3-3-3-3-3 reps
Post loads to comments.
Accessory work:
Dumbbell Overhead Walking Lunges
Wheelbarrows with a partner
Dumbbell Thrusters
Dumbbell Bear Crawls
Thanks to everyone who came early and helped either clean up or help with the pull-up bar. You guys and girls are awesome.
Mark Sisson's Nutrient Breakdown
What makes you eat more when you're not hungry
Is the information superhighway keeping you awake at night?
bkfastsalad of: tin of sardines, 2 xlarge egg whites, 1T flaxseed, arugula, celery and tomato.couple swigs of kombuchalick of almond butter
The co-op has been out of hemp butter for a week. I am JONESING!
Info superhighway article posted at 2:21am. Was there a little self-reflection going on? ๐
1 cup granola (with nuts, dried fruit and honey we make it here so it’s not just a pile of oats and sugar)4 oz yogurthand full raspberrieshand full blueberries1 banana
can’t wait to get to class today.
Breakfast1/2Cup yogurt with 2tsp jelly and 6 crushed walnuts3oz left-over steak1/2 cup grapes1 cup green beans6 Cashews
1/3 cup of oatmealBananasoymilk
3 eggs with onions, peppers, spinach
1000mg of omega 3 flaxseed
cup of coffee
7am bike ride in prospect park.3 laps = roughly 10 miles39:00
first a.m. ride in awhile, wasn’t pushing it too much. learned that i need to go even earlier though to get more in and not be late for work!
breakfast.3 scrambled eggsBACON!pearcoffee w/ soy milk
can’t make it tonight, going to press instead of deadlift at the gym though.
happy wednesday ๐
Wanna see something scary??
CrossFit San Diego .com
Brace yourself
P.S. I lost my phone… AGAIN so e-mail me those #s
That’s amazing.
you’re a beast!!!
but i mean that in the most complimentary i-hope-to-be-slash-can’t-wait-to-be-that-jacked sort of way!
Holy shit, Allison.I had texted you asking what your time on the Burpee/pull-up WOD was. 973-610-3628
Stef, you can press at CFSBK if you’d like. Ideally at the 6pm class but we won’t turn you away for the 7pm. your call.
Breakfast:4 Eggs (ssu), handful of mixed nuts, green drink and an episode of the office.
Margie.. I was hoping no one would check when the WOD was posted given the internet link.. hahah. Luckily i didn’t work this afternoon and got to sleep in for the last couple hours. I’m going to head into the Lyceum after i make lunch and hit the WOD.
If we can’t get the top part of the pull-up bar in then the welder is chopping it in half and reassembling it once we get it in. The best laid plans..
Doing this one at home.
225x3235x3255x3265x2 (failed on 3rd rep due to grip, inches from the top)265×1 (failed on second rep)
If I had chalk I think I would have made the 265, tying my previous PR. I was shooting for 275, I think I went too fast. Should have done 20lb progressions starting at 205 and then tried to go from 265 to 270.
Allison, you are ferocious!
david, thanks – for the next few weeks i can’t come on wednesdays at all regardless, so i pressed at the gym.
and it was awful!
could not get the bar up there!
then did tabata push ups (strict) and that was equally awful!
lowest round – 5
i’m blaming it all on the goat cheese that was in my salad at lunch!!
warmed up with 95x5x2; 115×5
145,150,155,160 – had to stop, so didn’t get last set in. But 160 was definitely pushing my form. Jacinto – thanks for the cues… next time let’s drill that.
Support work – 15# dbs.
Great work Justine!
Warmed up with 115×3, 125×3, 135×3 then:
145×3, 145×3, 145×3, 145×3, then got overambitious and jumped to 165 (PR) where I could only pull 2, then backed down to 155 and could only pull 2 also. oops.
A.M. Easy 15 min run; 3 100m acclerations.
P.M. 5×3 Deadlift135, 185, 205, 245, 275
Probably could have hit 300, but still taking it easy until after saturday.
