3 hard boiled eggsiced coffee (w/ sugar today – a treat!)
will be stopping by the lyceum tonight to say hello and to pick up a CFSBK tank to rock at the triathlon this weekend! will totally represent!
forgot, also did some front squat work afterwards, focusing on good depth
xuan maisays
Welcome back Allison.
I thought of you this morning as I was eating my breakfast:
Sardines straight out of the tin.
Happy Birthday Stephanie!!
Is it Steph’s bday?!
Dude! Did you think you could just let that slip by?
Happy Birthday!!
We miss you.
What is the Monday 8pm class?
See you guys tonight, then I’m off to Mexico for a week. I’ve compiled some equipment-free WODs to do on the beach, but the place we’re staying also has a gym, so there is potential opportunity for lifting.
What do you guys typically do on vacation – rest completely, workout light, or keep up your normal routines? Are “rest weeks” from weights even necessary if you aren’t lifting any more than 2 or 3 days a week?
Happy Birthday Stephanie!!
Bethany – depending on the vacation, I try to fit in what I can. Take advantage of the fact that you’re in a different environment. Go for runs and walks on the beach, or a hike. Swimming, of course, will be great. Use this as an opportunity to shake up the routine of your exercise.
As for rest weeks – yes, I think it’s good to take 5-7 days off every 3 months or so. You’d be amazed how much stronger you’ll come back. And lifting 2 or 3 days a week isn’t such a small amount, particularly if you are going heavy a lot.
8pm class is a Private Foundations Cycle. Their homework is to POST A COMMENT on the blog and read the “What is Fitness?” .Pdf
HAPPY BIRTHDAY STEPH!!! I really miss seeing you in class!
Vacations are a great time for Austere workouts. For example when i was in Colombia for 3 days i did:10 Pistols/5 HSPU AMRAP 20min30 Push-ups, 30 Squats 10 RoundsIt’s also a great time to just have some fun with a non-organized WOD. One night i went out with my uncle to a playground and spent ~15 minutes playing with pull-up variations, doing handstand walks and drinking beer.
Schools, churches and local parks usually have a monkey bar that you can do pull-ups on as well as benches for box jumps, picnic tables for thrusters, plenty of room for running, lunges etc.. If you’d like to borrow a rubber band for assisted pull-ups feel free.
Also, 4-7 days off once every 2-3 months is a great idea.
Nicole is Fucking Strong. I always end up watching whats going on in the background of those videos as well. Good Stuff.
1st WOD ever:
10 sit-ups, 10 squats, 5 burpees4 rounds in 10 minutes.
I can’t wait to see how many more I can do in 4 weeks.
I’m working on my push-ups every morning and throwing in squats and sit-ups for the fit of it.Going to make my sis proud over in HQ! Hi Marian!
I miss all of you so much! I can’t do the total today 🙁 but am stopping by for my shirt. i’m getting pumped for my race and even more excited to be back in class next mon & wed!
if anyone is interested in celebrating a week late, i’d love to go out for a margarita (or 2) and some guac from Maria’s on the corner of 4th and union after wednesday’s class next week. i will be ready to celebrate!!
any takers?
Steve Rsays
I just came back from a week in napa.
1st day:100 squat100 pushups20 pull ups50 situps
2nd-5th day:too much wone
6th-7th day:detox
I always take a jump rope on vacations, easy to pack and it doesn’t take a lot of space to skip. doesn’t always make it out of the backpack though 🙂
My first FOUNDATIONS CYCLE class last Monday also meant my first WOD challenge. It was kind of like the Presidential Physical Fitness Tests that were mandatory in elementary school, except without monkey bars. For the record:
WOD = 10 sit-ups / 10 squats / 5 burpiesjust a bit over 5 rounds in 10 minutes
Especially need to work on my sit-ups. They consistently slowed me down, and eventually brought me to a grinding halt.
Steph – I’m in!
Happy Birthday Steph!!! I should be around next week so I’m in too!
happy birthday Stephanie and many more.
