Virtual Class Zoom Room
Password: CFSBK
CFSBK @ Home: 7am, 12pm & 6pm
PreTeens: 4:30pm
6 Prone Snow Angels
6 Calisthenic Good Mornings
6 NP Burpees
A1. Single Leg RDL
3 x 5 – 15 Reps Each
A2. Plank Support Row
3 x 5 – 15 Reps Each
A3. Single Arm Skull Crusher
3 x 5 – 15 Reps Each
*If the weight is heavy for the skull crusher, use two hands.
15:00 For Quality:
3ea Turkish Get Ups
:30ea Single Arm Overhead Hold
20 Mountain Climbers (count one foot for 20 reps)
10ea Single Arm Suitcase Deadlifts
Great turnout for our first Virtual Fit55 class yesterday!!!
We have another class this Friday at 11am. Spread the word!
This week’s Fit55 classes are free and open to all (not just for parents), so spread the word and invite a buddy! We recommend having an exercise mat or similar to perform any floor based exercises on (a rug or carpet will do) and a filled backpack or tote bag to use as a weight. Also logging on a few minutes early to check your audio and video connections is always a good idea. We’ll be in the normal zoom room posted on the blog. Hope to see you there!
How 1 Guy Survived At the Bottom of the Ocean for 3 Days… Alone RealLifeLore
Dramatic Rescue footage from the above story