I forgot the paper with my numbers at the gym
something like
185, 205, 225, 245, 255probably could have gone a little heavier.thanks jacinto lending your well-trained eye
john c, it was a pleasure doing the DB workout.
dinner (not really dialed in yet. still guess-stimating)
4oz-grass-fed ground beef (w/ salsa)2 cups steamed broccoli1.5 cups Kale w/ raisins & cinammonlots of H20
to margie and the baconphiles i present, the GROUND BACON cheesburger….yes, you read it right (work/family safe):http://tinyurl.com/yse8nx
will be out of town this weekend for father’s day festivities. i’ll miss you guys! see you next week(end)
5×3 Deadlift205, 225, 255, 280, 300The weight felt fine, I was far more focused in maintaining a strong back. Felt I made some progress in regards to form, which was needed.
5X3 Deadlift95, 105, 115, 125 (then had to stop for the jazz music downstairs) ๐
Still getting adjusted to this area, looking for a good source for locally-grown (organic would be good too) vegetables.
In DC, I joined a fresh veggie delivery service which made it very easy for me to get my daily dose.
In the Gowanus Park area, I only see a MET store, which looks pretty depressing.
Recommendations or advice? Should I join a CSA or a food co-op?
I don’t have a doorman so I can’t receive deliveries during the day.
Thanks, Margie. I just saw your comment. I appreciate your tips on improving my overhead lunges.
I HIGHLY recommend you join the Park Slope Food Coop. A handful of us SBK’ers are members and it’s only a few blocks away from the Lyceum. There is a link in the “Community Links” section of our page.
There are also plenty of Farmer’s Markets in the area:http://www.cenyc.org/site/pages/GMKTsm.pdf
Everyone did so great today, i’m so happy to be working with such a phenomenal group of athletes.
Here’s a resource for locating CSA’s. Most have pick up points so you don’t have to worry about the delivery issue.http://www.justfood.org/csa/there's also Urgan Organics, which does do delivery, but perhaps they can deliver to work?http://www.urbanorganic.com/
In terms of Farmer’s Markets, you work not far from the Union Square Market, which is the largest and fantastic. In our part of the Brooklyn, the largest is at Grand Army Plaza, at the north entrance of Prospect Park.
That all being said, I will second David’s suggestion to join the co-op. It’s is up the street from the Lyceum and a wonderful place. You are required to work a 3 hour shift once a month, but the produce is great and the products are cheap. If you want one of us to take you for a visit after class, we’d be happy to.
Did the DL 5×3 WOD today:225×3, 285×3, 305×3, 315×3, 320×3
Feels good doing an old PR for three. I felt pretty solid on it, really my grip was the hardest part to maintain.
Sublime+Deadlifting= a great way to start your day.
Breakfast:4 Eggs, steamed broccoli, green water, fish oil.
deadlift loads:135, 185, 235, 255, 255
out of town this weekend but I’ll see y’all next week!
It’s Zak’s bday?!
HAPPY HAPPY!! Hope you are celebrating it well!!
bfast2 boiled eggs, 2 boiled egg whites
Did this at my local todayDeadlift3x5
225245265285(grip failed on 3rd attempt)285(reversed grip and it was fine)
Then PR’d with 305 just for fun!
Wrapped up with 10x3Knees to elbowsPushups
My schedule has been crazy, looking forward to the Lyceum on Monday.
Form broke down on the 445, moved it down to an easier weight to work on holding the back arch.
happy birthday zak!
oh and by the way….
Bacon Burger?! Good god, that is genius.
So, when are we going to have a Pork Party? I’d be happy to host.
ummm, you name the time/place and i am there!
i’ll pick up some porkslap ale.
Happy Anniversary of your Birth, Zak!!
thanks everybody! the last 28 years have been a wild ride and it’s hard to belive that i’ll be 30 in the next two years. looking forward to getting back up with you all on saturday!
