Workout of the Day
5 Min Pull Up Test
Start with 1 set of as many reps as possible, leaving 0-1 reps in reserve. Rest as needed and then continue to accumulate reps for the duration of the 5 min period.
Athletes with 3+ reps should work as above.
Athletes with 1-3 reps can choose a work/rest ratio and aim to do singles throughout. Ex: 1 pull up every 30 sec.
Athletes with 0 bodyweight reps can try for their first today OR EMOM x 5 min: 3-5 foot/box pike assisted reps
Bodyweight Pull-Ups
Box Pike Self Assisted
Feet on floor/box Self Assisted
(no bands this cycle!)
3 Rounds for time of:
500m Row
12 Deadlifts @ BW
21 Box Jumps 24/20″
“Christine” is a classic CrossFit benchmark workout that has evolved slightly over the years. When it was first released in 2007, the “Rx’d” version included 20″ box jumps and bodyweight deadlifts. More contemporary versions have adjusted the box jumps to the standard heights of 24″ and 20″, and some variations use a standard deadlift weight of 185/125 lbs. The deadlift load should be something you can perform unbroken, so adjust accordingly! Lots of hinging in this workout so move efficiently!
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK7/7)
CFSBK coaching alumni Tori on a box piked handstand Push-Up