CFSBK Zoom Room (Password: CFSBK)
CFSBK @ Home: 7am, 12pm
Morning Mindfulness: 8am (with Sasha S!)
Fit55 @ Home: 11am Fit55 Zoom Room (Password: fit55)
Today’s Programming
AMRAP 14:00
6 Hang Power Clean + Front Squat
12 Burpees
Volume: ~6-8 Rounds
HPC/FS: These should be two distinct lifts, use a light weight that allows you to hit perfect positions.
BP: Keep a solid trunk and hold good positions
Bench Press
Work sets can be progressive or across. Stay very light today, you should have 3-4 reps in reserve when you rack it. Don’t fail. We won’t save you.
CFSBK @ Home
Warm – Up
2-3 Rounds
12 Good Mornings
6ea Fire Hydrant
6e Single Arm High Pulls
A1. Single Arm Suitcase Deadlift
3 x 5 – 15 Reps Each
A2. Single Arm Gorilla Row
3 x 5 – 15 Reps Each
AMRAP 14:00
6 Single Arm Hang Power Cleans (Right)
3 Single Arm Front Squats (Right)
6 Single Arm Hang Power Cleans (Left)
3 Single Arm Front Squats (Left)
12 Burpees
Fit55 @ Home
3 Rounds:
5 Inchworms
5 Push Ups
5e Lunge Stretch with Overhead Reach
4-5 alternating sets each of:
1) 8 Clean and Presses
2) 8 Sit Up to Hips Up
*Rest :30-1:00 between exercises
5 Rounds of:
:30 Single Arm Swings Left
:30 No Push Up Burpees
1:00 Rest
:30 Single Arm Swings Right
:30 High Knees
1:00 Rest
Aim to move at a moderate pace throughout.
Scenes from the new Normal