Get em while they're hottt.
Please purchase your shirts directly through us at class. The CFShirts website is for the community at large, we make a smaller commission on those. These are paying for the new squat rack and flat bench!
T-Shirts are available in S/M/L/XL
Girls Tanks are available in S/M/L
20$ per shirt
Thanks to Jodi at Stefanodembro and Aaron at for helping out with these. Check out the picture of Sal on the CFshirts site in our affiliate section.
Bethany says
Yay! Will the shirts be available at class this weekend?
I so want a Crossfit Kids affiliate shirt so I can walk around wearing EARN YOUR SCABS!
Erik K. says
Very nice!Can I assume I’ll have to order this from the site?Also, wasn’t there some info on the back, or am I thinking John’s design?
And on a totally different subject, the mermaid parade is this Saturday at Coney Island.
P$ says
Sick shirts. already put my order in. Can’t wait to wear that bad boy around during my workouts. I miss you guys and CFSB. It’s been a while, but I’m there in spirit. I saw the pull up rack pics too. that looks like a heap of fun. i see butterfly kips coming from CFSB soon.see you soon!P$ (aka Paul)
dammit says
sweet shirts, david! wanna trade?
David Osorio says
By them through me!!!!
Margie says
P$ come back!
David, the shirts rock. We are now officially branded crazyass crossfitters.
Zak – for the record, I just read your note, so I actually came of my own accord, not from interweb induced guilt. I’d even eaten dinner already! Thanks again, everything was delish.
Jeremy says
Stuck up here in the ass-end of NY state, my shirt will have to wait until I get back.
As much as I love the CFT, I worked a 10hr shift today, much of it with a hammer or drill in my hand (almost forgot what it feels like to work for a living), decided to make this a short off week. Sunday (mainsite off day) will do the 1RM test of my squat cycle.
Margie says
Also, Stephanie – holy crap. Way to rock Grace!!!
AllisonNYC says
A new PR by 15#
Zak says
thanks so much for coming by. it’s always nice to have people i want to cook for come in and eat. tonight was a blast as far as work shifts go!
Zak says
also your gonna have to give me you gmail address so i can cause more declination in your productivity…. also me you and xuan can test out the group chat!!
sandy says
david, i want! would you consider swapping 2? large tee for sean and a small tank for me? check your email. ok bai!
Margie says
GROUP gchat?! Are you trying to get me fired?!
Well, actually, I need a new job anyway. Speaking of – to all, I am looking to make a career change from the non-profit arts to food/nutrition/fitness. I am most likely going to go back to school for nutrition/exercise science. In the meantime, I’d love to find work in the field, which I know is broad, but I am entertaining all kinds of options. If anyone hears of anything related, please let me
Chris H says
Interesting article from today’s WSJ on fitness: Next week I’m going to my hometown of Eugene, OR to watch the US Track and Field trials. Should be fun–looking to get some pointers on some of the sprint events. I’m hoping to get the Silver in microbrew chugging…
Kent says
the t-shirts look great! lookin to score one on Sunday.
Today:As many rounds in 20 minutes of:65lb Thrusters, 10 reps10 Pullups
10 rounds + 10 Thrusters, 3 Pullups
Chris H says
Did the 7 round, 21 rep press/back extension WOD last night. Subbed 65 lbs for 1st press round, then scaled to 55 lbs for all other sets. Subbed 55 lb good mornings for back extensions.
22:00. Presses got hard as hell but kept form intact. And I’m totally down for a shirt–they’re sick.
AllisonNYC says
first thing in the am …. get this… even BEFORE breakfast
ROWED for 30 minutes straight without stopping.
I rowed 26 minutes last night and thought I could top that.
Running later with Lisa then diving into the Glassmans pool before the WOD.
It’s tough out here 😉
I have so much energy and I don’t know why or what to do with it. It’s really strange.
Margie says
My billionth post of the day…
Chris – that is an interesting article. And, of course, what they all have in common is that they are pretty much all power athletes who play sports that require a variety of skills and metabolic pathways.
AllisonNYC says
MARGIE! – YES! That’s so so wonderful and I’m so so happy for you because I know you’re going to be so so happy and you deserve it!
You have the potential to make a difference in lots of peoples lives.
Follow your heart. You’re lucky that you found the thing that makes you feel good inside. Lots of people never do.
You Go Girl! You’re so so awesome 🙂
Margie says
billion and one
Allison – thank you so much for those wonderful words of encouragement. I’m going to turn them right back around and say that your volume of work is incredible. Most importantly, I am really really happy to hear that your energy level is back up and you are feeling good. As long as you feel good and strong and well nourished, you are doing it right! Keep having fun out there.
Max says
The shirts are awesome. After the workweek from hell (haven’t even seen the inside of a gym since Tuesday) I should be back on Sunday to get one!
I’m going through crossfit withdrawal, my rips have almost completely healed.
AllisonNYC says
I’m about to go on a 2 mile run in 110 degrees.
I’m diving straight into the swimming pool
Shane says
David and Jeremy in the main site video!!!
ok, i feel like such a groupie