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Skill Work:
Double Unders
In this workout you move from each of four stations after a minute. One point is given for each rep completed. This WOD is 3 Rounds.
Kettlebell Swings
Box Jumps
Unanchored Sit-Ups
Double Unders
95, 105, 110, 115, 118 f, 118 f, 115
Max push press is 3 x 117 so 118 shouldn’t have been a problem with proper technique. I was pressing before my hips opened. Not good.
So.. my thruster PR is a lame 115 🙁
135, 185, 195, 205, 215, 225FAILFelt like I hurried that last one.So.. my thruster PR is a lame 215 🙁
I was also totally off with my math, should have used a calculator, score was 345.
I made it to gym tonight. The little one prevented my morning session.
115, 125, 135, 145, 150, 150, 150I feel like my strength has definitely suffered with the lack of consistency. My max front squat is 215, max press is 125, max push press 145, max push jerk 155. i guess it’s just my confidence that is lacking.
I needed to give my legs a break for a run today, so I did the following workout that I thought I would share:
7 Rounds for time:
7 knees-to-elbows7 handstand pushups7 pullups
Hopefully I will be in on Wednesday, but it is the last day of the month, so we shall see.