Cool down:15 OH sit-ups 20lb Dumbbells1 Minute Plank(x2) Then ->30 No momentum Knee to Elbows(9:56) Timed it but didn’t haul ass.
Time to go buy some veggies and dead animal parts at the COOP..
Erik K.says
oh, that hurts. The day I have to miss is max deadlift.
I’m definitely make this one up over the weekend.
Jeremy… There’s 515 lbs just waiting for you.
I swear that when I saw this WOD posted on the mainsite I could hear Prince’s “The Most Beautiful Girl in the World” playing in the background. But maybe I’m just crazy.
Erik, you were the first person i thought of when i saw this posted on the main-site. Don’t worry, there will be plenty of heavy shit to lift in the future.
Jeremy, yes, you are.
I’m still hanging out at the gym one hour after my WOD because i prefer sitting on the computer at CFSBK instead of my own apartment. interesting.
Remember that the GERMANS are going to Blitzkrieg us this week!
I will be at Lost Battalion Hall tonight. $100 for the year. No WOD for me.
dude. I was thinking about LBH today and how I wanna go but am not in the mood to plunk down $100, even if it is for the year.
Also – I love australians.andare those dudes dwarfs? or did their muscles displace their verticality?
Yes, XM was talking to me about the breakfast posts on the PM board a few days ago and i thought it might be nice to do our own little version.
The documentary that the Deutsche are doing will be a minimum of 20 minutes. They’re going to stop by on Saturday and/or Sunday and shoot Monday night.
Erik K.says
Same thing I have most every morning…Microwavable oatmeal with a cup of applesauce mixed in (typically I’ll also add a 1/2 cut of blueberry’s, but I was out this morning).Chocolate whey shake with skim milk.2 omega-3 vitamins1 multi-vitamin
John B.says
Is verticality a word?
John – you think I make up everything, don’t you?
Tell the Germans to shoot on the weekend toooooo!!!!!
My best friend just sent me this link about his cousin…
I have not yet dialed into the Zone. I am taking this one step at a time. First, I am attending at least one CF class per week, supplemented with Olympic Lifting and Wing Tzun, in addition to whatever I do in my normal workouts at my gym.
After I settle in, I will dial into the Zone. I also have the challenge of being a non-strict vegetarian. I eat very little meat, fish and milk. I do eat eggs though.
LBH was an experience. Coach Joe has a very dry sense of humor and is definitely not as patient as David. He did grow on me by the time I left.
Breakfast was what I have 3-5 times a week (and always before Saturday class!):
A shake consisting of:
1 cup 2% milk1 scoop vanilla whey proteinhandful frozen strawberries1 tbs flax oil1 small handful rolled oats
The alternate breakfast is my lazy late for work 2 eggs with ham on a roll and an iced coffee.
I don’t know if the ZONE is helping my performance. This is the first time ever that I didn’t hit a PR doing heavy lifting.
225, 230, 235, 240, ,245 UGLY,
250 FAIL!
I’m going to the CrossFit Kids Cert this weekend. Poor Margie.. we may have a little kiddie program when I come back ๐
AM Squat Workout235x8, 235×8, 235x8255x5275x2,275x2290x1
Definitely felt the effects of squatting on the first attempt, didn’t have enough drive off the ground. The second one died before it started.
50 burpees for time: 4:12
No PR in me today. but Jacinto gave me some good strategies to get stronger.
Allison, I don’t think the zone is magic like that. I mean, shit, if we all just had to stop eating bread to suddenly pick up an extra hundred pounds, well… it’ll come over time.
Have fun with the little creatures this weekend. I’m glad I’m on this side of the continent. ; )
Deadlift:135136138140145150160 PR165 FAIL
10 Doubleunders & 10 Knees to Elbows x 4 for time: 9:25 and covered in lashes – DUs while tired are a whole other ballgame than DUs at beginning of class ๐
Breakfast:~1/2 cup slow-cook irish oatmeal w/ 1 tbsp raw organic coconut butter, ~1 cup of a delicious frittata w/ bacon, onion, zucchini, tomato, olive oil, butter, egg whites, cheese
wasn’t sure of my single DL max..
did 95×5, 95×5, 115×3
felt motivated to keep going and…
200, 205(ugly)(definite PR!)
10 double unders10 knees to elbowsx46:28
will have a breakfast that i can write home about tomorrow ๐
2 eggs, 1 egg white – scrambledw/ 1 tbsp shredded cheddar1 pearbig handful of grapesbig tsp of peanut butterglass of watercoffee w/ milk
Nice Steph!
