Row 1000 meters
85 pound Thruster, 21 reps
15 Pull-ups
Row 750 meters
85 pound Thruster, 18 reps
12 Pull-ups
Row 500 meters
85 pound Thruster, 15 reps
9 Pull-ups
Rest 2 minutes between each round. Time each round separately and post times to comments.
Did everyone see Jacinto in this CF Games Video?
Concept 2 Rowing by Again Faster
Obviously we can’t cycle everyone through one rower. The Sub will be 100, 75 and 50 curvilinear sumo deadlift high-pulls with a 16 or 12 kg kettlebell.
We’ll see who has their heart set on doing it as Rx’d and try to accommodate to the best of our abilities.
Please bring a stop watch if you’ve got one.
jacinto25:43subed to 175,did 7 7 7unbrocken pullupsused rowerthrusters 5 5 5unbrocken pullupsrowwer3 3 3unbroken pullups
Rowed 1k first round, subbed SDHP the next twoR1: 6:11R2: 6:22R3: 4:38
2nd round definitely the hardest, still had a lot of reps in it and you came into it tired. Third felt shorter at least.
As rxd
Rowing absolutely drained me, thrusters were tough, pullups were easy.
Some muscle up attempts, but my wrists are beat. The GHD is going to be fun.
Oh yeah, shirt on the bar helped enormously on the pullups. Does anyone have any experience with Tite Grip or Liquid Chalk? I’ll move a lot faster if I can eliminate grip issues; sweaty hands and a sweaty bar limits me to only a few pullupsu at a time.
R1: 7:11R2: 6:49R3: 6:00Total: 24:00
After lunch…
Bench:70 lb dumbbells x 1080 lb dumbbells x 585 lb dumbbells x 380 lb dumbbells x 3
Incline:115 x 10 x 3115 x 8
Dips:12, 9, 7, 6
I’m tired.
As Rx’dRow, 85# thrusters, pull-ups
9:28, 9:50, 5:53
The Row was BY FAR the hardest most uncomfortable part. My back was so tight that I was seriously considering jumping off and running away. Thanks to everyone who was telling me to keep going even though I was telling you guys to f off, shut up and leave me alone. I appreciate it.
Another thanks to Jeremy for letting my slow ass use the rower and especially for sticking with me through the whole last round.I felt like I was hearing myself talking in a mans voice. 🙂 “Just get your hands on the bar. You’ll hate yourself later if you don’t jest get it done!”
hehehe thanks j
Eric It was great to see you again. Come more often. I hope you had fun with Fran you sicko.
Momma: I love you. Great job.
Ethan Boo: Great job on those mountain climbers and the duck walk. You’re going to make a great CrossFit kid 😉
I had a great time as always. Thanks for letting me get the crap kicked out of me
low 6’s, high 6’s mid 4, walking down stairs to look at my book is a no go situation
Allison, I ended up doing Cindy, no big deal
Okay, David, I’ll go first:
Brooklyn Tri Club Foundations ClassAMRAP in 15 minutes10 Dumbbell Thrusters 20 lbs10 Burpees10 Sit-ups
Managed all of 3 rounds, fewest in class. HR approximately 285. The Burpees especially kicked my ass.
Looking forward to becoming CrossFit…
First step to becoming CrossFit – ditch the <3 rate monitor.
Good job
I think he was joking.. 285 bpm
If not, im going to sign up for some triathlons immediately.
It was a lot of fun putting you guys through your first Metcon. The lyceum at 6am has a very different vibe, we can also make all the damn noise we want!
hahhaaa that one went right over my head…
That workout obviously affected me more than I thought
6:34 (pulls), 8:16 (row), 5:25(pulls). this one was very tough. in fact, I was just telling my wife that today’s wod was particularly tough and she said “you say that everytime you come back from crossfit”. no sympathy I guess :).
100 Push Ups100 Squats100 Sit Ups
Adam, from my experience liquid chalk is highly recommendable. As far as I can say its effect is noticeably longer lasting than normal chalk can provide.
Allison, I guess you were wondering about “leg raises”. I meant this exercise:
This makes me want to push press my laptop right now. Going to watch it every day before I hit the gym.