Breakfast:4 Eggs, Fish oil, ALA, H20.Sleep: 2.5 HoursThe combination of yesterdays WOD and eating rice and beans at a Mexican restaurant after class put me to sleep all afternoon. I was up all night and had to be up for work at 4:30am this morning. Wonderful.
Training:BSQ: 77%x3x10 (170)Bench Press: 77%x6x6 (150)Power Clean and Split Jerk: “heavy single” (work up to max effort for day without any misses unless obviously technical) 75kgs (165)Lever work on the bar.
Moderate intensity, feeling sore and under recovered.
This workout is my doing. Don’t think because I’m across the country that I’m not involved in your training.
Focus on your technique. Don’t go up in weight unless your getting below parallel and stable through the midline. Stay tight and do i right.
You won’t get anywhere if you’re only concerned with the numbers you’re putting up. Work the hell out of your form and you’ll be setting yourself up for success.
Make me proud.
I just did a 2500m Row in 10 minutes. I’m going to do a few OHS as a warm up and then see how many Body weight I can get. My 1RM is 165 so I should be able to get close to 15. I’m CrossFitting my Fingers that I do.
Then off to the nail salon to get pretty for the weekend. Hair tomorrow and workout this afternoon with Greg and Lauren.
Jeremy and Jacinto – I’m so Looking Forward to seeing you guys. It’s a matter of hours at this point!
Worked out at a damn Bally’s down the street from my hotel.
Overhead Squat (singles):135, 155, 165, 185Could have gone higher but I had the feeling they would have thrown me out of the place if I bailed.
Made up yesterday’s Mainsite, Lynne.5 Rounds of Max Reps, Bench Press @180/Pullups
R1: 18/30R2: 12/19R3: 11/17R4: 10/15R5: 10/15
Wasn’t sure how the rest was supposed to work on this one so I rested between rounds (~3mins) not between the Bench and Pullups. Forearms were fried by round 4.
Whasup Allison! You’re freakin’ amazing girl! Thanks (alot) for the wod. Just kidding, got my first real taste of ohs. Wasn’t pretty.
Several reps and sets to get the mechanics together. Lotsa work ahead (that I’m looking forward to doing).
Bfast4 Xlarge egg whites, giant stalk of celery, 4 or 5 strawberries, 1 Tblspn of cashew “cream cheese”
running makes me so sleepy and then so hungry.
my max yesterday was 105×5, concentrated mainly on learning the lift and form.
going out of town this weekend for a family reunion/bbq, see y’all next week!
David South Brooklynsays
The new Squat rack/Bench press is in. Just a hair too late for Lynn.
Margie, when do you and JC run? I’d be down to hit the pavement.
sweet david! Maybe we can make lynne up sometime soon.
There’s no set running day. My goal is to get in 1 or 2 a week. I can just plan on posting and/or emailing the day before.
Ooh, ooh, I wanna run too!
Robert, Patrick and Charmel, great work last night on the OHS. You all followed Allison’s instructions to the letter and worked your form. I see bright things in your Overhead Squatting future.
Hoping to make it for Wednesday and Jacinto’s 69th Birthday WOD.
Ok cool! I will post AM runs a couple days before and whoever wants to join should feel free.
Thanks Shane! After i read Allison’s comments I thought the same thing.
Tried the WOD from the main site, but gave up on the push jerk because my form is whack. something to work on in the beginners class.
Shoulder press Warmup45# x 1065# x 10
Push Press105/105/110/110/110
I think i could have went a bit higher, but my knee is sore from yesterday and i don’t think NYSC would be happy with my bailing (thanks for the instruction shane)
Margie,what’s cashew “cream cheese”? – Cream made of cashew nuts? Sounds tasty.
Cream cheese is sort of like farmer’s cheese or quark. It’s what new yorkers put on bagels and smoked salmon. Thick and creamy. (Forgive me if you know this.)
This stuff I got at the food co-op is cream cheese like, only it’s made out of cashews that have been fermented with probiotics. So, it’s basically a tangy, whipped cashew butter. An acquired taste. But I like weird things.
Hey Jeremy, what were your reflections on the whole IF experiment?
Many thanks for your explanation, Margie. I didn’t know this.