Can’t make it for the Beginner’s class tonight, but did the WOD at my gym. My first Crossfit total which felt good considering that I’m getting more comfortable with the moves. Plus it didn’t include any MetCon which seems to be my weakness.
BackSquat: 165#Shoulder Press: 110#Deadlift: 200#
Total = 475
All of these were PRs for me as well as my Bench on Monday which was 2 sets of 3 for 155#
Something about hitting my bodyweight (155) gives a nice psychological boost.
Just wanted to say thanks again to David, Shane, and Jacinto for all their help. I won’t see you guys until monday. I have an old school Brooklyn Block Party on Saturday which means Sunday morning could be ugly.
PS – can you tell that i had a good workout today, i.e. all the rambling
We were talking about taking Jeremy & Jacinto out Saturday night to celebratetheir CF Games performance.First – J & J are you available this Saturday?Second – Who’s in if they are and where in BK do you want to go?
PM workout:10k Row- 44:56Dissapointed with this one. I kept a steady 40:00 projected finish at about 185-205 watts until 3,350m where i hit a major wall and had to slow down to 155-170 watts for a little while then play major catch-up towards the end.
Did this at Equinox with no ipod, i had the choice of watching:A. John Edwards on Larry King LiveB. “P. Diddy” on the arch trainerC. a 45 minute bicep-curl fest in front of me.
a lose-lose-lose situation by all accounts.
Erik K.says
I’d have been down with Angiealthough 6:15 is still far too early. I don’t get out of work till 6.
a really uninspired trip to the gym
Shoulder presses:105 x 7115 x 4120 x 3120 x 2
Started doing some 95lb thrusters, but wasn’t into it and things were hurting so I did 15 minutes on the rower, which is insanely boring but luckily I remembered my iPod.
iPod user #3 didPowerCleans and Jerks 30 @ 135 in 8:15 minutes (PR).
Why is it so “quite”? What’s going on in Brooklyn? – Restday? Don’t leave me alone, guys!
Your solitary Crossfitter in Berlin did 5 rounds for time ofBench Press 5 @ 180lbsSumo High Pulls 10 @ 135lbs(11:12 min)
BTW: The editing is almost done…more information as soon as I know myself.
Andy you are becoming a true crossfiter,stronger and strongerkeep it up buddy you are doing just fine.
Allison is back for a visit or back-back?
22:57 w/ jumping pull ups and modified push ups
pull ups 8:33push ups 7:27sit ups 3:38squats 3:19
breakfast today
3 hard boiled eggsiced coffee (w/ sugar today – a treat!)
will be stopping by the lyceum tonight to say hello and to pick up a CFSBK tank to rock at the triathlon this weekend! will totally represent!
forgot, also did some front squat work afterwards, focusing on good depth
Welcome back Allison.
I thought of you this morning as I was eating my breakfast:
Sardines straight out of the tin.
Happy Birthday Stephanie!!
Is it Steph’s bday?!
Dude! Did you think you could just let that slip by?
Happy Birthday!!
We miss you.
What is the Monday 8pm class?
See you guys tonight, then I’m off to Mexico for a week. I’ve compiled some equipment-free WODs to do on the beach, but the place we’re staying also has a gym, so there is potential opportunity for lifting.
What do you guys typically do on vacation – rest completely, workout light, or keep up your normal routines? Are “rest weeks” from weights even necessary if you aren’t lifting any more than 2 or 3 days a week?
Happy Birthday Stephanie!!
Bethany – depending on the vacation, I try to fit in what I can. Take advantage of the fact that you’re in a different environment. Go for runs and walks on the beach, or a hike. Swimming, of course, will be great. Use this as an opportunity to shake up the routine of your exercise.
As for rest weeks – yes, I think it’s good to take 5-7 days off every 3 months or so. You’d be amazed how much stronger you’ll come back. And lifting 2 or 3 days a week isn’t such a small amount, particularly if you are going heavy a lot.
