50-40-30-20 and 10 rep rounds of:
Post Time to Comments.
Compare to CFSBK 2.17.08
Your body's ability to thermoregulate itself it is directly correlated to your fluid intake. Thirst alone is not the best indicator of dehydration so please remember to drink plenty of water before, during and after training. If you forget to bring water, it can be purchased downstairs at the coffee shop.
Thank you for not making us do the running WOD in what feels like 100+!!! See you all tonight.
Had brunch with some close family friends uptown yesterday – out of the blue and couldn’t get back to BK in time (got creamed by the PR Parade). Bummed I missed yesterday’s Foundations class. Sorry all…
21:57 – those double-unders were a lot harder than I thought they would be.
For breakfast, I ate one egg, egg whites, and an entire deck of UNO cards.
23:49… wait for it… wait for it… as RX’ed (it’s not everyday I can say that). When I first started crossfit, I couldn’t even string together singles, so the improvement is really encouraging. Still, there is a lot of room for improvement. Next time my target is 18.
It’s time to buy a Buddy Lee.
As prescribed for beginner’s workout-
but with two singles for each double jump
As prescribed:
Subbed 3x for DUs 9:15
Sadly double-unders still elude me.
the best breakfest the yankees could buy for me.
Just kidding around
19:06 – counted attempted double unders
Jacinto, thanks for the fruit ideas…definitely going to try out that mango tip 🙂
David, thanks for the save…you would have thought that guy would have gotten the picture that I was in the middle of a WOD!!!
17:03counted double under attempts.
As a rebuttal to anyone who thinks the Zone is not enough food or is too hard to prepare, I present the following dinner by the numbers:
Protein5 Blocks – 5oz (cooked weight) of steak
Carb:2 block – Salad (1 cup celery, 1 1/4 cup red pepper, 3 cups lettuce)2 blocks – 1/2 cup of Black beans (heated in microwave)1 block – 1 1/4 Steamed Broccoli
Fat:3 Blocks – Salad Dressing (1tsp Olive oil, 2tsp balsamic vinegar)2 blocks – 1tbs Gaucamole
Salad in one bowl, steamed broccoli in a pot, beans in the microwave, steak on the George Foreman Grill and glob of gauc on the side. No more than 15 mins to make and enough food to fill my ravenous post-WOD stomach.
14:35 as Rx’d (did not count any misses on doubles)
Afterwards i just played at the lyceum for almost an hour doing:25ft. Handstand walk, 20 40lb Dumbbell Thrusters, x3Dumbbell bear crawls and OH one arm walking lunges, cartwheels and some other random stuff. I LOVE the heat.
Shannon,Great having you in class today! We’ll look forward to seeing you again sometime soon!Dustin,Amazing job picking up the double-unders so fast. You did 1/2 doubles and 1/2 singles per round.
Margie,Thanks for the FOAM ROLLERS, CAMERA AND LUNCH!! amazing.
I’m bummed that our pull-up bar is chained to the outside of the Lyceum. We need to get it inside ASAP. Does anyone know someone with a access to some sort of crane to put it in through the side window???
17:12counted some misses, not all. depended on how pissed i was at the moment (really pissed = not counting it)
david, thanks for the tri training tips – sad that i won’t be sweating my (__fill in what you wish__) off at the lyceum as much in the next few weeks as i train – but will definitely be on the blog as you guys are my major motivators.
i heart cfsbk.
Sorry I missed Annie, but I was off buying my first bike in 15+ years. Can’t wait to ride her to class tomorrow. 😀
hey steph,
doing a tri? that’s awesome. is this your first? i have a friend who is going into her third season (she’s been doing mostly olympic distances but is starting to do half-irons too). i actually got her hooked up with the folks at the Black Box a while back and she has been supplementing her sport-specific training w/ CF. If you need someone to talk to about tri stuff and/or combining tri training with CF I could put you guys in touch. She put me onto the crossfit endurance site. which may be of help to you too.
talk soon
Steph definitely keep us posted on the training progress. Hey, maybe we can join you for some training sessions? If it’s stuff you’re doing on your own…
I wanna bike! Where’d you get yours Bethany?
I added some pictures to the Scrap Book if anyone is interested. We need to get that pull-up bar in ASAP.
breakfast:6oz Ground pork, 3 Cups of Kale, Fish oil, clear water.
shane – thanks! i didn’t even know CFE existed – this is great!
this will be my 2nd tri – only a sprint distnace one – but next summer i want to get into olympic distance races (i’m already entered in the nyc tri for summer ’09).
margie – will keep you posted! i’ve been biking and running in prospect park if anyone ever wants to join! its so much better training with buddies.
going to say it agian, i heart cfsbk!
Margie – I found it on Craigslist. It’s a silly story how I picked it out but after months of indecision about what kind to buy and how much to spend I’m super happy to have it.
David – awesome picture w/ the kettlebells!
Hey Stephanie,
Just curious, what’s the swimming distance, and what are you doing to train for it?
swim 750 metersbike 17 milesrun 5k
i’ve been swimming at the pool at the chelsea rec center, biking and running in prospect park, and of course, doing CF! as the race gets closer (5 weeks away!) and after talking with david i’m going to cut out some of the metcon work but stick with heavy lifting to compliment the swim, bike, run.
i haven’t done any bike/run bricks yet but i see them in the near future.
