Workout of the Day
If you’re doing the Open, take it easy today. Lighter weights and lower intensity.
A1) Deadlift
A2) Dumbbell Z Press
3 x 12-15
Rest about 1 min between exercises.
Goal is to increase weight on both lifts over the following three weeks.
For the deadlift we will use wave loading. Today, start with a moderately challenging weight for the set of 10 and increase load for each work set as the reps decrease. The final set is intended to be the same or heavier than the first.
Here is an example:
warm up set or two: 95×10, 115×5
work sets:
AMRAP 6:00
12/9 Cal Bike
12 Wall Ball Shots
Rest 3 min
AMRAP 6:00
12 Lateral Burpees over DB
12 Alternating DB Power Snatches (50#/35#)
The video shows the athlete jumping over 2 DB’s, but you’ll just have one!
You may alternate hands on the power snatch in the air (on the way down) OR at the floor, but both heads of the DB must touch the floor at the bottom of each rep.
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK7/9)
At least we know there will be NO BIKING in the Open!! Thank Glob.
The CrossFit Open Starts TODAY!!!!
23.1 will be released today at 3pm EST on You can watch the official announcement and see some of CrossFit’s top athletes take on the workout with only a few minutes notice.
CFSBKers will have three options for completing the CrossFit Open workouts each week. Check out your options below and make sure to register for the Open. This is our 13th year participating in the Open and already have over 80 CFSBKers registered to participate!
Every Friday starting at 5:30pm we’ll run three heats of the Open workout in 597. This is a more festive approach to the Open where we light up the space, break out the discoball and encourage folks to come watch. It’s a lot of fun! If you want to participate just RSVP for a heat time on Zen Planner (FNF is available only to people registered for the Open through CrossFit).
Note that your heat start time means that’s when we’ll review the standards and start your workout. All warm-ups will be DIY beforehand. We also ask that after you perform your workout (and recover) you help judge someone from the next heat. Volunteer judges from folks watching are also extremely appreciated!!
We will run the Open workouts Saturdays in group classes on 2/18, 2/25 and 3/4. Sign-up for these classes will work as normal and be available to all CFSBK members. Note that individuals not registered for the Open through CrossFit will do a modified version of the Open workout instead of the official version.
Each class will include a warm-up, standards review and then run two heats of the workout so that one person can perform the workout while another judges before switching roles.
Members who would like to perform the workout in Open Gym between Thursday and Monday are allowed to but need to manage getting their own judge. Their judge needs to be someone else registered for the Open or well versed in CrossFit.