last year, and I’ve felt it acting up over the past week or so, feeling really tender and a dull pain when I put too much pressure on it (no where near the pain of the original stress fracture of course!). Any feedback on ice vs. heat for this type of thing?
Sameer: I’m not much into climbing, but I have a friend who teaches at the climbing gym at Chelsea Piers; I’m sure he knows of some good weekend spots in the area if you want me to get some rec’s…
100 lb dlassisted hspu20 lb dumbell press 3×10
Sameer your speaking my lingo. I love to be out-doors. I have never climbed but I am willing to learn. Let me know when I have some friends that would be into it too.
U know what would be a good idea a camping trip. I just went camping for the 4th of July and it was amazing. U can do a 8 or 18 mile row there. Anyone down? We would have to do it soon before the weather gets crazy. If that is to much then a day of hiking could be nice.
Ice it for about 5-10 minutes 2-3x a day to reduce inflammation. Keep an eye on it and if that dull pain gets worse back off whatever movements hurt it.
Sameer + Juliana,
I’m down for climbing, camping, kayaking and fun. I was also going to ask if anyone was interested in going to the Turkish/Russian Baths. My friend Ashley and I went last night and it was Awesome. There are a bunch of cool steam rooms and a pool of freezing water you can jump into. The crowd is a mix of bohemians and eastern europeans. AND you can drink beer!
Nice work by everyone today, we’ll work levers again when we have more time.
7:23*A very misleading and tainted time. I did the deadlift as RX’d and had no real problem with those, but I did modify the HSPU’s and there is no reason it should have been that easy or taken such little time. No longer will I be doing my hspu’s that way. From now on it’s against the wall with ab mats while trying to work up to the strict hspu.
Hill– I had a stress fracture in my foot too! You get that from running? Perhaps your friend can give some recommendations? I was looking on-line at gunks.com and there are a few climbing guide companies so I thought about checking one of those out but i have no idea what would make sense.
Juliana– Camping sounds good. I have limited gear, however, having purged all my stuff before moving out here. Since you have not climbed before perhaps Hill’s friend can recommend a class for us. I am not skilled enough to take people who have not climbed before.
David– Turkish baths sounds weird, but I am up for trying anything once!
Deadlifts as rx’d, HSPU heavily modified (two abmats for the first two sets, three for the third). Need to work on those! Thanks for Jacinto for pushing me along and David for the lever coaching today.
ooh i want to go to the turkish baths. with david.
in all seriousness just got back from Virginia Beach. Had an amazing time and was glad to be there w/ Margie and Jeremy.
Got to meet, spend a quick minute with Coach Glassman and Brendan Gilliam.
Got to hear Coach speak and while he covered things I’ve heard numerous times in numerous incarnations hearing him break it down is truly unique and ultimately reaffirms my belief and understanding in what it is we do.
Oh, and Blauer and SPEAR is the real deal. Please check out his vids. It may seem sketchy but spending a weekend experiencing it and mulling over the scientific and philosophical groundings for it I believe it to be bonafide.
Oh, and the facility? Imagine tranining in an empty Costco or Sam’s Club. 16,000 sq. ft. Brendan put us through a fight gone bad-ish WOD yesterday morning with 100 plus people working out simultaneously w/ rowers, box jumps, wall balls and a few other things. It was pretty amazing.
Finally, missed you all and am really excited to be back and see you this week. Looks like you had a couple of really great workouts this weekend.
deadlift= 185 lbs.hand-stand pushups= two ab-mats16:26
15 burpeesand also verrry close to getting a muscle-up
Hey kids – I would love to learn about climbing, go camping, get bathed. All sound most excellent.
Just arrived home after Jeremy kindly drove me and Jeff Yan 7 hours down and back to VA for the SPEAR weekend. I must echo Shane’s positive reaction.I had no idea what to expect and I’m not a particularly violent person, so I have to admit I was feeling fairly nervous going into the weekend. But I think for that very reason, it was really great to be introduced to Blauer’s system. I’ve never done any self-defense training, and this weekend very quickly brought me to the realization that it is damned important for everyone.
I’ve lots of thoughts about the experience that I’ll save for drinks. In the meantime, I’m gonna go nurse my wounds… I spent the weekend beating and getting beaten up by Allison. I think we’re both a little more hardcore than we realize : )
see you all soon!
Hurting people is fun.
I went camping a couple months ago upstate in Cold Spring. It’s only a little over an hour away and has some great hiking trails throughout the area. I’d be totally down for a CFSBK camp-athon!
David: thanks for the tip– I’ll be icing as you Rx’ed this week.
& I *love* the Turkish baths & will hit them up with whoever, whenever.
Sameer: I’ll check in with my climbing friend and let you know if he has any good words to pass on!
Turkish baths sound awesome! Where is it and how do we get there? Would it be a better post-WOD or rest day activity?
In regards to hiking, I’d like to remind you all of the immortal words of the poet Frank O’Hara, who once wrote…
“One need never leave the confines of New York to get all the greenery one wishes—I can’t even enjoy a blade of grass unless i know there’s a subway handy, or a record store or some other sign that people do not totally_regret_life.”
The baths sounds awesome though.
But Bethany, what is this rest day thing of which you speak?
Definitely post WOD
hey everyone! i cannot wait to be back tonight!
i know thursday is now a class night, but for anyone who wants to have a “rest day thing” as erik calls it….
i have a LOT of tickets for thursday night’s mets game v. the atlanta braves. 7:05 pm. the tickets are in the upper deck down the left field line. face value is $25 but i’m selling them for $15 each. part of the proceeds go back to the New York Rugby Club as we are raising money for new rugby fields in NY City on Randall’s Island!
tell your friends & co-workers – i can bring tickets to class tonight and wednesday.
37:59, to two abmats.
i’m not surprised at all by this performance based on my diet last week. once i started the first round of hspu, i knew the workout would be an exercise in not giving up. thanks to all for cheering me on for the 9’s, and thanks to jacinto for helping me finally fix my deadlift. for the first time i can feel it in my glutes and hamstrings after a deadlift workout.
ok, on the climbing — some further web browsing has told me that if we get a group of four or so people together, a day of climbing instruction can be had for about $125/person. Hill’s friend can hopefully recommend which guide service to use, as there seem to be a large number of them up there. There may be a cheaper way. Back in Phoenix there was the “southwest outdoor club” which had much cheaper climbing outings than the professional guide companies.
Prior to doing an outdoor trip though we should take a little outing to an indoor climbing gym so everyone can become generally familiar with harness and belaying etc. The Chelsea Piers climbing wall seems to be pretty good, from what I can gather from their web page. There may be a spot more conveniently located though… apparently there is a “powerplay recreational center” at 432 third ave but I have been unable to find a web page or significant bits of data about the location.
Hoping to make it Wednesday – had fun Saturday doing the snatches. Played a ton of basketball in Tompkins Park later in the day–it’s been a while, and my shot is pretty damn ugly, but it’s amazing how much energy I have in an intense game before crossfit. And Tompkins is right by the Russian/Turkish baths. I’m a regular, usually hit it up in the winter. Nothing better on a Sunday afternoon. There’s one on Park St. north of Myrtle in Fort Greene, and another one on Fulton Street called Wall Street baths.
95#, assisted hspu, 12:3915# dumbell press 3×8
I felt light headed, but maybe because I was sick and popping antibiotics. blah.