50-40-30-20 and10 rep rounds of:
Foundations class did great again today! Please remember to do your homework and read CFJ Issue 15: Nutrition
Look at all these athletes!
From above
"I can see Kevin’s abs through his shirt!!" -Allison
Thanks again to every athlete that participates and makes CrossFit South Brooklyn so special. You guys and girls continue to amaze me every week with your intensity, integrity and friendship.
WOW Annie is quite the workout. Since I have not yet mastered a doubleunder I only did singles but tripled them as Allison decreared (over Dave’s requirement of only doubling them – Dave she got you on this one as only doubling them would have been too easy). My time was 7 something.
Jeremy you always push me to go faster and harder. I’d see you get up from finishing a situp round and I just pushed myself harder to finish the round.
It also helped that I happened to see the video of Speal doing Annie on the crossfit site last night and was totally blown away by his intensity. I must have watched it 10x. Then this morning I watched more of it. I had that image of him doing the WOD ingrained in me (throwing his jumprope down and running to do the situps … bouncing back up after the situps and running to grab the jumprope and starting right back in on the next round) as I ran back and forth between jumping rope and doing the situps. So much of this training is mental, pushing oneself to go further. Watching the video really helped to push me.
Dave I can’t believe how far I have come in being able to jump rope from the first day you put a rope in my hand about a month ago and said: DO IT. What a klutz I was then. I can’t wait for the day when I am able to do a doubleunder! I know it will come.
Allison and Jacinto, thanks for the pointers in the medicine cleans …. and Allison also in the POSE and jumping rope … The knowledge both of you bring to class is so helpful!
I second Kevin: the image of Speal hurling himself through Annie is a powerful thing and one to emulate when you think you are hitting your limit.
My time was around 12 minutes. Lesson for the day: double-unders require double-tying shoelaces. Otherwise, much cursing ensues.
I gotta throw the love back out to Kevin and David and everyone. Something feels like it’s coalescing at the Lyceum and it makes me smile.