4 Rounds for Time of:
2-Pood Kettlebell Swings 10 Reps
20" Box Jumps 15 Reps
20 foot Rope Climb 2 Ascents
Post time to comments.
Assistance work:
Foam Roll and Stretch!
How to improve your thoracic mobility
7 Dynamic Stretches to improve your hip mobility
You want a healthy back? Stop stretching it.
I recently “acquired” more stretching straps from an undisclosed location. They are longer than the current SBK straps so all you taller people can join in on the fun.
We have 3 sets of those tennis ball “back peanuts”. Use them.
We now also have notebooks on sale for tracking you workouts. I’m putting the finishing touches on an accompanying spreadsheet so your 1RM’s and benchmarks can be found at a glance. There will also be a section to track progress on your “Performance Focus”.
There are now more towels, wipe down after post WOD stretching.
Check out the hottt picture of our BK modeling crew under the “Buy CFSBK gear” link.
1 RM squat test380 (5# PR)385 Fail385 Fail
Just couldn’t get out of the hole on 385
Metcon21 15 9Pushup/Box Jump/Pullups4:08
4 rounds for time:10 Kb swings15 Box jumps2 Rope climb ascents
15 min.
Had to bail the 2nd ascent on the rope climb in the 3rd round. That was killer on my grip!
What a great performance, Jeremy. Way to go!
Of course, I haven’t seen you squatting but considering your level of strength in the deadlift I assume the magic 400 are definitely in reach.
Talking about max-effort: Many powerlifters use to do some plyometric exercises before they attack a new 1-RM. (There’s a proven link between CAT and max-effort results.) Maybe this is helpful for you, too.
My humble WOD:
3 rounds for time ofSumo High Pulls 10@135Push Ups 20Pull Ups 10Sit Ups 20(17:23 min // It’s crazy. Lactate kills me after two reps in each exercise…)
Plus some extra work:Squats (Powerlifting-Style)5@135; 5@180; 5@225; 5@270
13:29Substituted 15 pull-ups for the rope climbs.It was the first time I’d tried the 2-Pood kettlebell swings. They felt pretty good.A nice workout.
2 rounds + 2.5 rope climbs- 15min.53# kb
first time with rope climbs– fun stuff. thanks for the tape, margie!
this one was tough on the grip– by the 2nd round i thought the kb was going to go sailing off through the air on the upswing…
Press 60lbs 5×5 (80% 1RM) not too tough
WODsubbed 1 pood and 1 rope ascent (for each round)11:19
Steve – your rope climbs looked great…. I wish the tape had worked on my leg! Unfortunately, it came right off… my right leg is starting to look mutilated.
Bench Press75 lb dumbbells x 980 lb dumbbells – Failed 3 different attempts, I have no idea why, I just couldn’t bring them up. I finally dropped down to 70’s.70 lb dumbbells x 870 lb dumbbells x 8
Incline Bench95 lbs x 15115 lbs x 12125 lbs x 7135 lbs x 6
Flies40 lbs x 840 lbs x 945 lbs x 645 lbs x 6
Dips8 x 5 sets
11:45 – basically as prescribed, except on my 8th rope climb, I came about 3 feet short of reaching the top. But good work-out, though.
WOD as Rx’ed-13:09. Came 1 foot short on last rope climb. My grip died.
Between the muscle-ups yesterday and the rope climbs today my hands are starting to look like real Crossfittin’ hands
Great work done by everyone today!
Foundations folks looking forward to seeing/working with you all in the beginner and group classes. You all should be really proud of the work you’ve done. Look forward to working/training w/ you guys in the beginner’s and group classes
11:27 as rx’d.
Did some handstand work afterwards. Static and unsupported is feeling a Lot more stable. Wall-free handstand push-ups here i come.
Hey David, you mentioned that we should post our goals to work on in the open gym sessions. My goals for the year are one or more out of:
HSPUMuscle upProper kipping pullupDecent form for OL basics (no weight goals, my form just plain sucks ‘cos I’ve been shirking + am way inflexible…)
13:41, did the 25kg kettlebell for swings, and subbed the “leaning back” rope climbs for 2 of the climbs.
goals:deadlift 2x bodyweighthandstands, coincidentallymuscle ups
13:22 — only was able to do half ascent for the 1st Round then did jumping pull-ups for the rest of the rounds.
I think I had a 25kg kettlebell, not sure.
Good job, Kent and Steve!
Mike – that scar medicine i was telling you about is called Biafine. It’s prescription only. Made by orthoneutrogena.
My second time at CFSBK , ever, and it was the second time I almost puked in 4 days as well. Hmm, could there be a correlation?
3 rounds of100 wall balls100 KB swings100 Box jumps30 pushups
Okay, so it was actually only 10,10,10 and 3 but it felt like 100.
Favorite line of the day was after telling Jacinto that I was physically unable to do one pushup earlier in the morning due to being so sore from last Wednesday… Jacinto says “Ok , let’s warm up and then do some pushups” LOL
Andy,You’re right, a few broad jumps before a heavy squat can go a long way. you just have to make sure you do your lift Directly after the non-fatiguing plyos.