When I’m back I’ve to ask you to show me that co-op. I’m addicted to anything made of cashew nuts.
As for quark – I haven’t been able to purchase low fat quark in New York or other places in America. Is it just so uncommon or do you have a special term for it?
You can check out some highlights of David and Jeremy’s performances at the Crossfit East Coast Challange in the article on the event in this month’s Crossfit Journal. There are two extensive video clips embedded in the article one on the Hopper and one of the Crossfit Total (spoiler alert-They lift VERY heavy sh*t-end spoiler). For those of us who missed being their in person it is a great chance to see both David and Jeremy doing their thing. Inspiring stuff.
Great work guys!
And Jeremy and Jacinto, all the best out in Cali at the games this weekend. Honored to have you representing SBK/NYC. Have a blast, safe travels and can’t wait for you guys to come back home.
Tuesday’s mainsite:
press: 95/105/115/125f/120push press: 115/125/130?/135/145f?push jerk: 115/125/135f/135/135-unintentional split jerk on the last rep
First time doing push jerk, I love it.
Now please tell me we’re going wednesday’s main site; i really want to try that workout.
Breakfast:4 Eggs, Fish oil, ALA, H20.Sleep: 2.5 HoursThe combination of yesterdays WOD and eating rice and beans at a Mexican restaurant after class put me to sleep all afternoon. I was up all night and had to be up for work at 4:30am this morning. Wonderful.
Training:BSQ: 77%x3x10 (170)Bench Press: 77%x6x6 (150)Power Clean and Split Jerk: “heavy single” (work up to max effort for day without any misses unless obviously technical) 75kgs (165)Lever work on the bar.
Moderate intensity, feeling sore and under recovered.
1 Apple4 Egg WhitesAvacado
This workout is my doing. Don’t think because I’m across the country that I’m not involved in your training.
Focus on your technique. Don’t go up in weight unless your getting below parallel and stable through the midline. Stay tight and do i right.
You won’t get anywhere if you’re only concerned with the numbers you’re putting up. Work the hell out of your form and you’ll be setting yourself up for success.
Make me proud.
I just did a 2500m Row in 10 minutes. I’m going to do a few OHS as a warm up and then see how many Body weight I can get. My 1RM is 165 so I should be able to get close to 15. I’m CrossFitting my Fingers that I do.
Then off to the nail salon to get pretty for the weekend. Hair tomorrow and workout this afternoon with Greg and Lauren.
Jeremy and Jacinto – I’m so Looking Forward to seeing you guys. It’s a matter of hours at this point!
17 reps OHS @ 115 with gas in the tank
I’m going to try it again with 125
5 minutes later
18 OHS @ 120
How long is our climbing rope (is it a 20ft trip)?
I thought it was. Upon closer review it’s somewhere between 15-18ft.
I’M aout to walk down the block to do a workout with Lauren. I’m wearing my CFSBK tank top! I’ll be wearing it to the Games too
I wonder if Greg will read it like I did and like Lisa did — Fitness is Carned 😉
sleep last night – 5 hours
hurting right now.
vertigo:25# dumbells1 pull up strict2 pull ups strictremainder jumping
can’t lift my arms right now.
swimming again tomorrow should be fun.
wish i could be at class tonight – rugby admin meeting 🙁
ps. allison you are an animal. keep on rockin
Hey guys, had to make an emergency trip back to my hometown and hit up CrossFit Jenks today. Some good people over there, good workout.
3 rounds for time:30 Wall Ball (20lb)30 Situps30 Kb swings (40lb)30 Double Unders
21:48 min
Front Squats:135 lbs x 3155 lbs x 3165 lbs x 3175 lbs x 3175 lbs x 1 (no concentration)175 lbs x 3
Press100 lbs x 8110 lbs x 6115 lbs x 3120 lbs x 2
Seated Dumbbell Presses40 lb db x 840 lb db x 845 lb db x 645 lb db x 8
Push Press100 lbs x 10 x 4
Worked out at a damn Bally’s down the street from my hotel.
Overhead Squat (singles):135, 155, 165, 185Could have gone higher but I had the feeling they would have thrown me out of the place if I bailed.