8pm class is a Private Foundations Cycle. Their homework is to POST A COMMENT on the blog and read the “What is Fitness?” .Pdf
HAPPY BIRTHDAY STEPH!!! I really miss seeing you in class!
Vacations are a great time for Austere workouts. For example when i was in Colombia for 3 days i did:10 Pistols/5 HSPU AMRAP 20min30 Push-ups, 30 Squats 10 RoundsIt’s also a great time to just have some fun with a non-organized WOD. One night i went out with my uncle to a playground and spent ~15 minutes playing with pull-up variations, doing handstand walks and drinking beer.
Schools, churches and local parks usually have a monkey bar that you can do pull-ups on as well as benches for box jumps, picnic tables for thrusters, plenty of room for running, lunges etc.. If you’d like to borrow a rubber band for assisted pull-ups feel free.
Also, 4-7 days off once every 2-3 months is a great idea.
Nicole is Fucking Strong. I always end up watching whats going on in the background of those videos as well. Good Stuff.
1st WOD ever:
10 sit-ups, 10 squats, 5 burpees4 rounds in 10 minutes.
I can’t wait to see how many more I can do in 4 weeks.
I’m working on my push-ups every morning and throwing in squats and sit-ups for the fit of it.Going to make my sis proud over in HQ! Hi Marian!
I miss all of you so much! I can’t do the total today 🙁 but am stopping by for my shirt. i’m getting pumped for my race and even more excited to be back in class next mon & wed!
if anyone is interested in celebrating a week late, i’d love to go out for a margarita (or 2) and some guac from Maria’s on the corner of 4th and union after wednesday’s class next week. i will be ready to celebrate!!
any takers?
I just came back from a week in napa.
1st day:100 squat100 pushups20 pull ups50 situps
2nd-5th day:too much wone
6th-7th day:detox
I always take a jump rope on vacations, easy to pack and it doesn’t take a lot of space to skip. doesn’t always make it out of the backpack though 🙂
My first FOUNDATIONS CYCLE class last Monday also meant my first WOD challenge. It was kind of like the Presidential Physical Fitness Tests that were mandatory in elementary school, except without monkey bars. For the record:
WOD = 10 sit-ups / 10 squats / 5 burpiesjust a bit over 5 rounds in 10 minutes
Especially need to work on my sit-ups. They consistently slowed me down, and eventually brought me to a grinding halt.
Steph – I’m in!
Happy Birthday Steph!!! I should be around next week so I’m in too!
happy birthday Stephanie and many more.
Can’t make it for the Beginner’s class tonight, but did the WOD at my gym. My first Crossfit total which felt good considering that I’m getting more comfortable with the moves. Plus it didn’t include any MetCon which seems to be my weakness.
BackSquat: 165#Shoulder Press: 110#Deadlift: 200#
Total = 475
All of these were PRs for me as well as my Bench on Monday which was 2 sets of 3 for 155#
Something about hitting my bodyweight (155) gives a nice psychological boost.
Just wanted to say thanks again to David, Shane, and Jacinto for all their help. I won’t see you guys until monday. I have an old school Brooklyn Block Party on Saturday which means Sunday morning could be ugly.
PS – can you tell that i had a good workout today, i.e. all the rambling
We were talking about taking Jeremy & Jacinto out Saturday night to celebratetheir CF Games performance.First – J & J are you available this Saturday?Second – Who’s in if they are and where in BK do you want to go?
I’m up for saturday night.Last call for anyone who wants to come to the beach tomorrow. Offer is also good for Friday and Saturday after class.
Total:Squat: 355, 375fail, 375failPress 185, 195fail, 195failDeadlift 500, 525failTotal: 1040
Blah, felt like I didn’t have any push today, still beat from the weekend.
Jeremy – I’m thinking beach Friday. Working on getting the day off. Will let you know tomorrow…
I’m going to the beach tomorrow with jeremy and we might hit up a CF on long island after.
should be fun
Squats:240 / 250F / 250 (PR)
Press:125 / 140F / 135F
Deadlift:330 / 350
Total: 725 (PR, last total was 665 on May 30th).