Breakfast:probioticabout 3 oz kielbasa4 or 5 strawberriesfew sips of wild root kombucha tspn fish oil.water
lick of hemp butter.
Question for everyone. Does anyone have issues from combining food with different enzymatic reactions?e.g. Dairy and fruit. Most people don’t, but some people have mild to extreme gastrointestinal distress if they combine different foodstuffs.
Not eating until noon, got smart and started earlier this time.
xuan maisays
2 Hardboiled eggs.Some tuna and egg salad. (As in, tuna with a couple of hard boiled eggs mixed in)
I see everything as a vehicle for mayo.
AJ – I don’t generally have negative reactions to food combinations so much as I have negative reactions to specific foods. Dairy is terrible for me and will leave me sick for hours. And, rice and bread will lead me down the path of eating everything in sight.
AJ-There are a lot of schools of thought on food combining and varying levels of strictness. If you look at it from the perspective of digestive compatibility (non-zone), then typically fruit is meant to be eaten only in combination with other fruits. Acid fruits can go with sub-acids. Melons should always be eaten completely alone.
Stephanie – a big thank you for posting about that beer – we just got 10 cases donated for an event for work!
xuan maisays
AJ – There is a book out there called “The Body Ecology Diet” which goes into food combining. I have not read it but have read some recommendations for it on the PM board.
Hm, no problem with dairy and fruit here – cottage cheese with berries is a staple in my diet.
my max was 235 on the DL. What does PR mean?
also… i tend to skip breakfast or just have a banana or some dried fruit…. but a coffee is always in the mix. so far today though i had a cup of coffee and a bagel with cream cheese.
PR = personal record
mmmmm cream cheese!!! XM – everything is a vehicle for CC for me!
Margie – you did? that’s amazing!! i actually haven’t tried it yet, so you have to let me know how it is. i want to get some dontated to me!!
mmmmmm…….. free beer……..
What are the PM boards?
5 egg whitespepers and onionsbroiled fish with old man’s meal.
I know – isn’t free beer about the best thing on earth?
Actually, free bacon would be better.
Zak – no breakfast?! How will you break 235? Protein, my friend! and yours.
Bethany –
Important site. All should know it. Check out the Forum.
xuan maisays
Jacinto – that’s not an old man meal.
That’s a jacked meal. That’s why we call you Jacked-Cinto!
Breakfast:2 Eggs, 3-4oz Ground Bison, Whole Raw Broccoli (stem and all)Ice water with liquis chlorophyll mixed in, fish oil.
It counts as breakfast at 1pm if you woke up at 12:45..
Steph- MUCH better!Bethany- Youre new 2ND favorite websiteJacinto- breakfasts like that are what make you Jacked-cinto. Don’t give away all your secrets!Jeremy- I don’t get it.. why is that smarter?Zak- EAT BREAKFAST EVERYDAY (unless you’re IFing) and make sure theres some for of dead animal in there. for you… about 5 ounces of it
David – steam your broccoli, damnit! You’re not getting nearly the amount of nutritive value from it in its raw state, it’s hard to digest, and, and, and, there’s this thread i’m looking for on PM that talks about poor adrenal function (i think) and raw cruciferous veggies.
ok…. what time frame does breakfast fall into? first hour of getting up? and when you say 5oz of dead animal does that include eggs?
Maybe not smarter, but easier to break the fast at noon when everyone else in my office is eating, rather than watch everyone eat for 2 hrs.
Steph- I was speaking Strictly about my preferred method of cruciferous vegetable preparation. Allison could vouch for me as shes seen me eat plenty of raw vegetables. Get YOUR mind out of the Gutter!
Zak- YES. 5 ounces of chicken or beef is less intimidating.
Warm-up:15 Squats, 15 Sit-ups, 15 Push-ups 1 minute jump rope (x2)
“30 Muscle-Ups for Time”7:25 as rx’d
Deadlift High Pull 84%156x6x6 1 min. Rest
Cool down:15 OH sit-ups 20lb Dumbbells1 Minute Plank(x2) Then ->30 No momentum Knee to Elbows(9:56) Timed it but didn’t haul ass.
Time to go buy some veggies and dead animal parts at the COOP..
oh, that hurts. The day I have to miss is max deadlift.
I’m definitely make this one up over the weekend.
Jeremy… There’s 515 lbs just waiting for you.
I swear that when I saw this WOD posted on the mainsite I could hear Prince’s “The Most Beautiful Girl in the World” playing in the background. But maybe I’m just crazy.