I have seen soymilk come up on a lot of people’s breakfast recaps the last couple weeks, so I present today’s reading from the book of Rip:
“Soy milk is essentially Coffee-Mate laced with estrogen, and is best left to vegans and other socialist vegetarian types that can’t bring themselves to eat the completely natural-for-humans flesh of our friends the Animals but who have no trouble with slaughtering trillions of our other friends the Plants and processing — in gigantic factories run by multinational corporations with shareholders that eat meat themselves — very selectively chosen components of their poor little bodies into gooey shit that humans have never had an opportunity to adapt to digesting. Why, eating such material, with its high levels of isoflavones, touted by gynecologists as tantamount to Estrogen Replacement Therapy (ERT), will make you grow boobs, and this will screw up the clean lines of this fine young man’s Under Armor. I recommend against it”
happy birthday Zak, but rermember that being 28 and 2 years from being 30 is better then being 69 and 1 year from 70.once again happy birthday and many,many more
I have to concur with Rip on this one.
Soy is evil.
(Though I do like a little tempeh now and again.)
28? Spring chicken! ๐
Soy is not part of my diet: http://www.phlaunt.com/diabetes/16897732.php
hehee David looks 30.
Happy Birthday Zaky
err.. I found my phone. Turns out I left it at CFSD. BUT I don’t have a few important phone numbers -Margie, Call Me. I miss you and want to catch up and chat. I want the scoop on what’s up with your training and your life. Just make sure to do it when you’re in a good mood and I promise not to mention the “G” word ๐
Back Squats on Tuesday 3 x 7:165175185185195205205 x 2
followed by 800 m POSE sprints up a huge hill. Horrible but I did it without stopping (almost all because CJ was running with me and wouldn’t let me) It really reminded me of the days when Jacinto ran with me on workouts at the Box and very literally PUSHED me down the street when I tried to stop. Excellent. Thanks again Jacinto I won’t forget your commitment to helping your fellow CrossFitters push their limits any time soon.
Last night – Push Jerk 3 x 7..
95105105115120125 x 2110?
The numbers were something like that. It felt heavy. I wish I was lying. Stuff overhead has always been a weakness but I remember 125 being WAY easier than it felt. Oh well. We worked the hell out of the technique.
Little metcon after which I’ll share with David so he can share it with you ๐ I’m more involved with CFSBK than you guys think. heheh Isn’t that right David!??!
Did my very first “Helen” today…16kg KB, jumping pullups 12:52I was running out of breath before being physically tired. Need to keep working on MetCons.
Hey nice work Michele!
And Allison, well jesus, you just keep going and going! I will call you soon my dear. And you can even talk to me about that thing that’s coming up in July… what’s that called? ; )
Jeremy took me to a “real” gym tonight and put me on my first little BSQ cycle. Good stuff.
BSQ (roughly 70% of my last 1RM of 145)100x5x7Almost all good depth, some with very good depth.
Press (roughly 70% of my last 1RM of 76)50x2x555x2x5
Practiced bar dips on that gravitron thingy2 or 3 sets of 3 unassisted,then 2 sets of 7 assisted at 28lbs (94lbs)1 set of 5 assisted at 16lbs (106lbs)
Oops the squats were all sets of 7, wish you could edit posts
I know you’ll blow through the run!
Since I screwed up the weight as well, for posterity’s sake my actual Squat workout was:290×7,290×7,290×7,290×7,290×7
That will teach me to post without my logbook open
Breakfast:2 Small BBQ Chicken drumsticksCollard greens with bacon2 handfuls of cherries1.5 licks of almond butter.
dairy’s evil, soy’s evil… geeze! if i’m going to be off dairy, soy it is.
Dude. Backsquatting makes you hungry!Bfast2 boiled eggs, a few grapes, lick of almond butter, bite of flax/sesame/raisin cracker, 2 oz or so of yogurt, some celery.
In celebration of its triumphant return: multiple licks of hemp butter!
Lunch (immediately following)4oz salmon, steamed tatsoi and mushrooms, a few more grapes, another lick of almond butter.
All before 11:30amStill hungry!!
breakfast2 oz of chicken1 orange12 peanuts
I’m in Zone Hell
I recently had to move offices, but the saving grace is mongolian bbq across the street! The easiest zone lunch ever:
4 oz chickengiant pile of spinach & bok choy (amazing how much they cook down)1/4 cup mushrooms1 cup broccoli9 almonds
If anyone is interested in going to the beach tomorrow, I’m headed out to LI after the workout, the weather is supposed great and I’ll be BBQ something afterwards.
I’M Doing the MUD RUN at Camp Pendleton tomorrow!