Needless to say, I’m down for drinks on Saturday. Guessing 9pm at the Gate unless I hear otherwise.
BS: 100/120/130Press: 65F/60/62FDeadlift: 150/160/had to stop for jazzTotal: 350
Really annoyed at myself for forgetting my notebook/not knowing my PRs – next time I come prepared.
BSQ: 140/154/156fPress: 65,76,78PRDL: 175,195,- (had to stop for jazz)Total: 425
I can’t remember my last, but this definitely beats it.
Squat = 290(pr)Press = 150(pr)DLift = 350(pr)
My very first total – 790
Thanks Erik, Steve and Jeremy for the push.
squat 225/235/245fpress 125/130/135fdl 305/315/jazz stop
my last total was very recent, but i still managed to increase weight all around here. i want a lot of training before the next one.
total 680
my first total was 665squat – 235 (pr)press – 130 (pr)dl – 300 (pr)
Hey all! Last minute decision to run tonight. If you’re interested, I’ll be at the Prospect Park 9th St entrance at 6:15pm.
squat – 135 ( could have gone heavier )
press – 110 (pr)
deadlift – 260
total – 505
yesterday was not a strong day for me. next total i need to at least break 600!
OK John C – if you break 600 I will break 400!
40 seconds better than last time, but know this could be much better.
Today10k in Prospect Park53:34
Was pleased I even got through this, my last 5k was horrible. The second half of this was surprisingly easier than the first!
Wish I could’ve met up for the run tonight Margie, sadly I’ve gotta work.
no finally that I stopped hurting (this morning), I can jump start my homework.
and Hello!
No worries Kent. I ended up making up Angie in the park. Allison and Jeremy arrived just in time to watch.
24:10subbed jumping pullupsI think nearly 15 minutes were spent on the damned pushups.
AM workout:BSQ 175x3x10Bench 155x6x6
PM workout:10k Row- 44:56Dissapointed with this one. I kept a steady 40:00 projected finish at about 185-205 watts until 3,350m where i hit a major wall and had to slow down to 155-170 watts for a little while then play major catch-up towards the end.
Did this at Equinox with no ipod, i had the choice of watching:A. John Edwards on Larry King LiveB. “P. Diddy” on the arch trainerC. a 45 minute bicep-curl fest in front of me.
a lose-lose-lose situation by all accounts.
I’d have been down with Angiealthough 6:15 is still far too early. I don’t get out of work till 6.
a really uninspired trip to the gym
Shoulder presses:105 x 7115 x 4120 x 3120 x 2
Started doing some 95lb thrusters, but wasn’t into it and things were hurting so I did 15 minutes on the rower, which is insanely boring but luckily I remembered my iPod.
iPod user #3 didPowerCleans and Jerks 30 @ 135 in 8:15 minutes (PR).
Why is it so “quite”? What’s going on in Brooklyn? – Restday? Don’t leave me alone, guys!
Your solitary Crossfitter in Berlin did 5 rounds for time ofBench Press 5 @ 180lbsSumo High Pulls 10 @ 135lbs(11:12 min)
BTW: The editing is almost done…more information as soon as I know myself.
Andy you are becoming a true crossfiter,stronger and strongerkeep it up buddy you are doing just fine.
CFT Total – 520 lbs. (Strict form)
Squat – 135/150/160pr
Shoulder Press – 95/115/135Ppr
Deadlift – 185/205/225pr
CFT plus bench – 745 lbs. (Strict form)
Bench – 185/205/225
I felt GREAT tonight! Motivated and strong.
My first WOD challenge, as well:
WOD = 10 sit-ups / 10 squats / 5 burpies5 rounds in 10 minutes
My numbers could be better without the burpies. Burpies are the worst.
10 sit-ups10 squats5 burpees
6 rounds in 10 minutes.