Workout of the Day
Back Squat
Heavy 3 then, 85% AMRAP
Mid Hang Power Snatch
Bench Press
Heavy 3 then, 85% AMRAP
3-3-3 (Touch & Go Reps)
Choose one lift and potentially a second dumbbell, kettlebell or body weight movement for a superset to round out your week. Tomorrow we have kipping pull-ups, DB Push Presses, step overs and burpees.
5 Rounds for time of:
10 DB Hang Muscle Cleans, left arm
20 Double Unders
10 DB Hang Muscle Cleans, right arm
20 Double Unders
This workout should take around 7-10 minutes with all movements attempted to be performed unbroken.
Cleans +/50/35/20
Double Unders
(+) Mandatory unbroken sets (if you trip before 20 you need to start back at 0 on that set)
Volume: 20/15/10/5
Singles: 30 reps
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK2/8)
Dan C working cruising through thrusters while a slightly more punk rock Coach Brett watches on
DB Hang Muscle Cleans
Today’s Single Arm Dumbbell Hang Muscle Cleans should be performed like the video below (including swag, not including dismount on last rep). The motion should feel mostly like a single arm kettlebell swings with enough follow through to get you to a mature single arm front rack. Go heavy and find your flow on these today!