Allan,1. What is your current range of motion capabilities on HSPUs and what is your 1RM press?2. Do you have solid Ring Dips? I know you’ve got pull-ups.3. I’m confident that within a couple sessions of you kipping while fresh we can clean them up.4. We’ve got a O-lifting course in the works, it won’t be launched until late August, however. Take this time to gain OHS mobility. Talk to me in class and we’ll work out some movements for you to drill.
Paul,1. Same as Allan’s #1.2. What is your bodyweight and current DL PR?3. Time to work that transition, i’ll rx you some drills the next time you’re in class.
Justine,it was either a 12 or 16kg kettlebell. 6pm class killed it today.
Rob,Like we talked about, take your time on the WODs, stay mobile and keep coming to class! You’re going to look back on these posts one day and laugh.
I would have said muscle-ups before Saturday, now I’m willing to let that one rest… for the time being.
String together double unders, Ideally for a minute at a time with some consistency (I’ve got a ways to go on that one)
Double weight deadlift, which I’m actually going backwards on. A double weight lift would require around a 380 lbs deadlift. My PR is 355, but on my last two attempts (after class on Saturday, and when in Oakland) I failed at 345. I need a training plan to get back on track. I was thinking heavy sets of 3, twice a week (I pulled 3 at 300 during that last deadlifting wod and felt I could have gone up a bit). Any other advice is welcomed.
Back squats Erik. Talk to Jeremy.
So sorry to miss today, the workout sounded great. Life has been unfair lately in regards to free time! I subbed one round of putting together the nursery.
Rob, the first couple crossfit workouts I did on my own before I found CFSBK had me thinking that everyone involved in this must be nuts, there was just no way people could do stuff this tough on a regular basis.
Now I know that everyone involved is nuts, but the human body is wonderful at adapting!
My goals for this year:
Competency with the OLY lifts.
A solid handstand.
4 muscle-ups in a row. (A big reach, but why not have big goals?)
Double body weight 1RMs on squat and deadlift
8 am: Run with Lauren and Lisa
9 am: Workout with Lauren and Lisa.5 round of 10:Push-ups on parallettesGHD sit-upsPull-upsSquats
10 am: 2 block breakfast with the Gmans and the Lgos
Noon: 5 k row poolside with Lauren in bikinis .. greg snapping pictures 😉
Dinner with the same
Tomorrow at 8 am : 5k run with Lauren and Lisa Main Site Style.
4 Eggs, 3 cups Kale, fish oil, water and a Gala apple to go.
yes i wake up at 4:30am for work.
GoalsFigure out double undersWork on my kipping MUSquat 400Press 200DL 550Get back into O-lifting, I went from shitty to almost passable and kind of left it at that.
david:1) ROM on HSPU is approx 3 abmats? that’s how many I used last time. 1RM press was 105 last I checked
2) bodyweight is 170, so DL goal is 340. current PR is 265
Bfast2 extra large egg whites, 2 oz smoked lox, about 1.5 oz guacamole, a few sips of kombucha.
Goals (for the next 2-4 months)-kipping pullups – several in a row-ring dips – several in a row-double unders – several in a row-200 lb DL-incorporate running twice a week (in preparation for urbanathlon?)-Fran as rx’d-continue to work form for clean and snatch-work on various ring holds, such as back lever, l-sit
Goals for the year:- handstand away from wall- strict push-up- pull-up- 200lb deadlift- 150lb back squat- work on form on less familiar lifts like OHS, clean, jerk
I need to prioritize and pick one or two to really focus on – maybe handstands and push-ups?
goals for the YEAR?
Clean – 170#OHS 15 x BW (in the next few weeks)OHS – 180#Back Squat – 245Press – 110#DL – 270#
Fran – Sub 5 with mens weight5k row – 20min @ 25now5 muscle ups in a row
just a few
great last foundations class, all! my goals for the year? hmmm1- learn the cf lingo better so i can come up with real goals2- do some kind of pullup w/o jumping3- get my single jumps down *and* learn to double-under4- the biggie: keep up cf-ing at *least* 2x week, & if i can afford it, swimming 1 or 2x week.
crazy week coming up so i’ll be wod-ing at home in the a.m.’s, but thanks again to david, jacinto & shane for a fab foundations experience!
getting some stitches on my ring hand. (on the top) hope it doesn’t put me out of training 🙁
Short term goals – by September1.Muscle up – I can do a ring pull up and a ring dip so I will work on the transition2.Pistol – I can do an assisted pistol, gottta work the glutes3.Kipping pullups4.Increase my range of motion by stretching daily5.Limit my dietary indulgences to 1 free day per week
Longer term – a year from now1.Freestanding hspu – I currently can do the hspu on the wall2.Develop my rope cllimbing technique and strength so that if this wod comes around again I won’t need to scale it3. A bodyweight overhead squat