Erik, you were the first person i thought of when i saw this posted on the main-site. Don’t worry, there will be plenty of heavy shit to lift in the future.
Jeremy, yes, you are.
I’m still hanging out at the gym one hour after my WOD because i prefer sitting on the computer at CFSBK instead of my own apartment. interesting.
Remember that the GERMANS are going to Blitzkrieg us this week!
I will be at Lost Battalion Hall tonight. $100 for the year. No WOD for me.
dude. I was thinking about LBH today and how I wanna go but am not in the mood to plunk down $100, even if it is for the year.
Also – I love australians.andare those dudes dwarfs? or did their muscles displace their verticality?
What did everyone have for breakfast today?
~6oz Ground Bison cooked with ~2C chopped up chard + olive oilIce water with about 1 tbs of liquid chlorophyll mixed in.Swig of fish oil.
AJ,Tell Yoon, John, James and coach i said hello! Have fun!!
Breakfast1/2 Cup of plain yogurt2 Tsp Unsweetened Jelly1 cup Green Beans1/2 Cup Grapes2 oz Sausage3 strips turkey bacon6 Walnuts6 Cashews
Fish Oil, Vitamin E, Vitamin Cand a glass or two of water.
Easy to remember because I eat that (with slight variations) every morning.
Were you inspired by the b’fast log on PM? I love Yoon’s posts. And John’s.
2 boiled eggs, 1 boiled egg white.tspn fish oil.1/2 a multi-green kombucha
lick of hemp butter.
Were you inpsired by the b’fast log on PM?
I love Yoon and John’s posts.
2 boiled eggs, 1 boiled egg white. Tspn fish oil. 1/2 multi-green kombucha
lick of hemp butter.
i’m pleading the 5th
Yes, XM was talking to me about the breakfast posts on the PM board a few days ago and i thought it might be nice to do our own little version.
The documentary that the Deutsche are doing will be a minimum of 20 minutes. They’re going to stop by on Saturday and/or Sunday and shoot Monday night.
Same thing I have most every morning…Microwavable oatmeal with a cup of applesauce mixed in (typically I’ll also add a 1/2 cut of blueberry’s, but I was out this morning).Chocolate whey shake with skim milk.2 omega-3 vitamins1 multi-vitamin
Is verticality a word?
John – you think I make up everything, don’t you?
Tell the Germans to shoot on the weekend toooooo!!!!!
My best friend just sent me this link about his cousin…
2 Hard Boiled Eggs1 Handful of PistachiosTea (on the train)Coffee at my desk
I have not yet dialed into the Zone. I am taking this one step at a time. First, I am attending at least one CF class per week, supplemented with Olympic Lifting and Wing Tzun, in addition to whatever I do in my normal workouts at my gym.
After I settle in, I will dial into the Zone. I also have the challenge of being a non-strict vegetarian. I eat very little meat, fish and milk. I do eat eggs though.
LBH was an experience. Coach Joe has a very dry sense of humor and is definitely not as patient as David. He did grow on me by the time I left.
Breakfast was what I have 3-5 times a week (and always before Saturday class!):
A shake consisting of:
1 cup 2% milk1 scoop vanilla whey proteinhandful frozen strawberries1 tbs flax oil1 small handful rolled oats
The alternate breakfast is my lazy late for work 2 eggs with ham on a roll and an iced coffee.
I don’t know if the ZONE is helping my performance. This is the first time ever that I didn’t hit a PR doing heavy lifting.
225, 230, 235, 240, ,245 UGLY,
250 FAIL!
I’m going to the CrossFit Kids Cert this weekend. Poor Margie.. we may have a little kiddie program when I come back ๐
AM Squat Workout235x8, 235×8, 235x8255x5275x2,275x2290x1
Definitely felt the effects of squatting on the first attempt, didn’t have enough drive off the ground. The second one died before it started.
50 burpees for time: 4:12
No PR in me today. but Jacinto gave me some good strategies to get stronger.
Allison, I don’t think the zone is magic like that. I mean, shit, if we all just had to stop eating bread to suddenly pick up an extra hundred pounds, well… it’ll come over time.
Have fun with the little creatures this weekend. I’m glad I’m on this side of the continent. ; )
Deadlift:135136138140145150160 PR165 FAIL
10 Doubleunders & 10 Knees to Elbows x 4 for time: 9:25 and covered in lashes – DUs while tired are a whole other ballgame than DUs at beginning of class ๐
Breakfast:~1/2 cup slow-cook irish oatmeal w/ 1 tbsp raw organic coconut butter, ~1 cup of a delicious frittata w/ bacon, onion, zucchini, tomato, olive oil, butter, egg whites, cheese
wasn’t sure of my single DL max..
did 95×5, 95×5, 115×3
felt motivated to keep going and…
200, 205(ugly)(definite PR!)