Scaled – 40-30-20-107:46
Wanted to do back squats at gym but no bars available. So instead did concentrated CFWU: 3 x 15 pushups, 3 x 15 situps (feet unanchored but kept soles on the floor, shoulders to mat), 2 x 1 minute plank, 3 x 12 pullups. Then ran 1 mile at 10.0 speed (6:08) and immediately did 50 unbroken squats. Think I lost 10 pounds in the process. That’s the best thing about crossfit at the globo gyms: you can adapt and improv your workouts depending on what’s available during crowded times.
Did Annie as rx’d at my local gym:
counted some missed DU attempts, but not all.
Breakfast -4 egg whites, 2 whole grain waffles, 2 slices of 1% cheese, 2 tbsp peanut butter, 1 black iced coffee4P + 4C + 5FJeremy, I agree with you about The Zone. It allows you to eat more than enough food. I’ve been following it for 2 weeks now, and I haven’t felt hungry or had a lack of energy.
for folks looking for bikes, Recycle-A-Bike (in DUMBO) is also usually a good bet to find something newish-usedish & not too pricey. http://www.recycleabicycle.org/FAB foundations class on Sunday, it was good to work through the heat & try to conquer those burpees & thrusters. & thank you, patient Shane, for enduring my pathetic jump roping, I shoulda been paying attention on the p.s. 139 playground all those years, I guess… that’s going to take some work…happy heat wave, all.
Thanks for the bike tip Hill! That’s great.
Also, awesome work Chris and Kent. You guys are speedy!
Great to read you all have made progress since I checked the blog the last time.
I’m just back from a business trip across Europe and did today my first WOD since last Wednesday.
Because I’ve to catch up some workout sessions I tried to combine two WODs.
It started with rather max effort oriented PowerCleans & Split Jerks…5@135lbs; 1@157; 1@180
…and was followed by this little metcon thing:3 rounds of time ofFront Squats 5@135Push Ups 15Back Squats (PL-Style) 10@135Pull Ups 5in 14:04 minutes.
Breakfast: 1,2 lbs of cottage cheese plus water, and water, and water. It’s so incredible hot in Germany. BW today: 175 lbs.
Oh, and what I forgot to ask David:
I’m curious to know why tri-athletes should avoid metcons when the race is approaching. It’s been a while that I did a 5k race but I can remember the great benefit of fartlek sessions (speed play) to increase stamina. I’m not sure, but I believe metcons could provide a similar effect. Even though metcons don’t actually fit the specific disciplines of a triathlon. Or am I missing the point?
Annie as rx”d,15:21
Did this workout today at home. Tried to do double-unders, but counted the attempts as well. Came out to about 50% double-unders, but never more than 3 in a row.
Just want to let you guys know I’m proud of all of you. I’ve been keeping an eye on your work and love to see the gains you’re making.
It’s also really cool to see from pictures and from the blog how CFSBK is growing and welcoming the new CrossFitters. I wish I was there to work with all of you but I know you’re in such great hands with David. Welcome to the wonderful world of CrossFit. I’m so jealous that you new guys get to hang out with and work with the old school CFSBK crew. They’re pretty much the best.
Jacinto! – Love the picture of you in the tank. Great to see you back and I just absolutly can not wait to hang with you at the games.
Keep up the good work guys and girls. Miss you all.
Bench Press225x5,225×5,225×5,225×5
Squats felt solid, I will be happy when this mesocycle is over.
1 mile warm up4x400 (400 easy recovery in between) @ 6:40 mile pace or better (my goal for the 1.5 mile run this saturday).1 mile cool down
95, 94, 93, 91 seconds.
Felt good. should have a 10 min 1.5 mile run in the bag.
This work-out is part of my taper, so I stayed relaxed and did not push it.
Did the 10 Rounds of: 12 Pull-Ups, 12 Burpees. 15:14 as rx’d.
Call me crazy but i actually thought it was pretty easy. I didn’t really stop at any point for more than 5 or so seconds and kept a pretty steady pace throughout the whole WOD. Next time i’ll jump a little deeper into dante’s inferno and try to scratch a minute or two off of it.
I did this with Quinton and two other CrossFitters at Columbus Circle (Kevin timed us). It was GREAT to have 4 people completely take over the squat racks with burpees and those ugly, cheating, dangerous for your shoulders and distracting “pull-ups” that we do. Lots more stares than usual.
Andy,Really, Volume is the name of the game. It was expressed that she felt worn a little thin with her regular Xfitting on top of her new Tri training. In a nutshell, I told her to focus on maintaining her strength WODs and listen to her body on the Metcons. If need be, cap them at 10-15 minutes. For sure she would benefit from the anaerobic stimulus, but her body has not adapted to the increased workload yet and she needs to be conservative at first. Trust me, The last thing i want is less Stef at CFSBK!
Many thanks for your swift answer, David. I guess I got the point now.
Just to avoid misunderstandings: I didn’t doubt your advice. I’ve recommended CF to many endurance athletes and wasn’t sure whether I spread wrong information.
Regarding water intake — I’m sure you’ve read Mark Sisson’s take on our convention wisdom of 8 glasses a day.
What’s your take on his idea that we don’t really need that much water?