5 Rounds For time of:
20 Overhead Walking Lunges (40% Body Weight)
20 Knee to Elbows
Post loads and time to comments.
"Does my butt look big in these?"
Cook some organic chicken breast on a non-stick pan with a little bit of olive oil. Once the chicken is about 90% done you can add a generous helping of swiss chard and asparagus into the mix. I prefer to broil the asparagus with oil, pepper and garlic for about 10 minutes before I add it to the pan but that’s really only to preserve some texture.
Season with some pepper and lemon before enjoying. If you’re zoning you may want to add some fruit for dessert. Preferably berries.
This meal took about 15 minutes from start to finish.
lunges_ 5o lbs
time- 12:20
kipping those knees to elbows is definitely the way to go. great W.O.D.!
we are gonna miss you tomorrow margie!!
as rx’d14:3645lbs
Awesome work all.
Kick some ass tomorrow night!!
70lbs 11:00
Need to work on kipping those KTEs.
Lunch at fuel = awesome.
Great workout today. It was a lot tougher than it looked.
David, i stuffed some dough in your shoe b/c you were busy with class. I hope it was still there. I’ll have to catch up with you another time.
I slept to 4 PM today. I hurt my knee doing Olympic Lifting on Wednesday and I am still sore all over. My knee keeps collapsing on itself. This weekend has been a huge shit sandwich!
9:15 60lbs nothing like a little crossfit when hung over lol
15:27, 60 lbs.I feel like the cameraman took a certain joy out of watching me writhe through 100 ugly-looking knee to elbows, wearing the face of death.
My first workout today at crossfit was great. Ironic that I never feel that out of shape until I workout.
What is this green drink that you’re having with your meals? Is that wheatgrass or something similar?
Have you ever learned so much that you know nothing? It seems like the more I learn, the less I know.
I have been so overloaded with training styles and nutrition information that I have become timid. I am so overwhelmed that I end up doing nothing out of fear of screwing up. I need a life coach.
come on AJ put a brace on that knee and come,get an upper body workout.It will be good for you.NO ExCUSES be a crossfitter.come and get some.
There’s a term for that – it’s called paralysis by analysis.Really, the best way to get over this is ACTION!
How about this:
Give both the Zone (or Paleo) and Crossfit 100% of your commitment for 3 months (or until the end of the summer). That means go to every single CFSBK WOD class that your schedule permits every single week.
I am certain this will give you results. If you are injured right now, I’m sure David will come up with some sort of alternate nasty workout just for you!
The bottom line is: commit and don’t get discouraged! CFSBK is a wonderfully supportive community. Just keep going to class!
Hear hear Xuan Mai!
To add to that, my understanding of nutrtion has followed an organic evolution over the last 6 years. And I’m sure it will continue to evolve as I learn more and there is more to learn. It takes time to get a handle on all the info out there. Just give youself a starting point and start to play.
It’s been such a rough time for me.My job status has been hanging over my head like the Sword of Damocles.
Damn it! I hate excuses!
Thank you for the encouragement and a place to channel my frustration. I apologize for bringing my bagage to Crossfit but I really have nowhere else to turn.
excellent first foundations class on sunday, all! pleasure to meet everyone…
sitting here reading the postings trading nutritional stats has officially made me feel disgusting about the nasty munchkins my students brought to the last day of class– ughsee you guys next time!
so….. is there gonna be a WOD on memorial day?
Chad,The contents of my “green drink” are top secret. All i can say is that they give me my powers.
Zak,When is memorial day? If it’s a day we have scheduled class then hell yes! maybe we can al go out for a drink afterwards.
AJ,Ditto what Margie, Jacinto and XM said.
Memorial day is next Monday. Drinks on Sunday? then we have all day Monday to recover for Mon’s class… no excuse for skipping class ; )
Great to have all the comments from the new foundations class!! Keep it up as you get into the workouts.
how does everyone deal with sore muscles? sometimes its no big deal but other times i have a tough time getting back to normal. anyone have any tips about dealing with this?
magnesium – i like natural calm, which is a powder you disolve in hot water and drink like tea. it’s at lifethyme market in the west village.
post workout carbs and plenty of protein
active recovery with stretching.
good sleep: 8-9 hours/night
I’m down for drinks on Sunday. Name the time and place.
You’re killing me Dave. Top secret ingredients? Powers? Now I’m dying to know what’s in it.