10 double unders10 knees to elbowsx46:28
will have a breakfast that i can write home about tomorrow ๐
2 eggs, 1 egg white – scrambledw/ 1 tbsp shredded cheddar1 pearbig handful of grapesbig tsp of peanut butterglass of watercoffee w/ milk
Nice Steph!
Breakfast:probioticabout 3 oz kielbasa4 or 5 strawberriesfew sips of wild root kombucha tspn fish oil.water
lick of hemp butter.
Question for everyone. Does anyone have issues from combining food with different enzymatic reactions?e.g. Dairy and fruit. Most people don’t, but some people have mild to extreme gastrointestinal distress if they combine different foodstuffs.
Not eating until noon, got smart and started earlier this time.
2 Hardboiled eggs.Some tuna and egg salad. (As in, tuna with a couple of hard boiled eggs mixed in)
I see everything as a vehicle for mayo.
AJ – I don’t generally have negative reactions to food combinations so much as I have negative reactions to specific foods. Dairy is terrible for me and will leave me sick for hours. And, rice and bread will lead me down the path of eating everything in sight.
AJ-There are a lot of schools of thought on food combining and varying levels of strictness. If you look at it from the perspective of digestive compatibility (non-zone), then typically fruit is meant to be eaten only in combination with other fruits. Acid fruits can go with sub-acids. Melons should always be eaten completely alone.
Stephanie – a big thank you for posting about that beer – we just got 10 cases donated for an event for work!
AJ – There is a book out there called “The Body Ecology Diet” which goes into food combining. I have not read it but have read some recommendations for it on the PM board.
Hm, no problem with dairy and fruit here – cottage cheese with berries is a staple in my diet.
my max was 235 on the DL. What does PR mean?
also… i tend to skip breakfast or just have a banana or some dried fruit…. but a coffee is always in the mix. so far today though i had a cup of coffee and a bagel with cream cheese.
PR = personal record
mmmmm cream cheese!!! XM – everything is a vehicle for CC for me!
Margie – you did? that’s amazing!! i actually haven’t tried it yet, so you have to let me know how it is. i want to get some dontated to me!!
mmmmmm…….. free beer……..
What are the PM boards?
5 egg whitespepers and onionsbroiled fish with old man’s meal.
I know – isn’t free beer about the best thing on earth?
Actually, free bacon would be better.
Zak – no breakfast?! How will you break 235? Protein, my friend! and yours.
Bethany –
Important site. All should know it. Check out the Forum.
Jacinto – that’s not an old man meal.
That’s a jacked meal. That’s why we call you Jacked-Cinto!
Breakfast:2 Eggs, 3-4oz Ground Bison, Whole Raw Broccoli (stem and all)Ice water with liquis chlorophyll mixed in, fish oil.
It counts as breakfast at 1pm if you woke up at 12:45..
Steph- MUCH better!Bethany- Youre new 2ND favorite websiteJacinto- breakfasts like that are what make you Jacked-cinto. Don’t give away all your secrets!Jeremy- I don’t get it.. why is that smarter?Zak- EAT BREAKFAST EVERYDAY (unless you’re IFing) and make sure theres some for of dead animal in there. for you… about 5 ounces of it
David – steam your broccoli, damnit! You’re not getting nearly the amount of nutritive value from it in its raw state, it’s hard to digest, and, and, and, there’s this thread i’m looking for on PM that talks about poor adrenal function (i think) and raw cruciferous veggies.
ok…. what time frame does breakfast fall into? first hour of getting up? and when you say 5oz of dead animal does that include eggs?
Maybe not smarter, but easier to break the fast at noon when everyone else in my office is eating, rather than watch everyone eat for 2 hrs.
Margie- I like it Raw, just ask Allison.
Zak- yeah, I’d say within an hour or so. Unborn Fetuses count as dead animals. 5 eggs for you. Make sure they’re organic and free roaming
Jeremy- Oh. yeah.
first comment – TMIsecond comment – GROSS
i think that raw broccoli is making you crazy.
holy crap thats a lot of egg… should i do that much protine for lunch and dinner too?
Steph- I was speaking Strictly about my preferred method of cruciferous vegetable preparation. Allison could vouch for me as shes seen me eat plenty of raw vegetables. Get YOUR mind out of the Gutter!
Zak- YES. 5 ounces of chicken or beef is less intimidating.