Made up yesterday’s Mainsite, Lynne.5 Rounds of Max Reps, Bench Press @180/Pullups
R1: 18/30R2: 12/19R3: 11/17R4: 10/15R5: 10/15
Wasn’t sure how the rest was supposed to work on this one so I rested between rounds (~3mins) not between the Bench and Pullups. Forearms were fried by round 4.
Whasup Allison! You’re freakin’ amazing girl! Thanks (alot) for the wod. Just kidding, got my first real taste of ohs. Wasn’t pretty.
Several reps and sets to get the mechanics together. Lotsa work ahead (that I’m looking forward to doing).
Thanks goes out to every coach for all the help
7am:2 mile run with John C19 min (30 sec faster!)
10R/10Lforward lungesreverse lungesbulgarian squats
played around with L sit on the pullup bar
Bfast4 Xlarge egg whites, giant stalk of celery, 4 or 5 strawberries, 1 Tblspn of cashew “cream cheese”
running makes me so sleepy and then so hungry.
my max yesterday was 105×5, concentrated mainly on learning the lift and form.
going out of town this weekend for a family reunion/bbq, see y’all next week!
The new Squat rack/Bench press is in. Just a hair too late for Lynn.
Margie, when do you and JC run? I’d be down to hit the pavement.
sweet david! Maybe we can make lynne up sometime soon.
There’s no set running day. My goal is to get in 1 or 2 a week. I can just plan on posting and/or emailing the day before.
Ooh, ooh, I wanna run too!
Robert, Patrick and Charmel, great work last night on the OHS. You all followed Allison’s instructions to the letter and worked your form. I see bright things in your Overhead Squatting future.
Hoping to make it for Wednesday and Jacinto’s 69th Birthday WOD.
Ok cool! I will post AM runs a couple days before and whoever wants to join should feel free.
Thanks Shane! After i read Allison’s comments I thought the same thing.
Tried the WOD from the main site, but gave up on the push jerk because my form is whack. something to work on in the beginners class.
Shoulder press Warmup45# x 1065# x 10
Push Press105/105/110/110/110
I think i could have went a bit higher, but my knee is sore from yesterday and i don’t think NYSC would be happy with my bailing (thanks for the instruction shane)
Finished up with some jumprope and pullups
Breakfast: Cottage cheese and 1 banana
PowerClean+Jerk 3@135; 1@157; fail@190
For time:15, 13, 11…5, 3, 1 Squats @ 13515, 13, 11…5, 3, 1 Push Ups(12:05)
Margie,what’s cashew “cream cheese”? – Cream made of cashew nuts? Sounds tasty.
Cream cheese is sort of like farmer’s cheese or quark. It’s what new yorkers put on bagels and smoked salmon. Thick and creamy. (Forgive me if you know this.)
This stuff I got at the food co-op is cream cheese like, only it’s made out of cashews that have been fermented with probiotics. So, it’s basically a tangy, whipped cashew butter. An acquired taste. But I like weird things.
that sounds disgusting, margie.
Hey Jeremy, what were your reflections on the whole IF experiment?
Many thanks for your explanation, Margie. I didn’t know this.
When I’m back I’ve to ask you to show me that co-op. I’m addicted to anything made of cashew nuts.
As for quark – I haven’t been able to purchase low fat quark in New York or other places in America. Is it just so uncommon or do you have a special term for it?
You can check out some highlights of David and Jeremy’s performances at the Crossfit East Coast Challange in the article on the event in this month’s Crossfit Journal. There are two extensive video clips embedded in the article one on the Hopper and one of the Crossfit Total (spoiler alert-They lift VERY heavy sh*t-end spoiler). For those of us who missed being their in person it is a great chance to see both David and Jeremy doing their thing. Inspiring stuff.
Great work guys!
And Jeremy and Jacinto, all the best out in Cali at the games this weekend. Honored to have you representing SBK/NYC. Have a blast, safe travels and can’t wait for you guys to come back home.
Tuesday’s mainsite:
press: 95/105/115/125f/120push press: 115/125/130?/135/145f?push jerk: 115/125/135f/135/135-unintentional split jerk on the last rep
First time doing push jerk, I love it.
Now please tell me we’re going wednesday’s main site; i really want to try that workout.